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Deep Purple ponovo u beogradu

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da su razbili 2003 pa i nisu, da su bili ok jesu. ako hocete primer ko je razbio, uzmite primer iggy pop-a na exitu prosle godine, e taj covek je RAZBIO!

verovatno necu ici opet, cekam da dodje nesto zanimljivije

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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evo moji utisci su super...na certu je bilo ODLICNO,ali stvarno...bio sam blizu ograde tako da sam uhvatio i trzalicu steve morsa...plava lepa sa ljubicastim deep purple i steve morse:)))))to mi je bas trebalo...malo je veca od mojih uobicajenih,ali navicicu se valjda i na ovu...

vid'o sam deda mraza

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