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Najbolji pet za huntere....


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Q u o t e:

(note, I'm a hunter)

Warrior: Can you heal for us in SM?

Me: I can't heal anything other than my pet.

Warrior: But I've seen hunters heal before

Me: Right, the spell is called "heal pet", we can only heal something if it is our pet

Warrior: oh, ok, thats fine.

(invites me)

Upon accepting the invitation, the group already had 2 shamans in it. more than enough to heal.

[Party] Warrior: OK, how do I become your pet?

[Party] Me: uh.. type /console reloadui pokute, dont worry if you get an error box afterwards

[Party] Warrior: OK, done, so you can heal me now?

Shaman whispers: wtf

You whisper to shaman: uhhh haha i dont think he knows shamans can heal

A while later the party is really rocking SM, we've killed herod without wiping and just finished whitemane..

[Party] Warrior: OK, how do i change it back so im not your pet anymore

[Party] Me: haha.. me and the shamans have been laughing about this for like an hour, dude - you never were my pet, they were healing you the whole time

[Party] Warrior: what do you mean, how did you give me orders if i wasnt your pet

[Party] Me: orders?

[Party] Warrior: i got this big red arrow over monsters sometimes, that was you telling me to attack it, right?

[Party] Me: yeah, but, uhh i can do that to anyone

[Party] Warrior: yeah, so how do i change it back so im not your pet anymore

[Party] Me: ...

[Party] Shaman: sucker, you're his pet forever now.. i cant believe you would fall for that noob

[Party] Warrior: WTF im reporting you

(warrior hearthstones)

Warrior whispers: why would u do that to someone and scam them like that just release me from being ur pet plz

You whisper to Warrior: Sorry, you're my pet forever now. nothing i can do about it

Warrior whispers: im going to report you to a gm

You whisper to Warrior: I order you not to, pet

Warrior whispers: /counsel reload Warriorname, right?

You whisper to Warrior: I order you to remain my pet, pet

Warrior whispers: f u

You whisper to Warrior: I order you to stop whispering me

Warrior is ignoring you.

uzeto ovavde:


i nije bitno dal je neko pisao i zezao se ili se stvarno desilo bitno je da je rasmad smeshno =o)

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^^malo care +1500 + playeru :)

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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hahaha, jadna glupa kanta, gde mu je samo mozak. . .

jedino vece komiranje je kad paladin digne skinning na 300 i posle se moli da dobije finkla, a ne moze da ga nosi =D

to je valjda ispravljeno, sad moze. right ? mis'im dovoljno je da je u inventaru,

P.S. dobro da mu nije trazio warrior wrath i intimidation =oP

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