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nadimci, aka "nikovi"

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topalko jos od '97 u igraonici devojka koja je dolazila prozvala me topalovic valjda bili maratonci u modi :) i onda ortaci s kojima sam visio u igraoni skratili to na topalko kasnije topavko ili top na fudbalu, i dan danas u kraju me zovu topalko

sto se tice nicka fata, '01 dok je cs bio u modi potpisivao sam se fatality posto sam gotivio mortal kombat i znao sve finishing poteze pa su me non stop pitali e kako ide ovaj fatality e kako ide onaj, i onda sam bio jedno 4-5 meseci fatality i ortak koga je mrzelo ili je bilo komplikovano da non stop prica "fatality pazi ledja, fatality overi desno skratio ga na fata" i od tada svi me znaju kao fata, samo sto 80% njih ne zna zasto :)

prevelik ti avatar m8

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jos kada sam igrao cs i nisam znao koji nick da stavim,a pre toga sam igrao diablo i gotivio ga strasno ;) i video tu dark wanderer-a :) mada nisam zato uzeo nick,nego slucajno sam pre startovao jedan hl mod valjda se zvao westland tako nekako ;) i tu je bio nick po defaultu wanderer i eto uzeo taj nick onako bez veze ;) i mrzelo me da menjam i tako ostao do dana danasnjeg ....

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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epizoda simpsonovih gde se mardz zaposljava u n.elektranu i gde joj Homer objasnjava da sta god da sjebe da se izvuce na madjara koji ne zna engleski ...( "A Tibor...how many times u saved my worthless but...)

ja sam sad tibor2 a to je duga prica...

brandstack.com/users/portfolio/logos/gligorov \\ behance.net/gligorov

99designs.com/people/gligorov \\ twitter.com/MarkoGligorov \\ upstack.com/

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kad sam pochinjao da chetujem na serbiancafeu neke 98 smorilo me shto svi likovi imaju nickove tiba mel gibson,mlad lud tvoj itd, i nasta bad nick a kasnije i bednik:)

moj nick vuce stare korene iz 96-7 ako ne i ranije , kada je izasao starcraft
da nije malko kasnije a ne ranije? Edited by badnick

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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Moj nick je izvremena kad sam ishao na krstaricu.

Bio sam zaludjen rap-om (kao i sad) prvo sam hteo da se potpishem Ice Qube

poshto je vec postojao raper Ice Qube ,ja sam nick skratio i nastalo je Ice Q.

Moj prvi nick SOCCER Q sam stavio prilikom registracije jer sam mislio da cu se registrovati na RUR samo zbog PES 4.





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Well, it all started with Unreal Tournament, and Unreal "Return to NaPali". First of all, a brief history of who Chizra is :

Chizra is the Nali Water God. Nali is world where all the action of Unreal (singleplayer) is located. So, if you played the game, you musta stumbled accross the statue of Chizra. The translator beeps, and the message is "Chizra, Nali Water God.".

Okay now, when you know who Chizra is, it's time to learn why have I identified myself with an Unreal God :]

My first multiplayer game (at friends LAN) were StarCraft (BroodWar) and Unreal Tournament (First, One and Only!). So, being a hothead, I didn't enjoyed the strategy of SCBW at first. I was all about killing/gibbing my friends. So, one can say that I entered the multiplayer community carrying ASMD Shock Core in one, and Flak Cannon in other hand :P.

And being so good in UT, I figured I should call myself fokkin' mighty, like a God of Unreal. And so I became Chizra. Of course, the 1337 h4x0r moment is obvious, I replaced the "i" with "1", and that would be it. :]


Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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  oveRk1nd said:
Ajde pojasni ovo, molim te. Kako Igor? Per tu amor bi trebalo da bude: "za tebe ljubavi", ili za ljubav tvoju", kako mi se čini.

Osim ako ono ERUMOR nije Igor?  [:)]

ma bre spanska serija neka sam mi je pertu rekao,.

