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Napravite mi userbar :-)


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Ako je neko raspolozen da mi napravi

Aria Giovanni Fan

userbar, bio bih mu zahvalan. MOze i da .gif-uje, a i ne mora, svejedno:-)

Sad imam masinu od 150 Mhz, pa me mrzi da se mucim, a i da znam da napravim userbar- NE ZNAM :-) (look below)

Hvala unapred!


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Kako da ga prekopiram ne mogu da kliknem ni na jedan userbars ... ???

sta da radim

idi desni klik na sliq, pa nadji "copy image adress" a ako nemas tu opciju idi properties pa nadji gde pise adresa slike i to iskopiras...

know what ya know and not what ya hear!

smorrioR @ Last.fmmusic.gif | smorrioR @ deviantART dev_love.gif

I see through beheaded faith the other side…

Times without hate, new children kill the fears, sorrow mother deliver no tears


Feed your soul and mind

And disya spiritual wickedness we override

... The power of mind!

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WTF!? Nadam se da je miss-spell...

magija nepostoji...

know what ya know and not what ya hear!

smorrioR @ Last.fmmusic.gif | smorrioR @ deviantART dev_love.gif

I see through beheaded faith the other side…

Times without hate, new children kill the fears, sorrow mother deliver no tears


Feed your soul and mind

And disya spiritual wickedness we override

... The power of mind!

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pa daj link  [:D]  [:D]  [:D]  [:D]


know what ya know and not what ya hear!

smorrioR @ Last.fmmusic.gif | smorrioR @ deviantART dev_love.gif

I see through beheaded faith the other side…

Times without hate, new children kill the fears, sorrow mother deliver no tears


Feed your soul and mind

And disya spiritual wickedness we override

... The power of mind!

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