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Juce sam dobio iPOD. Onaj novi sto pusta muziku, fotke, video zapis, bla, bla od 20 gb. E sad, nije problem u tome sto sam ga dobio, vec je nesto drugo u pitanju [:D]:

Naime, naterao sam ga da pusta muziku i ocitava fotke ali nikako video zapis. Da li neko zna koje on formate ocitava? Mozda je samo ogranicen na one videe sa njihovog sajta koji se kupuju [?] Pizdim evo, cupam kosu!

Please neka mi neko odgovori, ako ne znate pitajte nekog ko mislite da zna. Nista ne pise u manualu tj helpu, ni na apple sajtu...

Fala unapred!

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity!

'Ajde mala bubice, vreme je za pesmicuuu!



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koji je taj iPod od 20 giga sa video podrskom .. koliko kosta otprilike.. imam ovaj redovan sto pusta muziku, 2 gb, razmisljam o upgradeu?

Edited by dvnityCker

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ipod video od 30 gb (video ipod ne postoji vishe u verziji od 20 giga) u americi kosta 299 dolara. kod nas kosta barem oko 350 evra, jer nashi ekskluzivni uvoznici deru. Ako ti se vec toliko kupuje ipod, pokusaj da ga kupish u inostranstvu. Kod nas kupiti ipod, to je ravno ludilu

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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Thanks for your interest in Google Video.

Currently, the playback feature of Google Video isn't available in your country.

We hope to make this feature available more widely in the future, and we really appreciate your patience.


Ummmmm ... kako gledate te filmove ?

Na google videos ?

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Ja imam iPod nano, u US kosta oko $210, ovde verujem da ne bi bilo ispod 250 EUR...

jos da dodam, stvarno me je Apple razocarao potezom da ne ukljuce adapter za punjenje iPod-a (no comp needed) u paket.. traze like $49 za njega :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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  Atomic Pulse said:


Thanks for your interest in Google Video.

Currently, the playback feature of Google Video isn't available in your country.

We hope to make this feature available more widely in the future, and we really appreciate your patience.


Ummmmm ... kako gledate te filmove ?

Na google videos ?

Pako ti se bas zuri koristi neki americki proxy

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  dvnityCker said:
jos da dodam, stvarno me je Apple razocarao potezom da ne ukljuce adapter za punjenje iPod-a (no comp needed) u paket.. traze like $49 za njega :)

kupiash 20gb pa navishe i dobijesh punjac:)

btw. ovaj moj ajpod *20gb (starija verzija) imam josh od novembra 2004, znaci to cudo shta je prezivelo to nije zdravo, pao mi je xx puta, i josh uvek pushta najnormalnije, jes da j malo izgreban al iPod za pobedu:)

(ja se josh uvek ne zalim na njega) btw. i gotivno mi je shto imaju malimilion gedzeta za iPodove... :)

( [;)] )...

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  MiGsa said:
kupiash 20gb pa navishe i dobijesh punjac:)

btw. ovaj moj ajpod *20gb (starija verzija) imam josh od novembra 2004, znaci to cudo shta je prezivelo to nije zdravo, pao mi je xx puta, i josh uvek pushta najnormalnije, jes da j malo izgreban al iPod za pobedu:)

(ja se josh uvek ne zalim na njega) btw. i gotivno mi je shto imaju malimilion gedzeta za iPodove... :)

( [;)] )...

ne znam jel ima kod nas negde prodavnica sa gedzetima.. mada mora da je 3x skuplje kod nas.. iscimao sam ortaka u becu da mi pogleda onu silikonsku futrolu i pojas za oko ruke istruka.. nije mnogo skupo preko neta, a dobre su stvarcice... e btw nisam probavao, drug mi npr na kompu ima nesto sto meni treba, sad ja hocu da snimim na svoj iPod i odnesem kuci, imam kabel kod sebe, jel mora kod njega biti instaliran drajver?

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ne treba drajver, samo kod sebe u itunes-u čekiraj enable disk use.

inače, za prebacivanje muzike na tuđe kompove koristim program koji se zove yamipod, može da se snimi na ipod pa imaš pristup muzici gde god da si.

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  dvnityCker said:
pojas za oko ruke istruka.. nije mnogo skupo preko neta,

e nemoj da kupujesh to oko ruke, znaci jadno je ja sam se ajebao i kupio kad sam bio u ameriki,.. kad sam video kolko je to sranje, em shto je ruzno em shto je ogromno... pa sam zamenio za dlo0096611.gif isplati se:)

a sad sam video da imash nano:)) nishta, za njea ne znam kake su stvarcice:)

( [;)] )...

Edited by MiGsa
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