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Dragonmaw i otvaranje AQ


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Za one koje igraju na tom serveru otvaranje je u subotu u 12:00 sati AM

Evo i official thedera of Solidus iz Security

It has been foretold, The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj will open again. Now the time has come. The Army is Gathering... Horde and Alliance are working together again against a unkown threat. We must work together. Only then can we survive the War against the Qiraj.

We have battled ourselves through thousands of Bugs, Defeated new bosses. Obtained the Bronze Scepter shard

We faced the dangers of the emerald dream. Fought side by side with Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind, Cleansed Eranikus. Obtained the Green Scepter Shard

We Killed Deathwing's children. Defeated and stopped the threat of the BlackWing Lair within 3 hours. Avenged Vaelastrasz. Killed Nefarian. Obtained the Red Scepter Shard.

We have been send out on a mission obtaining missing reagents scattered all over the world. Killed a mad Gnome Scientist, Defeated Ragnaros, Reforged the 'Draconic for Dummies' book. Gained trust with Azuregos himself. Gained the ultimate fishing device. Killed... ( Insert Jaws music here ) Maws! Obtained the Blue scepter shard..

Sorrowheart has forged [The Scepter of Shifting Sands]

We have collected millions of reagents, we made sure our troops who will fight in the war of Ahn'Qiraj will not go unprepared...

Dragonmaw is ready...

And the gates will open...

Saturday Morning 12:00


Once again Security would like to thank ALL guilds who helped us obtain the scepter. without you guys we would never have come this far. Thank you.

Now for some aditional information:

We expect LOADS of people in Silithus, thus if you have a unstable connection/computer please do yourself and the server a favour and do not show up. There are other places around the world were world bosses will spawn ( Tanaris / Ungoro / 1kNeedles / Barrens / Feralas )

The event will last for about 10 hours... Security will not be responsible for any unwanted repair costs. You fight if you want to fight.

Sorrowheart will ring the gong at EXACTLY 12:00. any ganking/hinder will be taken care off. And Guilds/player(s) can and will be blacklisted. There is a understanding between most guilds on the Server.

If you would like to be a official Scepter elite guard please apply below :).

Keep in mind Magnesium himself is the Personal Bodyguard of Sorrowheart himself...

Most of all we would like to have a great time with this unique event. once in a lifetime thing. People enjoy... we sure as hell will.

See you in Silithus... Let the War begin!




Preuzeto: http://forums-en.wow-europe.com/thread.asp...tmp=1#post60444

Nemojte da propustite ovo nikako :)

Pitanje ovaj je napisao 10 sati bitke ?????!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Jel to istina ili moram da se opremim hranom, 2-4l soka i da ga jebem posle da izadjem u grad :D

Edited by Silencer
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ma kad se otvori kapija nalecu oni anubisathi i tako to na cenarion hold tu je kao peglanje i to tako traje ... ispred ulaza u instance se non stop responuju veliki anubisathi koji daju po 500 repke sa broodom pa preporucujem rep farm na taj dan i tako .... i na kraju svega toga posle ne znam kolko sati je peglanje ispred aq kapije izlaze opet anubisathi govnavi tu se peglate malo sa njima oni tako satiru a iznad lete vael i ostali drugari zmajevi ...



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  mohican said:
ma kad se otvori kapija nalecu oni anubisathi i tako to na cenarion hold tu je kao peglanje i to tako traje ... ispred ulaza u instance se non stop responuju veliki anubisathi koji daju po 500 repke sa broodom pa preporucujem rep farm na taj dan i tako .... i na kraju svega toga posle ne znam kolko sati je peglanje ispred aq kapije izlaze opet anubisathi govnavi tu se peglate malo sa njima oni tako satiru a iznad lete vael i ostali drugari zmajevi ...

Vael je mrtav ubili smo ga :D

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posto imam lvl60 tamo, mozda i odem da vidim. Ali da se raspada, raspada se... Uostalom, svi serveri su pri kraju, pa ce i chromaggus uskoro...

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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  mohican said:
ma kad se otvori kapija nalecu oni anubisathi i tako to na cenarion hold tu je kao peglanje i to tako traje ... ispred ulaza u instance se non stop responuju veliki anubisathi koji daju po 500 repke sa broodom pa preporucujem rep farm na taj dan i tako .... i na kraju svega toga posle ne znam kolko sati je peglanje ispred aq kapije izlaze opet anubisathi govnavi tu se peglate malo sa njima oni tako satiru a iznad lete vael i ostali drugari zmajevi ...

anubisathi daju manje... 300 max, mada mislim oko 200-250.

500 daju samo oni named generali shto dropuju epike ko ludi :>

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