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22/12 - Login Issues


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We are currently experiencing authentication issues affecting all realms. Our technicians are actively investigating this problem and we will update you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

verovatno nikome u evropi ne radi wow, to jest ne prolazi auth server.. tako je od 12h pre-podne. UZAS! ajde bar su za 5h uspeli da vrate forum nazad.. lol. totalna smehoteka! [:D][:(]

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We are currently experiencing authentication issues affecting all realms. Our technicians are actively investigating this problem and we will update you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

verovatno nikome u evropi ne radi wow, to jest ne prolazi auth server.. tako je od 12h pre-podne. UZAS! ajde bar su za 5h uspeli da vrate forum nazad.. lol. totalna smehoteka! [:D][:(]

he he kakav sam ja srecnik danas mi je zabranjen pristup kompu vidish da se diskonektujem svkih 20 s [:D][:D]

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verovatno nikome u evropi ne radi wow, to jest ne prolazi auth server.. tako je od 12h pre-podne. UZAS! ajde bar su za 5h uspeli da vrate forum nazad.. lol. totalna smehoteka! 

Znaci da se ovo desava nekom drugom MMORPGu, vise ga nikada ne bi igrali. Najgore je sto Blizzard to zna.

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[:D] heh shto je najgore gledam renu (gattagoblina) kako 2 sata (slovima dva) pokushava da se uloguje u igraoni, i dodje cinci (majkljackson) i ukuca user/pass i uloguje se iz prve na kompu pored, da li je ubo neki odredjeni trenutak ili shta o_O

enivejz aj em wow-free sou ic nou big dial for mi

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Ne slazem se ja sam se logovao normalno oko 15h i djuskao loma ali evo sada ne mogu da se logujem :(

pa prvo su pocheli neki manji problemi samo na nekim serverima, onda je prslo tipa pola i na kraju svi.

Znaci da se ovo desava nekom drugom MMORPGu, vise ga nikada ne bi igrali. Najgore je sto Blizzard to zna.

naravno. da mi se 2 puta ovako neshto desi u nekom drugom mmorpg-u uradio bih automatski uninstall.. ali jebiga, ovo je wow - blizzard, moze im se.

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treba proglasiti vanredno stanje  [:D]

cuti bre vidis da si tenkovi izasli na scenu :)

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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