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e ali pazi foru ... i ja kazem sanciti je super za pvp i solo ... a on kaze da je losha u grupi ... znachi lolz ...

pa jebote kako i moze da bude dobra kada samo radi na tebe i priestov smite lolz ... tu magiju niko i ne uzima

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pa da ali pazi koj' si ti qrac, ako nemash visok krit ? skoro sve ostale klasa bez extra +crit% stvari biju bolje i pvp/grinduju, u svakom sluchaju pala je nakako skroz PvE orijentisan, nema dovoljno instant castova a sve ostalo mi je samo %shansa, mada mi ne ide u glavu kako blizz to ne sredi vec jednom oO.

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Pa da ali pazi koj' si ti qrac, ako nemash visok krit ? skoro sve ostale klasa bez extra +crit% stvari biju bolje i pvp/grinduju, u svakom sluchaju pala je nakako skroz PvE orijentisan, nema dovoljno instant castova a sve ostalo mi je samo %shansa, mada mi ne ide u glavu kako blizz to ne sredi vec jednom oO.

pala ima 2 instnat cast magije ... sa 0 spell dmg jedan udara 1000 kritikal , druga 800

treca je ranged 30 yardi range i 1.5 sec cast sa 0 spell dmg udara 1600 kritikal opusteno , sa pravim buildom i ako znash da igras ... bedak je sto radi kao execute pa mora da ima taj koga gadjas manje od 20 % ...

u kgb sam gledao palu u full judgement koji udari 2400 kritikal i posle toga 3200 ...

za nekog ko nosi plate i ima healovanje vishe nego dovoljno .

Jedina stvar koja josh pali treba a koja je fundamentalna za klasu jeste da sanktiti aura ne bude talent nego da se uci normalno ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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blessing of wisdom ili blessing of salvation ... sta vishe voli hunter ... bow je standardniji u manjim instancama tipa sholo strat ubrs lbrs etc etc

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pa naravno kada su 90 % reterdi :)

mada ... bash sam sada gledao ... idem u sholo i bacim bom cisto zezanja i lik se nebuni ... lolz :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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btw a da .. zaboravio sam kings ... lolz ... jednom sam otishao u protection da uzmem to ... i nikad vishe necu :)) jbg jesam sebichan ali bas me briga :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ne lupaj gluposti .. .bok je neverovatno dobar stvar .. tanku da povecas hp , magu hp i manu i regeneraciju mane priestu , povecava sve od kritikal sanse regeneracije mane i hpa vishe helta vishe mane ... odlichan blessing ... must have

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Evo par stvari za ljude koje interesuje sa oficijalnih foruma ( sve plavi postovi )


I'm posting here today in an attempt to initiate an improved relationship with those playing the Paladin class. The class specific forums have always been the number one source of information for me when attempting to gather player feedback. Moving forward however, I'd like for these boards to become the number one source of information for you when attempting to gather news and information.

It should be a relationship of mutual benefit.

I'm not going to dance around any issue. In patch 1.9 you had an extensive review which resulted in many changes to the makeup of your class. Many of you aren't happy with some of the changes, and some of you aren't happy with many of the changes.

Overall, we are happy with the majority of changes introduced for the paladin in patch 1.9. It definitely brought the class much closer to what our original design goals were when creating the Paladin. With that being said, we're still not completely satisfied with class and intend to review specific elements of the class over the next few patches.

Next patch for instance, we've made a few tweaks. Holy Shock will work with Divine Favor and Illumination. We're also reducing its mana cost. Holy Shield's mana cost will be reduced by approximately 15% and the effect will have a small bonus coefficient from spell damage items and effects. Seal of Command will be able to proc when the Paladin is silenced.

We're also increasing the damage per swing and the contribution from +spell dmg gear on Seal of Righteousness when using a 2-handed weapon in order to make it more competitive with Seal of Command with a 2-handed weapon.

Lastly, we're also increasing the range of Lay on Hands, Divine Intervention and all Greater Blessings.

These changes are all fairly minor and don't address your major concerns, I'm aware. I'm sharing them with you because this is how I'd like things to work from here on out. I gather feedback from this forum and provide you with information, both big and small as soon as it's available.

Some of the other items which we're going to focus on over the next few patches relate specifically to the Paladin's ability to tank in groups, and the overall interactivity of the Paladin in raids.


