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ROFL, ovo me podseca na najbolje dane Junk foruma, sa raznim, u najmanju ruku, zanimljivim topicima. Ako Tjira ima neke c/p-ove neka okachi.

Haha...''Tijana''...ko zna zna:))

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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hm nekazem da sam pismen :)

mada uvek sam tako govorio oreginal

btw imao sam ja josh nekih izvala ranije ,

kao shto su brackars (baracks)

skirmish (skrimish)

bilo je josh dosta al nemogu da nabrajam

ne, PISE se skirmish... o_O

pod uslovom da mislimo na istu stvar...

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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Start of #cA.team buffer: Fri Feb 04 00:21:38 2005

* Now talking in #cA.team

* meesha` has joined #cA.team

* meesha` is now known as thug-Life`misa

* G3|Mizerni has joined #cA.team

* L sets mode: +o G3|Mizerni

<G3|Mizerni> virus

<cA|Aggressive-> ?

<G3|Mizerni> pozzz

<G3|Mizerni> masteri

<cA|Aggressive-> jel to neko rekao misha virus?

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

<cA|Aggressive-> ;D

<G3|Mizerni> lol

* G3|Mizerni sets mode: +o cA|Aggressive-

* G3|Mizerni sets mode: +o G3|DonBrankony

* thug-Life`misa has joined #cA.team

<G3|Mizerni> jooooj

<G3|Mizerni> ko je reako virus

<G3|Mizerni> ?

<cA|Aggressive-> :)

* G3|Mizerni sets mode: +v thug-Life`misa

<thug-Life`misa> a??

<thug-Life`misa> sta swirate jajima

<thug-Life`misa> dajte mi @

<thug-Life`misa> odma ali odma

<thug-Life`misa> :D

<cA|Aggressive-> kazhe se odma sada odma

<cA|Aggressive-> =]

<thug-Life`misa> stfu drkadziju

<thug-Life`misa> :{

<thug-Life`misa> :P

<cA|Aggressive-> =]

<thug-Life`misa> cuj owo kao neki brke

<thug-Life`misa> :D

<thug-Life`misa> sinak give me op

<thug-Life`misa> or j must kill

<thug-Life`misa> u

<thug-Life`misa> and ur family

<thug-Life`misa> :D

* cA|Aggressive- sets mode: -v thug-Life`misa

<thug-Life`misa> haha

<thug-Life`misa> da ti jebem jecu

<thug-Life`misa> :D

<G3|Mizerni> virus :)))

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

<G3|Mizerni> rofl

* thug-Life`misa has joined #cA.team

<thug-Life`misa> fu nab

<thug-Life`misa> :D

<G3|Mizerni> lol

<cA|Aggressive-> nisam ja

<cA|Aggressive-> dobio sam neke viruse

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

<cA|Aggressive-> od tebe

* thug-Life`misa has joined #cA.team

<cA|Aggressive-> preuzeli mi komp

<thug-Life`misa> preuzecu ti ja jelenu

<thug-Life`misa> :D

<cA|Aggressive-> virus...

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

<cA|Aggressive-> ahahahhahaha

<G3|Mizerni> lol

<cA|Aggressive-> umirem...

<G3|Mizerni> hahahahahaha :D

<G3|Mizerni> do jaaaaja

* thug-Life`misa has joined #cA.team

<thug-Life`misa> buahahaha

<cA|Aggressive-> e misho

* G3|Mizerni sets mode: +v thug-Life`misa

<thug-Life`misa> v i r u s

<cA|Aggressive-> aj mi poshalji neki virus

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

* thug-Life`misa has joined #cA.team

<thug-Life`misa> a?

<G3|Mizerni> lol

<cA|Aggressive-> kazhem poshalji mi virus

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

* thug-Life`misa has joined #cA.team

<thug-Life`misa> dobro

<cA|Aggressive-> alo

<thug-Life`misa> np

<cA|Aggressive-> poshalji mi

<cA|Aggressive-> !!

