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Najsmeshnije scene


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"Don't B a menace to South Central while drinkin juice in yo hood":

Smaraju se dva lika ispred dragstora, stoje jedan pored drugog, jedan pošalje drugom poruku na pejdžer,

drugi izvadi mobilni, pozove prvog i pita šta hoće, a prvi kaže ajmo. I onda odu...

"Ali G In da house"

Kad mu lik pokazuje one zaplenjene stvari:

-Some scumbag tried to smugle 30 kilos of marijuana in our counry!

-C,c,c, therible. Is there any skunk?

God save Opera Mini.

Samo Klejbezable, ostalo su sitnice.

Rastaman still stand.

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  • 2 years later...

Prvo sto mi je palo na pamet CLERKS

Dante Hicks: You said you only had sex with three different guys; you never mentioned him!

Veronica Loughran: Because I never HAD sex with him.

Dante Hicks: You sucked his dick!

Veronica Loughran: We went out a few times. We never had sex but we fooled around.

Dante Hicks: Oh my God, WHY did you tell me you only had sex with three different guys?

Veronica Loughran: Because I DID only have sex with three different guys; that doesn't mean I didn't just go with people.

Dante Hicks: Oh my God, I feel so nauseous!

Veronica Loughran: I'm sorry, Dante, I thought you understood!

Dante Hicks: I did understand! I understood that you had sex with three different guys and that's all you said!

Veronica Loughran: Please calm down.

Dante Hicks: How many?

Veronica Loughran: Dante...

Dante Hicks: How many dicks have you sucked?

Veronica Loughran: Let it go!

Dante Hicks: How many?

Veronica Loughran: All right, shut up a second and I'll tell you! Jesus! I didn't freak out like this when you told me how many girls you fucked!

Dante Hicks: This is different, this is important. How many?

[long pause as customer buys something]

Dante Hicks: Well?

Veronica Loughran: Something like... 36.

Dante Hicks: What? Something like 36?

Veronica Loughran: Lower your voice.

Dante Hicks: Wait a minute, what is that anyway, something like 36? Does that INCLUDE me?

Veronica Loughran: Ummm... 37.

Dante Hicks: I'm 37?

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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40 years old virgin, scena sa depiliranjem grudi. I sam kraj filma, kad se budi posle prvog kresa u životu, pogleda u kameru i počne da peva "Let the sunshine..." (i sve ono što sledi posle toga, priceless.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Pa zar se u toj pesmi ne spominje Let the sunshine in i ostalo? Nit znam kako se pesma zove u originalu nit me interesuje da tražim (valjda je age of aquarius or somethin, nisam tolki hipi [:D]

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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pip pobrkao si pesme sa pochetka (aquarius) i kraja (sunshine) mjuzikla Kosa...mislim ono, ja od mladih narashtaja ne ochekujem da znaju nijednu od tih pesama tako da si josh i dobar ;o)

Ko je bre mladi naraštaj?? Dovoljno sam mator da znam ko je čika sa avatara levo, a za pesmu, well, i pretpostavio sam da su dve pesme spojene u jednu, ali to je i više nego što želim da znam u vezi jedne himne dirty hippies-a [:D]

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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15y and 9m to be exact, but respects goes to you anyways [:D]

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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