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'Strike First' strategija


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WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has drawn up a new strategy, built on the 2002 "Bush doctrine" of pre-emptive military strikes, that would allow the US to make first use of nuclear weapons to thwart an a WMD attack against the country.

Under the scheme, developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff but yet to be ratified by Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, commanders would be able to request permission from the President to use nuclear weapons in a variety of scenarios.

According to the Washington Post, one possibility is an enemy that is using, or "is about to use" weapons of mass destruction against US military forces or civilian population.

Another is where nuclear weapons could be used against biological weapons that an enemy was close to using, and which could only be safely destroyed by nuclear weapons and their after-effects.

In practice, the strategy would update existing guidelines, drawn up in 1995 under the Clinton administration.

It would fit in with plans mooted by the Pentagon to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons, specifically designed to attack enemy bunkers of WMD, buried deep underground.

But Congress has thus far declined to provide funds for a study into the so-called "robust nuclear earth penetrator", not least because of criticism that such a move would make a mockery of US-led efforts to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation, and make it more, rather than less likely, that such weapons would be employed.

However the Pentagon document argues that proliferation has already made it more likely that nuclear weapons could be used.

It claims that some 30 nations have WMD programmes -- not to mention terrorists, or "non-state actors" as they are described, acting either independently or under the sponsorship of a state opposed to the US.

It also points out that even during the Cold War the US refused to commit itself to a "no first use" of nuclear weapons.

dobro su se setili. ako ovo prodje kod kongresa, nece vishe biti brukanja kao u iraku, gde nisu mogli da nadju oruzhja za masovno unishtenje. jednostavno ce uperiti prstom u ogromni radioaktivni krater (AKA The Glow [:D] ) i reci: 'evo, spasli smo demokratiju'..

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elem on topic... rusi su tako nesto izglasali prosle godine tako da ovo nemoze da cudi nikako.

Rusi su proshle godine izglasali da ce da napadaju teroriste konvencionalnim naoruzanjem na teritorijama drugih zemalja ako imaju chinjenichne dokaze da tamo postoje teroristichke baze koje ugrozavaju Rusiji. To "pravo", naravno, nijednom nisu iskoristili...

А в чем сила, брат?

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Puna im usta mira, a ratuju na svakom koraku mamu im jebem. Ne smiruju sukobe vec ih sami kreiraju. Bash lepo. Vec godinama odbijaju da potpishu sporazum o smanjenju zagadjenja sa njihove teritorije, a sve ostale zemlje su to potpisale. I imaju drskosti da kazu kako ovoliki uragani nemaju veze sa globalnim zagadjenjem. Insistiraju na medjunarodnom sudu, ali tu nece moci da se sudi njihovim gradjanima. Kao imaju najvecu demokratiju, a policija moze svakog da zatvori na 30 dana bez advokata ako sumnja da je terorista. Drzali su i po 2 godine ljude iz Avganistana po zatvorima za koje nisu imali ni jednog jedinog dokaza da su teroristi. Pa mame im ga nabijem pun mi ih je kurac. Sve bi ih pobio pizda li im materina, samo na sebe misle, a svi ostali neka crknu!

Mama, mama šta je to jebanje???
Pa vidiš sine to je ruzna reč za nešto lepo:)

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samo nadjem mog mutiranog prijatelja migsu i na konju sam :P

a ja samo da nadjem bozar... i "Made it, Ma! Top of the world!"

tad prestaje mod lova and peace mod... i tu pocinje killa mod...!

a`ya man!

malo za one koji nicu citali FO bibliju:D

"Vault 69 Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one man."

uf sho bi voleo da sam taj jedan lik... :))

( [;)] )...

Edited by MiGsa
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