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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Pa , davno bejashe neka 97-98 tako neshto kada sam pocheo da pikam Q2 prvi nick mi je bio Aca the Killer (jebiga bio sam vrlo mlad) i u medjuvremenu sam pocheo d a igram Rifts (RPG Game predugachko da objashnjavam za one koji ne znaju) i tu sam igrao lika Klase


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The Juicer character class for RIFTS, to put it mildly, is sick. Really. I mean, anyone who bothers choosing a character that is guaranteed to die within three to five years of its creation from constant drug and chemical implants is choosing to play something twisted. I also liked the concept of the character class, if not the mechanics, just because it seemed cool. Psychotic speed-freak/steroid user warrior!

I mnogo mi se svideo i ostade juicer to dana danashnjeg...imao sam josh par nickova al to su bile prelazne faze [:D]

Evo nashao sam i jednu sliku za one kojima je mashta slabija strana


Chak sam dobio i naslovnu stranu


Edited by juicer.

Gotta learn the rules

so i can break dem properly!

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  ch1zra said:
Well, it all started with Unreal Tournament, and Unreal "Return to NaPali". First of all, a brief history of who Chizra is :

Chizra is the Nali Water God. Nali is world where all the action of Unreal (singleplayer) is located. So, if you played the game, you musta stumbled accross the statue of Chizra. The translator beeps, and the message is "Chizra, Nali Water God.".

Okay now, when you know who Chizra is, it's time to learn why have I identified myself with an Unreal God :]

My first multiplayer game (at friends LAN) were StarCraft (BroodWar) and Unreal Tournament (First, One and Only!). So, being a hothead, I didn't enjoyed the strategy of SCBW at first. I was all about killing/gibbing my friends. So, one can say that I entered the multiplayer community carrying ASMD Shock Core in one, and Flak Cannon in other hand :P.

And being so good in UT, I figured I should call myself fokkin' mighty, like a God of Unreal. And so I became Chizra. Of course, the 1337 h4x0r moment is obvious, I replaced the "i" with "1", and that would be it. :]


ja sam mislio da ti prosto zrachis... zrach1... nego...

ja se zovem darijan

...... f e n s i c ......

...yes, ur unique...

...just like everyone else...

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  Stator said:
i tako bi ostade "Stator" i i dosta redak nick tako da uvek mogu da se registrujem pod njim :)

Da je tako u mojem slučaju :( Corey je popularno ime u Americi pa u 99% slučajeva je zauzeto :( inače nick potiče negde iz 2002-e godine kada sam dobio net i provalio šta je forum.Naiđem tako na cs-centar(više ne postoji) i kao ajde da se registrujem i prvo mi palo na pamet ima pevača tadašnje grupe koju sam slušao(Slipknot) i ostade Corey.Inače to mi je bio prvi forum na koji sam se ikada registrovao i zbog njega sam počeo da igram cs....wand i co. [:D]




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E da, to behu josh kada sam prvi put okusio internet, i kao yahoo mail and chat and things. I sad, kao ocesh ovaj nick ocesh onaj i svi zauzeti, i chisto odkucao banman, i eto. Niti to ima ikakve veze sa bananamenom ili shta vec, vec je produkt sluchajnog udaranja dugmica bez uticaja razuma. E, eto.

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Iz dva razloga.

Prvi: najvishe na svetu mrzim nepravdu.


Nemesis (called Rhamnousia, the "goddess of Rhamnous", at her sanctuary at Rhamnous, north of Marathon), in Greek mythology, is the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris, vengeful fate personified as a remorseless goddess.

Such harsh divine justice is a major theme in the Hellenic world view, providing the unifying theme of the tragedies of Sophocles and many other mythological works. In some metaphysical mythology, Nemesis produced the egg from which hatched two sets of twins: Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra, and the Dioscuri, Castor and Polydeukes...

Drugi: kad sam bio mali mnogo sam voleo G. I. Joe vojnike.

Posle odgledanog dugometraznog filma "Action Forces" odushevio me je lik Nemesis Enforcer-a.


Life is gistro...

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