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Najbolja (animirana) serija ikad TACKA......amerikanci mi idu na

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sto ga ovoliko gase pa ponovo pustaju....imam dosta epizoda ako nekog interesuje....evo nekih citata:)..:

Auctioner: Our first item is a pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute.

Quagmire: Fifty bucks.

Auctioner: She had nine STDs.

Quagmire: Forty-five bucks.

Auctioner: And when we caught her she wet herself.

Quagmire: Fifty bucks.

Peter: Well, I'm gettin' something really special too. And by special I don't mean special like that Kleinaman boy down the street. More special like... like Special K, the cereal. Hey, what do they do with the regular K? And for that matter, what ever happend to K. Ballard? You know, if you said mallard and you had a cold, it would sound like ballard.

Brian: Do you listen to yourself when you talk?

Peter: I drift in and out.

(Peter has to come up with a fake name on the spot, so he looks around the room to get inspiration)

Peter Griffin: Uh... my name is...(he sees a pea)

Peter Griffin: Pea...

(he sees a woman crying)

Peter Griffin: ... tear...

(he sees a Griffin fly by)

Peter Griffin: ... Griffin. Peter Griffin

Brian: Hola, me llamo es Brian ... Nosotros queremos ir con ustedes.. uhhhh ...

Bellboy (Spanish): Hey, that was pretty good, except when you said "me llamo es Brian," you don't need the "es," just me llamo Brian.

Brian: Oh, oh you speak English!

Bellboy (sigh): No, just that first speech and this one explaining it.

Brian: You .... you're kidding me, right?

Bellboy (Spanish): Que?

Peter: I know something about stupid phone calls

(phone rings in house)

Lois: Hello?

Peter: I cant take the trash out today im working late at the office.

Peter: The called ID says your calling from the kitchen. In fact I can see you.

Peter: Can you see me now?

Lois: No.

Peter: Now I am at the office.

Dennis Miller: I don't wanna go on a RANT here but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowolf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first Battle of Antetum. I mean when a neo-conservative defenstrates it's like Raskalnakov filibuster dioxymonohydrostinate.

Peter: What the hell does RANT mean?

Peter: It's a beautiful baby girl!

Carol: Oh, a girl! I'm so happy!

Peter: But it has a penis. (Picks up scalpel.) I'll take care of that.

Lois: Peter, No!


ima jos dosta toga [:D]

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imas na netu sve moguce...skines shareazu sa neta i tu nadjes sve sto ce ti ikad trebati....

Koncept kopiranja Simpsonovih od kojeg prosto ne mogu da pobegnu mi se ne dopada toliko, ali da ima nekih finih fora, zaista ima ... mada, cesto umeju da preteraju, pa mi je i malo muka da odgledam epizodu do kraja.

ne slazem se...ako preteraju preteraju na "prefinjen" nacin:).....sve u korist zajebavanja sto je americko ili globalisticko,kapitalisticko:) ups otisao sam malo u politiku....

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(Peter has to come up with a fake name on the spot, so he looks around the room to get inspiration)

Peter Griffin: Uh... my name is...(he sees a pea)

Peter Griffin: Pea...

(he sees a woman crying)

Peter Griffin: ... tear...

(he sees a Griffin fly by)

Peter Griffin: ... Griffin. Peter Griffin

Mmmm Pea..

or same file on rapidshare:


Edited by Santa

Svakoga dana u svakom pogledu, sve više napredujem

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ne slazem se...ako preteraju preteraju na "prefinjen" nacin:).....sve u korist zajebavanja sto je americko ili globalisticko,kapitalisticko:) ups otisao sam malo u politiku....

sto bi rekli, nije moja sholjica chaja ;) kada lik drugom liku jede noge a ovaj drugi nacrtan tako da mu se vide kosti i krv i sve ... nemoj da me shvatis pogresno, ja volim horore i silno me zabavljaju, ali po meni tako necemu nije mesto u crtanom filmu, makar i on bio za "odrasle", sto generalno i jeste.

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kada lik drugom liku jede noge a ovaj drugi nacrtan tako da mu se vide kosti i krv

sto jes jes ali ima dosta bolesnih epizoda u family gaju i ako bi na prvi pogled pomislio da je ova serija za "celu" porodica po naslovnoj slici klasican zajeb...a i oni su hteli malo da zajebavaju ostale serije na taj nacin....

"I'd like to play DOCTOR with her...and remove her inflamed appendix before it bursts, causing sepsis."

Peter: I've got an idea--an idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I'm talking about.

Brian: Peter, did you read the fine print on this loan contract?

Peter: Um, if by "read" you mean imagined a naked lady, then, yes

Meg: Mom, Dad--am I ugly?

Lois: Oh of course not sweetie!

Peter: Yeah, where'd you get a stupid idea like that?

Meg: Craig Hoffman.

Peter: Crai....Craig Hoffman said that? Well, he's a sharp kid. You might be ugly.

sjajno....pg-13 serija svakako:)

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  • 7 years later...

Ovo je najsvežiji topic sa ovom temom koji sam mogao da pronađem a da nije za neki torent :) Tek:




Sunday was a sad night for fans of “Family Guy,” with the death of one of the cartoon’s main characters.

Brian, the Griffin family’s sardonic dog, died after he was hit by a car.

“Damnit Brian, you can’t die,” Stewie tearfully told his canine friend, as he lay dying. “We were going to do so many things together. We were going to become windsurfers. I was going to be a little better than you but we were both going to be good!”
As the family stood around him, crying, Brian opened his eyes long enough to utter his last words.

“You’ve given me a wonderful life. I love you all.”

In a touching final scene, the family hugged after the dog shut his eyes for the last time.
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Bash bedak dok sam je gledao a secam se da su najavili pre par meseci da ce umreti jedan od glavnih likova iz serije i naravno da je svima prvo nagadjanje bila Meg :)


Znachajno im je opao kvalitet humora u poslednjih par sezona i gledam preko one stvari dok se nasmejem maksimalno na jednu foru po epizodi :)

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Ne secam se tachno koji je i da li su uopshte napisali razlog a tu vest sam video pre mozhda par meseci na njihovoj fejs stranici, a mislim da je taj post bio propracen tekstom tipa 'koga ne biste vishe voleli od glavnih likova da gledate u seriji' i njihovom grupnom slikom i to je praktichno cela vest bila.


Losh potez po meni, jer je Brian bio jedan od likova zbog kojih uopshte i dalje pratim seriju, ali jbg :c

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Opao je dosta kvalitet serije sa pretposlednjom i ovom sezonom, nikako da se nakanim da uhvatim korak, ne znam ni kod koje sam epizode stao... Glupost je to za Brajana, možda loževina da vrate gledaoce, stvarno je daleko najbolji i najvažniji lik serije, biće neki fazon da ga vrate 100%. Ima Stewie vremeplov, ako ništa drugo...


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Ne znam odakle vam to da je Brian najpopularniji lik u seriji. U NA ga ne podnose. Tj, bio je zanimljiv lik na pocetku, gde je bio glas razuma i jedini shatro normalan u porodici, ali je vremenom prerastao u ultra-liberalnog sarkastichnog hipstera koji samo sere i konstantno je nezadovoljan.

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