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s kojom pesmom se mozhete najbolje definisati

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Corpse Cannibal  - Necropedophile

I was once a man before I transformed

into this molester, freshly deceased children

You have born, torn by my raoe

The dead are not safe, the lifeless child corpse

I will violate

Pleasure from the dead, complete satisfaction

I open the coffin

Sick thoughts run through my head as I stare

At the dead, over and over, I can't escape

I begin the dead sex, licking her young, rotted orifice

I cum in her cold cunt, shivering with ecstasy

for nine days straight I do the same

She becomes by dead, decayed child sex slave

her neck I hack, cutting through the back

I use her mouth to eject

Here I cum, blood gushes from

bleeding black blood

her head disconnected

As I came, viciously I cut, through her

jugular vein

She's already dead, I masturbate with

her severed head

My lubrication, her decomposition

Spending my life molesting dead children

Intercourse with infants

Curing heads on top of spikes

boiling skulls

Skin sliding off of bones


The voices call


The voices are calling me

Buried dead I've spiritually infected

Call to me from beyond their graves


I now bleed pus

I bleed, the blood of the dead

I bleed on her livid skin

Thrusting myself within

Beginning to chop through her hairless crotch

Beyond what we know as death

It haunts me everyday

I hear the voice of every child

That lies next to me decayed

A fresh corpse, to fill with my infection

Tortured before death, no orifice left unfilled

Violated after death

Virgin hole infest

Anal pore spewing cess

The sacred juice I injest

Your dead child I defile


pjur artvork

...... f e n s i c ......

...yes, ur unique...

...just like everyone else...

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pazi, shto se tiche cannibal corpse-a, likovi me smaraju, jer stvarno preteruju, koja je poenta te pesme? metalac sam, ali slusham pesme koje imaju neko dublje znachenje, a ne ovo njesra koje je napisano u stilu: "chek chek, shta si ono povratio juche? mozhemo to da ubacimo u drugu strofu, stavitjemo dva bass-a bubnjaru, a gitaristi tje cepati 2 riff-a i idemo, nemorate denf-ovati" kao...usporedi taj text sa recimo: for whom the bell tolls

3. For Whom The Bell Tolls

Make his fight on the hill in the early day

Constant chill deep inside

Sounding gun, on they run through the endless grey

On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say?

For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know

Suffered wounds test there their pride

Men of five, still alive through the raging glow

Gone insane from the pain that they surely know

For whom the bell tolls

Time marches on

For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die

It is the last time you will

Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky

Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry

Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery

He hears the silence so loud

Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be

Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see

For whom the bell tolls

Time marches on

For whom the bell tolls

ili recimo until it sleeps

Where do I take this pain of mine

I run, but it stays right my side

So tear me open, pour me out

There's things inside that scream and shout

And the pain still hates me

So hold me, until it sleeps

Just like the curse, just like the stray

You feed it once, and now it stays

So tear me open, but beware

There's things inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me

So wash me, until I'm clean

*It grips you, so hold me

It stains you, so hold me

It hates you, so hold me

It holds you, so hold me

Until it sleeps**

So tell me why you've choosen me

Don't want your grip, don't want your greed

I'll tear me open, make you gone

No more can you hurt anyone

And the fear still shakes me

So hold me, until it sleeps

[*--** Repeat]

I don't want it

So tear me open, but beware

The things inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me

So wash me, 'till I'm clean...

I'll tear me open, make you gone

No longer will you hurt anyone

And the fear still shapes me

So hold me, until it sleeps...

Until it sleeps...

izvinjavam se zbog puno texta, ali moralo se

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Idi slusaj Karleusu...Bices zdraviji...i neces biti kreten...kao...

Da, mora da sam negde rekao da sam teski fan narodnjaka.... Ali, iskreno, zezali se ti likovi ili ne, to je bolest ... Ma u ostalom, ne vredi se raspravljati ...

-In the church they say to forgive...

-Forgivnes is between them and God, my job is to arange the meeting ...




