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1.svaki posle 4h ujutru

2.spo[GHOST] (najiskrenije),od stranih volim da gledam bjarka,philbota,grubbyja



5.bez alta kako zamisljas da se igra a za hotkeyeve pokusao sam da ih napravim ali nemogu da se naviknem nema boga

sto se tice wara volim jer mi je celo drustvo okrenuto prema waru i jednostavno u pocetku sam ubio dosadu sad je to postalo kao neka dnevna obaveza ,odigrati makar 3pardje dnevno :)

Edited by el.Sendador

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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1.Human na LT ili vs undeada kad zakuca 20 spirit i nerubian towera, ali kad sam na guarani i to prolazi

2.Isto ghost. Lepo igra i vishe volim da gledam njegove partije sa mk i tenkovima, nego grubbya, toda i ostale shto igraju po shablonu.



5.Koristim alt i hotkeys su mi po defaultu, nikada nisam probao da namestim svoje, a i navikao sam ovako

6.Ovo bash nisam razumeo.

Volim war, i pocheo sam da ga igram kad je izashao 1.17 i pitanje dal bih igrao, nego sam sluchajno odgledao jedan Ristin replay (vs Oon) i tako je pochelo :D

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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  FistBorn said:
2.Isto ghost. Lepo igra i vishe volim da gledam njegove partije sa mk i tenkovima, nego grubbya, toda i ostale shto igraju po shablonu.

ta sablonsa igra ubija,vise volim da gledam bjarka koji je umetnik ko zna sta mu odjednom padne na pamet,covek ne igra zbog kinte nego zbog zabave!

a ghosta volim da kledam kad se seta sa mk 3 foota i teraj :)

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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  DontFear said:
E ovako , neka svako kaze sledece :

1.Koji mu je najslabiji matchup

2.Omiljeni wc3 igrac

3.Omiljeni heroj

4.Svoju rasu

5.Koristi te li alt i koji su vashi hotkeys

6.Koji start imate vs koje rase

I na kraju volite li WAR i zashto???

1.orc mirror

2.spo(ghost) [:D] , od stranih hot

3.mk i fs


5. alt da za gledanje energije i tih sranja etc.. 1,2,3,4(retko)

6.pocetak protiv svih isti kad idem fs-a znaci krip i to . a kad idem bm ,ugalvnom vs elf, smaram ga :)

dosta zajebancije smeha , opustim se jedino kad pobedim :D

Edited by Mare-SOMBOR
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  HellFire) said:
a da vi lepo otvorite spo(ghost) fan club a?:))

ma jok imam bolju ideju hellfire fan club a?:))

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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1. orc mirror

2. ghost/rista od nasih, xiaOt od stranih

3. bm/naga

4. orc

5. koristim alt stalno, hotkeyevi 1(heroji, melee) 2(riders, kodos, catas) 3(castere po nekad i batse) 4-7(gradjevine), inace default sve

6. zavisno od toga sta on ide

Volim da igram warcraft for fun :P

Edited by pN-HowWeDo
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  DontFear said:
E ovako , neka svako kaze sledece :

1.Koji mu je najslabiji matchup

2.Omiljeni wc3 igrac

3.Omiljeni heroj

4.Svoju rasu

5.Koristi te li alt i koji su vashi hotkeys

6.Koji strat imate vs svake rase?

I na kraju volite li WAR i zashto???

1. Nemam

2. Ja

3. Blade Master, MK, DL, Thinker, Alchemist

4. Elf

5. Da; default.

6. Kako kad.

I na kraju da, samo zato sam i krenuo da ga igram puno, a na ovo zashto bi odgovor morao da bude bash dugachak, a mrzi me da kucam...

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  DontFear said:
E ovako , neka svako kaze sledece :

1.Koji mu je najslabiji matchup

2.Omiljeni wc3 igrac

3.Omiljeni heroj

4.Svoju rasu

5.Koristi te li alt i koji su vashi hotkeys

6.Koji strat imate vs svake rase?

I na kraju volite li WAR i zashto???

1: ORC ;-\

2:moon/luci/od nasih Vladoica [:D]

3:kiper/DH/BM/Naga /ma bwe sve ih volim [^]

4:Elf/mada pocinjem da gotivim humane

5:da ali dosta pita se sjebem pa dok drzim alt pokusavam na tab da pormenim jedinice i to me kosta partije [V]

6:ja vise imam start protiv laga zavisi koliko mi laguje ako ne mnogo obicno idem arcer+BM ili DH a ako laguje k, onda hunts [:)]

ma volim war zato sto sam LUD !!!! [8D]

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1.na LT-u na crossu kad igram vs bilo koga a ja sam human :(

2.neki baja zvani VladoicA ;)


4.human imbalans ;)

5.nisam dovoljno brz da stignem i alt da pritiskam :(

6.ovo ti je lako pitanje exp 50qlica tenkici i helihopteri :))

I Play Wc3 For Food :(

Ma Pusite Ga KraLjU Vladici Ekekekke :D :P :

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