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ako pogledamo samo beograd,shto vecinu ljudi ovde interesuje,i uzmemo u obzir godine od 15-29(shto predstavlja upotrebljivu pichku slozicemo se)dolazimo do broja od 162476 mushkaraca i 163750 zena,shto chini 1.0078 vishe pichetine u odnosu na kurac.

Ali zamisljam ovakvu izjavu u nekoj emisiji o odnosu muskaraca i zena, sta znam, tipa klopka ili tako nesto, i deo "sto predstavlja upotrebljivu pichku slozhicemo se" kako onako, ispod oka sa spustenim naocarima pricas ljudima u publici, a onda se vracas nas svoj papir i tu citas ostalu statistiku ;))

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Ali zamisljam ovakvu izjavu u nekoj emisiji o odnosu muskaraca i zena, sta znam, tipa klopka ili tako nesto, i deo "sto predstavlja upotrebljivu pichku slozhicemo se" kako onako, ispod oka sa spustenim naocarima pricas ljudima u publici, a onda se vracas nas svoj papir i tu citas ostalu statistiku ;))

Ahaha, a ja zamishljam svog profu iz statistike u srednjoj kako to izgovara... [:D] chovek ima tako preshs "pogled ispod obrva sa naocharima spushtenim na nos"... a pritom i voli mlade zenske pichetine! [:D]

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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ima onaj spot za Guaranu, gde ona crnkinja Kubanka trese za medalju. ja da sam zensko tezio bih tome (ne da budem crnkinja, vec da imam takav skil).

brate zenio bih je :)

sto se tice bulje keyra said it all...

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Naravno da je guza najsladja, ali uz nju mora da ide obavezno uzak struk i lepe dugachke nogice  [:p]  [:p]  [:p], inache nema nishta od dupeta...

jasno k'o dan. kad kazem da sam zaljubljenik u guze, podrazumevam seo stajni trap. cak mi je ultra kad na takav struk guzu i noge ne idu prevelike sise (Petsi Kensit [:p]).


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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e sto je lepo citati ovakve postove u sitne nocne sate :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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