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chekaj... ajde neko od vas sektasha (prepoznace se oni)

kao nikad nije slushao narodnjake... ma bre... sve pesme znate...

najveishe mrzim kad se na forumu foliraju...

kao ne slusham narodnjake... sto?

kad se budesh zenio ocesh da pustish metaliku ili iron maiden? :)))

ja iskreno mogu sve.. ali bukvalno sve da slusham...

sem muzike sektasha.. a to su oni likovi koji se skupljaju na trgu ili kod filozofskog na platou...cirkaju pivo..kose do zemlje, obucheni u crno i do jaja im je...

nemam nishta protiv njih... ali seka aleksic izgleda bolje od nji... koliko god je oni vredjali... :))_)))


Edited by dMan

radim iskljucivo po preporuci

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The voices call


The voices are calling me

Buried dead I've spiritually infected

Call to me from beyond their graves


chekaj... ajde neko od vas sektasha (prepoznace se oni)

kao nikad nije slushao narodnjake... ma bre... sve pesme znate...

najveishe mrzim kad se na forumu foliraju...

kao ne slusham narodnjake... sto?

kad se budesh zenio ocesh da pustish metaliku ili iron maiden? :)))

ja iskreno mogu sve.. ali bukvalno sve da slusham...

sem muzike sektasha.. a to su oni likovi koji se skupljaju na trgu ili kod filozofskog na platou...cirkaju pivo..kose do zemlje, obucheni u crno i do jaja im je...

nemam nishta protiv njih... ali seka aleksic izgleda bolje od nji... koliko god je oni vredjali... :))_)))


To sto si upravo opisao ima veze sa metalom koliko i ti...To je jedna skupina pozera koji nemaju da rade nista pametno pa belje tamo ili su jednostavno ikompleksirani.

A kad se budem zenio ima da pusta Cock & Ball Torture,Mortician,Deicide.A pod dva ti mislis da si boziji covek a?Epa ako to mislis onda si se zajebao do jaja.Znaci ti si neki hriscanini a ovamo pusta Seku koja je najobicnija drolja.Kao i Ceca,Karleusa i ostale.Da li si svestan moralnog stanja drustva kad su takve licnosti postale omiljene?Vidim da nisi posto si ti deo te stoke...

Elem ako niste videli kad sam prvi put postavio tekst kanibala stavio sam ^^...To ej samo bilo zezanje...Da ste videli moj post pre toga onda bih vam sve bilo jasno...Takodje lepse mi je da slusam kanibale,nego ribu koja peva o tome da se karala mlada sa tri kite odjednom.

I takodje ta tvoja toliko Hvaljena Seka se slikala sa Azizom.Likom koji je peder i koji svrsava decku po faci na sred koncerta i ciji se gay spotovi pojavljuju na televiziji.A takodje kad si ti video spot "sektasa" na pinku u udarnom terminu?Nikad.Eto vidis ko nam ustvari truje narodnu svest...Pink i Grand Show...

Олимпијске игре на РУРу

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@ SATAN Brate jesi li morao?Chitao sam njihove lyricse ranije i smuchilo mi se.

chekaj... ajde neko od vas sektasha (prepoznace se oni)

kao nikad nije slushao narodnjake... ma bre... sve pesme znate...

najveishe mrzim kad se na forumu foliraju...

kao ne slusham narodnjake... sto?

kad se budesh zenio ocesh da pustish metaliku ili iron maiden? :)))

ja iskreno mogu sve.. ali bukvalno sve da slusham...

sem muzike sektasha.. a to su oni likovi koji se skupljaju na trgu ili kod filozofskog na platou...cirkaju pivo..kose do zemlje, obucheni u crno i do jaja im je...

nemam nishta protiv njih... ali seka aleksic izgleda bolje od nji... koliko god je oni vredjali... :))_)))


Brate idi lechi se.

Hoce li ljudi ikada nauchiti razliku izmedju sektasha i sataniste??Kakve bre veze ima metal sa sektama????Postoje satanistichke sekte ali nije svaka sekta satanistichke.

[EDIT] Ja mogu da kazem da nikad nisam slushao narodnjake

@ topic

Neam pojma mozda Metallica - Fade To Black.

Edited by jasamnepismen


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Jao jao sad sam zaintrigiran....ko je bre aziz :)

Da nije to onaj mali debeljko sa belom kosom i bradicom sto ima spot na palmi?


Doprinos topicu...pesma koja mi uvek legne - groove is in the heart

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chekaj... ajde neko od vas sektasha (prepoznace se oni)

kao nikad nije slushao narodnjake... ma bre... sve pesme znate...

Evo ja znam sve pesme (sem ovih zvezda granda i tog novijeg sranja). Al ne znači da ih volim.

najveishe mrzim kad se na forumu foliraju...

kao ne slusham narodnjake... sto?

kad se budesh zenio ocesh da pustish metaliku ili iron maiden? :)))

Uz "Battery" se bolje skače nego uz onaj invalidni grčko-turski ritam, jebo vas on.

ja iskreno mogu sve.. ali bukvalno sve da slusham...

Znači OK ti je jazz, klasika i blues?

nemam nishta protiv njih...


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