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Dota 6.10 !!! ? IZASHLA..


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invoker je govno od heroja ima mali milion magija.prve tri aure ,koje jos nisma skor shvatio,i 4.mmagija koja u kombinaciji sa prve 3 dobija oko 10 razlicitih magija (ledeni val,kotrljajucu stenu,doom-a,neunistivost,nevidljivost(nevidljivi su i oni oko tebe),iluzija)

sve u svemu samo se dota igra!!!!

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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invoker je govno od heroja ima mali milion magija.prve tri aure ,koje jos nisma skor shvatio,i 4.mmagija koja u kombinaciji sa prve 3 dobija oko 10 razlicitih magija (ledeni val,kotrljajucu stenu,doom-a,neunistivost,nevidljivost(nevidljivi su i oni oko tebe),iluzija)

sve u svemu samo se dota igra!!!!

u igri imash log za njegove magije tj. imash sve kombinacije... btw on ce biti 1 od abjuzerskih suport heroja :)

i definitivno nije sranje verzija.. [:(!] i naravno treba da se igra dota za razliku od onog sugavog D-Daya :)

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invoker je govno od heroja ima mali milion magija.prve tri aure ,koje jos nisma skor shvatio,i 4.mmagija koja u kombinaciji sa prve 3 dobija oko 10 razlicitih magija (ledeni val,kotrljajucu stenu,doom-a,neunistivost,nevidljivost(nevidljivi su i oni oko tebe),iluzija)

sve u svemu samo se dota igra!!!!

Ne rise da su vratili onog sto kombinuje magije? :) Hehe ... on mi je bio jedan od glavnih favorita da vidim kako ce ga napraviti na kraju. Sa'cu da isprobam, bas me zanimaju ti novi heroji.

Jel ima neko punu listu promena?

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DotA Allstars v6.10



-Faceless void remade

-Invoker, new scourge hero

-Improved item drop system (all items can now be dropped once cooldown is over)

-Placed a limit on the number of chickens you can hold

-Fixed conversion on spirit bear bug

-Roshan now has chance to drop rare item

-Improved accuracy on death timer

-Fixed bug where multicast chances increased when ogre had images created

-Fixed bug with Nature's Attendants

-Fixed bug where you can't get a greaterbash with netherstrike if you just got a greaterbash

-Removed the "Zone Indicator" text when you use -ap

-Removed many unused objects from map

-Changed counterhelix damage type from magical to physical

-Tweaked poison nova, same overall damage, but over 12 seconds instead of 7.

-Removed mana cost on morph

-Reduced cooldown on Linken's sphere ability from 2 to 1 minute.

-Cleaned up recipe tooltips

-When you use scroll of teleportation, the target structure becomes immune to damage for the casting time (helps vs backdooring)

-Broodmother's web now has truesight, misc typos on it fixed.

-Increased attack cooldown time on N'aix from 1.60 to 1.70 (like the majority of heroes, more of a fix then a balancing act).

-Light Strike and Split Earth caster unit bug fixed

-Increased damage on radiance from 65 to 70

-Reduced Mask of Madness recipe cost from 1200 to 1100

-Slightly improved blinkstrike timing

-Slightly increased the speed that the souls come out in Requiem of souls

-BoT can no longer target heroes, BoT recipe reduced a bit as a result.

-Minor nerf sven movespeed

-Minor cooldown increase on scythe

-Decreased BKB cooldown slightly

-Phantom Assassin and Stealth Assasin may now use Blink Strike to allies

-Cooldown on blade fury increased

-Slight movement speed increase per Grow on Tiny

-Buffed Nether ward

-Buffed range on Pugna's Life Drain by 100 with scepter and by 50 without

-Added a mana cost to King Leoric's Reincarnation

-Increased range on shop buying

-Reduced diabolic edict cooldown from 30/30/30/30 to 30/28/26/24

-Changed (improved) bladefury hotkeys

-Slightly increased cooldown on rhasta wards and Midnight pulse

-Made shortmode shorter, a little more gold and exp

-Improved level 3 towers a bit (no longer weaker then level 2 towers)

-Slightly improved regen on rax

-Reduced the aoe on Midnight Pulse a little

-Reduced duration of Rhasta and Lion's Hex from 2/3/4/5 to 1/2/3/4

-Increased repel cooldown from 12 to 20 seconds

-Buffed Enfeeble, changed cd/duration around a bit.

