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House music

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Jedno pitanje. Interesuje me zasto bas House music. Da li neko zna odakle je to poteklo, zasto bas House, da li to na nesto specificno asociara ???

I da isto mi nije jasno zasto ima milion pravaca u house toliko da ni oni koji kazu da slusaju tipa proggresive house ne znaju ni sta to znaci ???


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In the beginning, there was Jack, and Jack had a groove, and from this groove came the groove of all grooves. And while one day viciously throwing down on his box, Jack boldly declared, "Let there be House," and House Music was born. "I am you see, I am the creator, and this is my house, and in my house there is only house music. But I am not so selfish because once you enter my house, it then becomes our house and our house music. And you see, no one man owns house, because house music is a universal language, spoken and understood by all. You see, house is a feeling, that no one can understand really, unless you're deep into the vibe of house. House is an uncontrollable desire to jack your body, and as I told you before, this is our house and our house music. And in every house, understand that ther is a keeper. And in this house the keeper's name is Jack. Now, some of you might wonder who is Jack and what is it that Jack does. Jack is the one who gives you the power to Jack your body, Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the snake, Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm, Jack is the one who learns you how to wop your body. Jack is the one who can bring nations and nations of all Jackers together. You may be black, you may be white, you may be Jew or Gentile, but it doesn't make a difference in our house, and this is fresh!"


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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odredjen skup zvukova koji daje karakter pesmi

kada se dovoljan broj pesama sklopi a da taj karakter nosi, odredi se novi pravac i da mu se ime

progressive nosi taj naziv iz malo smeshnih razloga ali ja volim da kazhem da je tako zato shto se gresiva samo tako mozhe miksati, sa sporim napredovanjem graditi neshto

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Pa Zeki brate, netju da se pravim pametan, ali neke stvari i nisu bash za objasniti.

I koliko kod da ti neko neshto pojasni, ne vredi dok sam ne dozivish. Kao npr. kako skochiti sa bajsom. Objashnjavali mi i objashnjavali, i nishta. Dok nisam probao 100 puta i na kraju uspeo. Znachi ovo shto je Lag napisao je sasvim korektno. Sve su to stilovi. Bilo da je u pitanju groove u muzici ili naprosto neki zvukovi koji se ponavljaju. To shto neko bash tako neshto nazove u principu ima smisla, ali ponekad i ne. Naprimer Goa trance je nazvan po ostrvu. Pogledaj u Vujakliju i nadji rech progresivan.

Ne treba biti bukvalista i shvatati sve crno na belo. Da sam chekao u zivotu da mi se sve objasni ne bi bilo zanimljivo. Najbolje je da sednesh sa nekim drugarom, koji ima dobar izbor mjuze pa lepo jedno po jedno. Ovo je zbog ovog, ovo je zbog onog.


Life is gistro...

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