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chek sad

aj razumem da je super igra

ali brate kako im se ne spava meni se ochi same zatvaraju

to je bolest... a od bolesti se umire =\

Well I have been playing this game for over four months now and I do spend many hours every week on it. I have to say however that I do not feel compelled to pick up my staff, summon a demon, and seek out the denizens of the World of Warcraft for a slaying party. Nor do I feel like jumping off a cliff because I know I will survive. C'mon people! Do you think that maybe there might have been an existing underlying issue in this child that allowed his exposure to this game to literally push him over the edge? Did he tell people that he was going to perform this act, copying the game? Or did he have an accident and the parents, in their grief, are trying to find cause and closure by blaming the gaming company that "offers" their game to consumers, not forces them to use it? Parents listen up. Do not let your kids watch tv, use their playstations, or see movies that may give them ideas that may drive them to do what they see there. "But we can't control what they watch/play/view." YES YOU CAN! All players of the game electronically sign a EULA and make the decision to play. Persons under 18 need to have their parent's permission to form an account. So instead of attacking the company that provides the product, how about making sure you know more about what your kids are doing on their computer and teach them the difference between fact and fantasy. I am sorry this family has lost their child. No parent should ever have to bury their child. Grief is important. But focus on the life he lived, not how to place blame for his death.



Edited by pimpin`

uvek moze bolje...

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Zashto obracati paznju? Ako cemo po zapadnoj psihologiji (na nivou roditelja, s obzirom da se pominje "to sue") onda je klinac imao psiholoshke probleme davno pre WOWa... to shto je doshlo do ispoljavanja tek tokom igre je nepogodna sluchajnost po Blizz...

stop making sense!

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Sva sretja isqlirao sam se nekoliko dana da ne igram , inache mi je bilo strasno loshe .. jer sam igro 50 i nesto sati bez spavanja ...

taj rad, radio sam i ja to dok sam bio shadow - grind, grind, grind i samo grind, sada kao holy nemam shta da radim u ranim jutarnjim satima i kasno uveche jer je server prazan i ne mozesh da nadjesh ekipu za normalan instance run tako da spavam! =]

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uzas, debilno totalno :P

btw cali ovo je kina, kina nije zapad. . . iz retardirani su zutaci skroz ne znaju da stanu, pa posle im neko drugi kriv, ko ih jebe :P jeste loshe da umre dechko od 13 god, mada o5 shta li je njemu u mozgu bre majku mu ?! 2 muve ?!

imao sam i ja te 3pove kad sam bio klinac od mozda 6 godina i igrao na sony1 platformice pa posle trchao po kutji i lomio sve shto vidim [:D]

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