-Changed Leshrac Split Earth AOE from 150/150/200/210 to 150/175/200/225

-Stout shield incorrect numbers fixed

-Ring of Basilius incorrect numbers fixed

-Scepter mana/hp typos

-Scythe duration typo

-S&Y said 15% chance to maim but actually 10%, restored to 15%

-Slight increased range on waveform

-Fixed reverse polarity so you cannot move roshan

-Removed unusable hotkeys off morph agi/str so u can properly use hotkeys to learn

-Rebased Morphling's Morph to allow for proper attack while morphing attributes

-Changed hotkey on burrowstrike to e, like regular impales

-Reduced necronomicon recipe from 1100 to 800

-Reduced Linken's Sphere recipe from 1525 to 1425

-Nerfed Sven's cleave from 15/30/45/60 to 12/25/37/50

-Reworked anti-mage spell shield (10/20/30/40 magic resist passive no ias reduction)

-Increased pugna movespeed from 295 to 315

-Made CM and Lich nova hotkeys the same, v.

-Stout Shield price reduced from 400 to 200

-Removed the frostnova animation from -refresh

-Fixed bug where -movespeed would stop working

-Disabled randoming after a certain period, prevents certain multihero abuses

-Made collision size on Meta TB same as regular, as the meta could get stuck in certain situations

-Added note to MKB about the 0.01 stun effect

-Cleaned up the agi/int/str information tooltip when you hover over your hero stats

-Changed Magnus's Shockwave hotkey to be W like other abilities of this form (as a result, empower->E)

-Fixed typo in Return on Centuar

-Fixed Pacifism typos

-Scepter tooltips to reflect which hero the created scepter works on

-Blade Fury typo

-Lucy lvl? typo fixed

-Broodmother Insatiable Hunger typo at lvl 2

-Reverse polarity typo fixed

-Faceless Void Description changed to the one unHOLYdoNUTS posted

-Broodmother description changed to the one CrashTestDummy posted

-Soulbooster Typos

-Diffusal Typo

-Sange Typo

-Tweaked axe's power distrubtion a bit:

Berserker call from 100/150/200/250 to a constant 275 all levels

with duration 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds instead of 3.5

Counter Helix from 175 to 100/125/150/175 dmg at a constant 15% chance

Culling blade from 200/290, 300/400, 400/550 to 150/300, 250/450, 300/625

-Cleaned up Memory leaks in triggers: ManaVoid, Track, goo, freezing field, echo slam, aftershock,

nature's attendants, netherswap, craggy exterior, malefice, -recreate, tower death triggers,

song of the siren, purification, Spirit lance, overgrowth, smoke screen, static field, wrath of zeus,

lightning bolt, battle hunger, counter helix, berserkers call, movespeed, unstuck, creep Spawn

-Nerfed clinkz movespeed by 10 but buffed clinkz attack range from 600 to 975 to even out.

Edited by teca_boom
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dobro da se neko setio da izbaci!

thx teca_boom

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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znaci invoker mass imba ... znate da moze da baca magiju 2 puta ako ideste spell invoke i onda mozete opet da bacate spell inace sa njim duble dmg ne prolazi dok ga neubijete tako da se isplati skupiti burizu ali predlazem guinso prvi i to eul pa oblivion .... inace po meni inferno i energy blast su extra a i onaj vatreni stit (qee) je extra energy blast uradi 2x800 dmga u 400-500AOE sto je extra ... odlican je za farmovanje po meni dobija pare brze i od nenormalnog dooma ... invoker ce definitivno morati da ulazi u prvu postavu scurge-a jer je mnooogo imba ... u sledecoj verzii sam siguran da ce biti puno nerfovan .... tako da zabavite se dok mozete ( ako se secate i gamblera su izbacili ...)

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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Invoker ima najrazlicitije magije od kojih svaka ima neku svoju poentu u nekom delu igre. Ipak, ono sto se meni najvishe dopalo (iako nisam igrao sa njim vec gledao) jeste ona magija koja tebe lechi prilicno a protivniku skida dosta i ona koja protivniku zabranjuje da napada na 7 sekundi. Naravno, i druge su dobre ali su mi ove za sada favoriti.

Sa druge strane, Fejsles vojd ce isto morati da se dodatno sredjuje jer su ga prilicno promenili i sada je bash onako zeznut. Prva magija mu je kao Jurnerova ultimativna, na najvisem nivou povecava damage udarcu 120%, zadrzhava u tom stadijumu i bash + je neranjiv. Jedino sto funkcionishe po principu da svakog protivnika udari po jednom, pa nema harasovanja solo heroja. Ono za sta je sa druge strane bolji od juernera jeste za ciscenje gomile kripova, posebno u bazi recimo, jer nema limita na to koliko ce ih udarati, dokle god svakog ne udari po jednom. Magija mu se brzo hladi pa moze po potrebi opet da je aktivira tako da kripovi samo padaju a vi skupljate kesh.