<thug-Life`misa> sta

<thug-Life`misa> ??

<G3|DonBrankony> virus

* thug-Life`misa has left #cA.team

<cA|Aggressive-> ahhahahahahaha

<G3|Mizerni> rofl

<cA|Aggressive-> ja sam umro

<cA|Aggressive-> pao sam sa stolice

<cA|Aggressive-> izbljuvao sam jogurt

<cA|Aggressive-> po tastaturi

<G3|DonBrankony> fuj

<cA|Aggressive-> =]

Alan Smith ftw.

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hm  nekazem da sam pismen :)

mada uvek sam tako govorio oreginal

btw imao sam ja josh nekih izvala ranije ,

kao shto su brackars (baracks)

skirmish (skrimish)

bilo je josh dosta al nemogu da nabrajam

Ajde sto brkas engleski,ali brate...oreginal...to ko kad Milojko Pantic umesto Ato Boldon vice Oto Boldon...


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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pa banana je onda automobil?!?

sokrat je smrtan.

macka je smrtna.

sokrat je macka.


The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Milan: Shta ima Cwele?

CweLe: Evo brate chatujem . ovo ono....

Milan: sa kim?

CweLe: ma tu sa mrgudom i nekim bicharkama ...

Milan: Na krstaricu ili na Mirc?

CweLe: DA


pa ovde su obojica kreteni... :))

trebao je da pita "jel preko javachata il preko mIRC-a ?" mada je mogao da ukljuci i ostale chat klijente (XChat, Pirch, jirc..) u pitanje, al posto oni nisu toliko rasprostranjeni kao mIRC, oprastam.. :P

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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Milan: Shta ima Cwele?

CweLe: Evo brate chatujem . ovo ono....

Milan: sa kim?

CweLe: ma tu sa mrgudom i nekim bicharkama ...

Milan: Na krstaricu ili na Mirc?

CweLe: DA


pa ovde su obojica kreteni... :))

trebao je da pita "jel preko javachata il preko mIRC-a ?" mada je mogao da ukljuci i ostale chat klijente (XChat, Pirch, jirc..) u pitanje, al posto oni nisu toliko rasprostranjeni kao mIRC, oprastam.. :P

ne glupiraj se :)

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Intruder>a jebo ga kontash da je oreginal oreginal nebaguje se itd itd

Intruder>dobro ako nisi profesor srpskog prestani sa tackama<


Umro sam...[:)][:)]



....Watch the master. Follow the master. Be the master....


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Haha...''Tijana''...ko zna zna:))


sokrat je smrtan.

macka je smrtna.

sokrat je macka.


Ovo nije logichki ispravan zakljuchak, tj moze da bude, ali ne mora da znachi. Dakle ako hocesh da bude u svakom sluchaju ispravno ide:

1. Iskljuchivo su machke smrtne.

2. Sokrat je smrtan

--> Sokrat je machka

A da, rofl za Intrudera the p15m3n0g i Gotenksa [:D]

Edited by Mr. Green
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Iskljuchivo su A B, a svi C su B, dakle C je A. Oblik ispravnog mishljenja. A meni 3 iz logike, eh [:D]...sad cu da iskopam jedan dojajan primer zakljuchivanja...*kopam po fiokama*...evo ga:

"Nijedna maca koja voli ribu nije takva da je ne mozemo neshto nauchiti. Nijedna maca bez repa nece se igrati sa gorilom. Mace s brcima uvek vole ribu. Nijedna maca koju mozemo neshto nauchiti nema zelene ochi. Nijedna maca nema rep ako ima brkove. Prema tome, nijedna maca sa zelenim ochima nece se igrati sa gorilom" - L.Carroll - engleski matematichar, filozof i bajkopisac (Alisa u zemlji chuda [:)]) [:D] .

Edited by Mr. Green
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[02:57] <deus_est_puer> http://www.mircscripts.org/comments.php?cid=2470    -------gde je tu download ..hotju da

  skinem script-u.

