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Malo opravdanog hejta

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Dzukela ko dzukela , zasto bi ih se plashio , ne vole me to je tachno , ali definitivno prosecan dzukac ne sme da me napadne :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ja bas i ne mogu da pohvalim Farla (75% rot/ 25% pit bul), nikada ga nisam maltretirao, svako svakcato vece ga setam, ali jedno 1000 puta je skakao na osobe koje bi drzale cigaru uperenu u mene ili na ljude koji prodju pored mene i nose kese i na koga sve ne. I znam da je on to radio za moje dobro, ali to je samo njegova tacka gledista. Sa tacke gledista tipa kojem je ubio staforda ( majmun ga setao bez povoca - i dan danas me zabole ) on je "zla dzukela".

Edited by XCain


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