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Prodajem WoW


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Dakle 'vako.

Mrzi me vishe da igram igru...

Prodajem WoW account sa 2 lvl 60 lika, i naravno diskovi, manual i ostala sr*nja.

Warlock na Haomarush-u

Druid na Frostmane-u

Druid je sranje opremljen, ali ako neko vishe voli alijansu nego hordu, barem ima neshto za pocetak. [:D]

Oba lika imaju Epic mount i ~300g u shtek-u.

Warlock ima i bank char-a lvl40 Rogue sa Tailoring i Alchemy skillovima.

Predplata je istekla.

Ako vas neshto interesuje u vezi account-a, ne ustruchavajte se da pitate na PM.

PS: za ona 3 Dishonorable kill-a, krivite Killygora i Sajro-a...kthx [:D]


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PS: za ona 3 Dishonorable kill-a, krivite Killygora i Sajro-a...kthx

ahahhahaha :)

ajde gl ... koja je cena btw ? ^^

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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  Silencer said:
Tarabash pa mogo si nekad da me wisp ingame nisam znao da imas drooda na frostmane >.<

Eh brate da sam....cim sam migrirao na Frostmane prestao sam da igram...smorila me igra.

Padalo mi je na pamet da malo sredim Drooda pa de te cimam za TT, ali mi bio bedak. [V]


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I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause (oooh)

I will travel across the land

Searchin' far and wide

Each Pokemon to understand

The power that's inside! (Power inside!)


It's you and me.

I know it's my destiny!

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lol tek sada vidim taraba md / ruin ... jebeno dobar build ali ubedljivo najgore sranje za ikakvu zanimaciju ... koliko jebeno smara build to je neverovatno ... spam shadow bolt gogogoo...


sl / nf for teh life :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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