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Ja imam svetu trojku sto se muzike tice : metal punk rock.

S obzirom da je bila Metallica, voleo bih da dodje AC-DC,bubreg bi prodao ali bi otisao na koncert.

Sto se punka tice,bez NOFX ili RANCID nema price...

Moj mozak: da da da, ''AC,NoFX,bla bla bla'', a kuci tresti Seka Aleksic

Ja: Daj umukni vise!!!


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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btw ima neko neki california punk da mi reze. platjam ili menjam ^^

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yellowcard(ocean avenue,empty apartment)

over it(we are the ordinary)

gold finger(counting the days)

Midtown(what u hate)

jimmy eat world(pain)

good charlote(ghost of u,the young and hopless)

simple plain-jump

new found glory-understatement

the exies-inertia

matches-chain me free

the used-blue and yellow

agent5.1-i bellive

matchbox romance-the greatest fall of all time

dashboard confessional-ender will save us all

motion city soundtrack-better open the door

home grown-why wont u leave

matches-sick little suicide

army of freshmen-road less traveled

guff-yesterday seems


nhoi-hard headed

rancid-roots radicals

the early november-fluxy

saves the day-sell my old clothes, im off to heaven

jack's mannequin-into the airwaves

ame of me-safe here

dont look down-can u hear me

playing white t's-all that we need

sugarcult-worst to december;counting stars

the starting line-making love to camera;the world


home grown-why wont u leave


hoobstank-the reason;out of control

The click five-angel to you

army of me-my defance

the used-all that we got

the used-all that i've got

i am the avalanche-a new disaster

lit--happy in the meantime

unwritten law-callin

MxPx-the story

strung out-match box


capture the flag-antigravity club

I see by your outfit, that you are a cowboy.

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Infected Mushroom opet, Yahel, Space Buddha, GMS...sve naravno LIVE (posebno GMS, a ne opet samo Bansi ili tako neki shit)...

[edit]Svrstao bi u listu i Black&White live i Eskimo live, ali poshto je B&W ionako za 4 dana, a Eskimo bio pre 2 nedelje, preskochio sam[/edit]

Edited by Green
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jos jedan spam-friendly topic

rolling stones, iron maiden

voleo bih da cujem NaS-a u bgu :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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rhcp, kravitz, depeche mode, basement jaxx, santana, roni size..opet prodigy i faithless :>



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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  eyel said:
btw ima neko neki california punk da mi reze. platjam ili menjam ^^

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
yellowcard(ocean avenue,empty apartment)

over it(we are the ordinary)

gold finger(counting the days)

Midtown(what u hate)

jimmy eat world(pain)

good charlote(ghost of u,the young and hopless)

simple plain-jump

new found glory-understatement

the exies-inertia

matches-chain me free

the used-blue and yellow

agent5.1-i bellive

matchbox romance-the greatest fall of all time

dashboard confessional-ender will save us all

motion city soundtrack-better open the door

home grown-why wont u leave

matches-sick little suicide

army of freshmen-road less traveled

guff-yesterday seems


nhoi-hard headed

rancid-roots radicals

the early november-fluxy

saves the day-sell my old clothes, im off to heaven

jack's mannequin-into the airwaves

ame of me-safe here

dont look down-can u hear me

playing white t's-all that we need

sugarcult-worst to december;counting stars

the starting line-making love to camera;the world


home grown-why wont u leave


hoobstank-the reason;out of control

The click five-angel to you

army of me-my defance

the used-all that we got

the used-all that i've got

i am the avalanche-a new disaster

lit--happy in the meantime

unwritten law-callin

MxPx-the story

strung out-match box


capture the flag-antigravity club

Brate,mrzi me da citam ovaj tvoj spisak,imam sve od NOFX-a i Rancida,Offspring je klasika,o da imami Bad Religion,takodje sve


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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Ne bih imao nista protiv stejdze, da idem zajedno sa koletom, a vol'o bih i Godsmack. Sta vise, ne bi mi ni Rammstein smetao, samo da stave neku cenu karte pa da se ne sjate bas kojekakvi raspadi ;) ... bogami bi na toj listi bilo dosta izvodjaca. Propeller Headse bih isto tako rad'o slush'o i gled'o, primal scream itd.

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Depeche Mode...

i da se vratim vremenski i prostorno unazad na Underworldov koncert u Japanu...


  Ivan_ said:

gruja novi alen

  Ivan said:

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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GNR se raspao odavno,AXL je oformio nove gunse,ali su sranje

Sa druge strane Slash i onaj bassista su u Velvet Revolvers-ima

ali ni oni nisu nesto

hteo sam napisati rhcp,ne znam koji mi bio qrac:)

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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  Longleyy said:
Kad su se gansi raspali??!!! :`(

IHA,covece,nezvanicno pre 7,8 godina,a zvanicno pre 4 kada je AXL nastupio na MTV-ovoj dodeli nagrada.Nastupio je sa tim novim gansima i ''pevao'' Welcome to the Jungle.Bend je uzasan,a i njegv glas

GNR je bio savrsen bend,valjda zato i nisu mogli dugo da postoje


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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