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Real Life Counter-Strike

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dobro je ali mi se cini da sam vec video negde

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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Zasto ja dobijam samo blanko stranicu??? HOTJU DA VIDIIIIM OVOOOO! [V] Svi ste nesto odusevljeni, a ja ne mogu ni da vidim BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :(

(\_/) - This is Bunny.

(O.o) - Copy Bunny into your signature to help him

(> <) - on his quest for world domination.

...evo vam zeka 'ebo vas zeka... %)

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  `Dr. Nick Riviera` said:
Download-uj o5 i pusti sa Windows Media Player-om... ;)

Nije problem u downloadovanju, problem je sto ja stranicu uopste i ne vidim, odnosno, dobijem samo praznu stranu, niti sta pocinje da mi se downloaduje, niti ima icega na sta mogu da kliknem, nista.. :( Bwaaaaa

(\_/) - This is Bunny.

(O.o) - Copy Bunny into your signature to help him

(> <) - on his quest for world domination.

...evo vam zeka 'ebo vas zeka... %)

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Dobro je napravljeno, skroz ... Cak je i super montirano i producirano, ako uzmemo u obzir da se radi o cistoj zajebanciji nekoliko likova. Bilo je ovakvih filmitja i pre, i ovaj je daleko najbolji, iako je u nekim prethodnim koje sam gledao bolje regulisano kretanje talaca, tacnije, bolje su se "bagovali" sve zajedno sa onim poskakivanjem ;)

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  ZerBah said:
@SanjaRka: klinkni desnim dugmetom na link i Save target as...

JEEEEEEEEEEE evo skida se jeeeeeeeeeeeee HWALA PooNO! :D

Pogledala sam, super je filmcic, dokona deca. :D Al' dobri su, ruku na srce, lepo se ismejah. :) "You take the point!" u glas je najjace! [:D][:D][:D]

Edited by SanjaRka

(\_/) - This is Bunny.

(O.o) - Copy Bunny into your signature to help him

(> <) - on his quest for world domination.

...evo vam zeka 'ebo vas zeka... %)

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