[02:57] <12ch1zra> cek

[02:57] <deus_est_puer> ajd' vidi..malo hocu da menjam..skriptu......

[02:58] <deus_est_puer> taj sajt sam nasho sa twog sajtitja...

[02:58] <12ch1zra> klikni na earthbound alpha

[02:58] <12ch1zra> klikni na 4earthbound alpha

[02:59] <deus_est_puer> kliknuo

[02:59] <deus_est_puer> :)

[02:59] <12ch1zra> sad sacekas, i pocne download

[02:59] <deus_est_puer> 04T10hanks :)

[02:59] <12ch1zra> No Problem

[03:00] <deus_est_puer> 04N10ema 04P10roblema

[03:00] <deus_est_puer> 04B10ull 04S10hit PLAYER lol

[03:07] <deus_est_puer> :)

[03:08] <deus_est_puer> ovaj.....ja sam je skinuo.......i ......ne znam dalje(gloop sam)

[03:08] <12ch1zra> pa ja je nisam skinuo :))

[03:08] <12ch1zra> i necu je skinuti samo da bi tebi objasnio kako da je loadujes :))

[03:08] <12ch1zra> sigurno ima readme.txt

[03:08] <deus_est_puer> pa valjda znash otprilike ? sta bi trebalo da uradim ?

[03:08] <12ch1zra> pa procitaj readme

[03:09] <12ch1zra> nijedna ozbiljna skripta ne ide bez njega

[03:09] <deus_est_puer> 04O10k

[03:09] <deus_est_puer> Directions: Unzip to any folder, and copy/paste an mirc.exe into the main part of the


[03:09] <deus_est_puer> ovo pishe..

[03:09] <12ch1zra> i ?

[03:09] <12ch1zra> sta ti nije jasno ??

[03:10] <deus_est_puer> pa vidi sad ovo..

[03:10] <deus_est_puer> pishe ovo PASTE Unknown command

[03:10] <deus_est_puer> u statusu

[03:10] <12ch1zra> ???

[03:10] <12ch1zra> cekaj.

[03:10] <12ch1zra> ti si kucao /paste

[03:10] <12ch1zra> ?

[03:10] <deus_est_puer> pad a.... :)

[03:10] <12ch1zra> pa..

[03:10] <12ch1zra> jel ti znas sta je copy/paste

[03:10] <12ch1zra> uopste.. ??

[03:10] <deus_est_puer> 04H10e04h10e04h10e04h10e

[03:11] <deus_est_puer> ;)

[03:11] <deus_est_puer> znam.....

[03:11] <12ch1zra> pa sta onda koji moj ?

[03:11] <deus_est_puer> nisam vid'o!:)

[03:11] <deus_est_puer> 04H10e04h10e04h10e04h10e ti car!

[03:11] <deus_est_puer> sorry again

[03:11] <12ch1zra> otpakuj taj zip fajl u c:\skripta

[03:11] <12ch1zra> i prekopiraj mirc.exe u njega

[03:11] <12ch1zra> i startuj taj mirc exe

[03:11] <12ch1zra> i to je to

[03:11] <deus_est_puer> falla....

a 5 min pre toga sam mu objasnjavao da kad skine nesto mora da unzipuje, i da JEBENO UVEK uz iole pristojnu skriptu ide i prokleti readme.txt

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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-kobrica- cao sale hitone moj da li mogu da ti pipnem kitu ??

-unity|sale`wow- pali fegetu

-kobrica- a da me jebes u buljsona malo ??

-unity|sale`wow- mrs bre majmune napaljeni

-kobrica- ajde hiti

-unity|sale`wow- pozdravi mama vesnu i reci da opere picku veceras

-kobrica- kako ti mali fegetu znas da mi se keva zove vesna ??

-unity|sale`wow- hahahahaha

-unity|sale`wow- hahahahahaahahah

-unity|sale`wow- hahahahaha

-unity|sale`wow- retardeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

-kobrica- mamu ti jebem usranu :/


krile/hamla.... GG MOMCI !!!!

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