Next patch if you use Divine Favor, then Holy Shock it will crit. It will crit if used for damage or for healing. If it's used for healing, the mana cost of Holy Shock will be refunded.


I've been reading through a substantial amount of the feedback presented on this board. Some of you have done an outstanding job presenting your thoughts, and I thank you greatly. I wanted to take a moment to discuss of few items with you. First, I see a number of threads begging for some explanation pertaining to the Paladin's overall role in World of Warcraft, primarily of course, the role of the class end-game. The Paladin class is designed to be a great support character with high survivability and very efficient heals. Not only should the Paladin serve any group well as a useful off-tank, if played well they can be used effectively as a main tank in smaller dungeons.

We don't intend for the Paladin to ever be as effective in tanking as the Warrior or even the Druid, which was designed specifically to be a replacement tank in the case that a Warrior wasn't present.

Now as I've stated, one of our goals is to improve the Paladin's ability to main-tank since currently they are not as effective as we'd like them to be. What I haven't elaborated on however is the specifics of how far we'd like these improvements to take the class. We're looking to improve the Paladin's tanking abilities in such a way that players who take advantage of their class strengths can main-tank in instances capped at 5, 10, 15 and even 20 player instances. We don't feel the Paladin is too far from being able to accomplish this feat.

I've seen requests from players to change Holy Shield so that it generates threat. Players should be aware that damage caused by Holy Shield does in-fact cause 20% additional threat. This has been active since 1.9, but was undocumented. The tool-tip will be updated accordingly for patch 1.10. With that being stated, we are in the process of evaluating the amount of threat this spell generates.

It should also be noted that currently, Righteous Fury is not generating the correct amount of additional threat on all holy damage. There are some abilities, such as Retribution Aura that this did not work correctly. Once 1.10 is live, this will be fixed and Righteous Fury will be a more effective threat generating ability.

We're taking a pass at all threat generating abilities, and it's likely that players will see some mathematical improvements to abilities over the course of the next few patches. In addition, we're in the process of reviewing the Protection tree with plans to make it more appealing for players choosing to follow the protection path.

I'm reading your feedback, and I'm discussing it with the design team. Please continue to work with me and remain constructive in your posting. Even more importantly however, please realize that messages such as this aren't necessarily all that's in-store for the class but rather all the information I have for you at this particular moment in time.


sve u svemu ... buffuju holy shock tako sto ce sada moci da ima beneficije od divine favora i illumination , sto znachi da ce moci da se ukljuci divine favor i da imash siguran kritikal instnat heal sa holy shockom i ako healujesh onda ti se vraca a ako si gadjao nekog nece ti se vracati mana ... + mu smanjuju mana cost

holy shield ce manje mane da kosta

povecace range divine interventionu i greater blessingsima

i isto tako izuzetno interesantno kazu da su svesni da paladin nije dobar tenk u ovom obliku u kakvom je sada i da ce nastojati da u igru implementiraju neke osobine ili talente koji ce pomoci da paladin vrshi ulogu main tanka u manjim insntacama , medjutim i dalje ispod ranga warriora ili druida ...

takodje je receno da nece paladinima dati taunt :)

tako da ono ... lep je ovaj 1.10 patch :) , pogotovu sto mi se priestovi sada zaista svidjaju ... izuzetno su ih sredili :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ne lupaj gluposti .. .bok je neverovatno dobar stvar .. tanku da povecas hp , magu hp i manu i regeneraciju mane priestu , povecava sve od kritikal sanse regeneracije mane i hpa vishe helta vishe mane ... odlichan blessing ... must have

da se uči preko trenera bilo bi ok

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ili bi bilo imba >.. sve u svemu protection sux ... medjutim kada bacim na sebe wisdom najvishe volim da prvo dobijem posle toga u MC ili BWL ili bilo kojoj end game instnaci BoK ... zato sto pwnuje

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ma opusteno mi paladini smo navikli na smrad .. .sta mislis kako josh uvek zivim a postujem ovde gde zivi kiligor !

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ma bre cisto zbog gaje ja vec imam pola lawbringera i jedan deo judgementa :)

a server star mesec , mesec i po ... lolz ... cao zdravo , samo zbog njega sma napravio :) kada bude video ima da umre ...

btw igrao sam mu sa warriorom ocajan je :)))) retard je ladno uzeo bone crusher sa fury warom ide na 2h ... a imao je jebeni ibs ... koji lik :)))

ali dobro ajde ... nista cudno :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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