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Underworld live @ Exit 05

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Pa ako izuzmemo tehnichke probleme, tipa bimovi nisu radili kako treba dobrih sat vremena nastupa, neshto nije bilo u redu sa srednjim i visokim tonovima, ako si uhvatio neko lepo mesto ispred ili pored zvuchnika (jer u sredini je zvuk bio ochajno slab, a to su mnogi primetili) Underworld je razbio... Ovo se definitivno skida i chuva.

Edited by Nemesis Enforcer

Life is gistro...

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klanjam im se vechno zahvalan.

jedino je falilo da chujem "your rails, your thin..."

dodushe mislim da bih tad definitivno umro.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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