Tu je i bash koji daje + 50 damagea i stun na 1.1 sec a mislim da je sansa 25% na najvisem nivou, a nova magija je nekako slicna kao onom velikom mravu, ali opet nije ;) Sve u svemu, ima sansu 20% na najvishem nivou da se "vrati kroz vreme" (iako ostane na istoj poziciji fizicki) i tako izbegne bilo koji fizicki ili magijski napad. To mu dodje kao neki vid evadea, s tim sto deluje i na magije.

Ultimativna magija je verzija stana s tim sto je sada samo u odredjenom radijusu, nije preko cele mape, ali zato zaustavlja i kule koje pucaju a i traje prilicno, 3 sec na prvom, 4.5 na drugom i cak 6 sekundi na trecem nivou. Prilicno zajebata magija. Morace malo da se dotera. Dodushe, nekada se desi da zaustavi i tvoje jedinice a nekada samo protivnicke, pa ne znam sta je od ta dva "ono pravo". Cini mi se da ce ostaviti da zaustavlja i tvoje, onda tih 6 sec nije bash toliko tragicno. Void je naravno sposoban da se krece kroz taj "zaustavljeni prostor".

Nisam isprobavao jos nista pored toga od ovih novih stvari, mozda cu kasnije, kad nadjem nesto vremena.

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da ali te magije su suvise hero nuke a ove su bas za farmovanje i odbranujer ni jedan heroj do nekog 15-16 lvl-a ne moze da izdrzi da stoji na vatri dok ne prodje ....

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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Po meni je invoker jako dobar heroj pogotovo ako kombinujes Q Q E pa ga privuces a pritom mu skines oko 300 hp ,a potom Q Q E frost nova i boom gotovo ako ima ispod 700 hp umire....mnogo mi je dobar ovaj heroj ne znam za vas.

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taj novi heroj je jedini heroj sa kojim treba skilla , inache uopste nije imba ... jeste jak vs nekih heroja , ali zato necemo da govorimo o high lvl meele herojima koji ga ownz kako god hocesh ... mada mi je jako interesantan , nije lako igrati sa njim , a i jako je kreativno i neobichno sto ga cini jako dobrim herojem ... full of fun :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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taj novi heroj je jedini heroj sa kojim treba skilla , inache uopste nije imba ... jeste jak vs nekih heroja , ali zato necemo da govorimo o high lvl meele herojima koji ga ownz kako god hocesh ... mada mi je jako interesantan , nije lako igrati sa njim , a i jako je kreativno i neobichno sto ga cini jako dobrim herojem ... full of fun :)

Pa pazo jeste da ga melee od 3000 hp ownuje laganao, ali dok ne dodje dotle on vec na 7 lvl ima onaj jebeni meteor koji kada baci ubija sve crepove od jedan put, znaci stek za pare samo tako, to je gore od kepperove one vatrice. Znaci ja bacam vatricu ovaj baca ono sranje i jace je mnogooo od mene. Prejako a ima cool down do bola.

Znaci bila je situacija: nas pet na sredi i da im se popnemo u bazu na zadnju kulu, a on sa jos 2 heroja brani bazu sa tim kuglama, nema sanse da udjes, jer ono ti skine oko 1000 hp ako mu se nadjes na putu. znaci gadno strasno, a da ne pricam jos neke magije koje su stvarno imba.....

Legend is BACK!!

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Ultimativna magija je verzija stana s tim sto je sada samo u odredjenom radijusu, nije preko cele mape, ali zato zaustavlja i kule koje pucaju a i traje prilicno, 3 sec na prvom, 4.5 na drugom i cak 6 sekundi na trecem nivou. Prilicno zajebata magija. Morace malo da se dotera. Dodushe, nekada se desi da zaustavi i tvoje jedinice a nekada samo protivnicke, pa ne znam sta je od ta dva "ono pravo". Cini mi se da ce ostaviti da zaustavlja i tvoje, onda tih 6 sec nije bash toliko tragicno. Void je naravno sposoban da se krece kroz taj "zaustavljeni prostor".

Nisam isprobavao jos nista pored toga od ovih novih stvari, mozda cu kasnije, kad nadjem nesto vremena.

ulti mu je extra zato sto je napravljena tako da ne unitsti totalno protivnicki napada npr on katuje sve to zaustavlja sve magije ali sta nema divljanja od strane njegovih saigraca zato sto bilo ko,ko udje u tu areu bice zakljucan tako da mu je ulti solidan ne kazem da je krs :)

prevelik ti avatar m8

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