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Intervju sa Emilom, smradom :)

UP: In your debut presentation, you mentioned the ability to build your own weapons. Can you explain in a bit more detail how this works?

Emil Pagliarulo: Sure thing. In Fallout 3, the player will come across schematics for different custom-made weapons. These might be found in different places in the world, or obtained as quest rewards. Each set of schematics lets you build a certain, pre-determined weapon, as long as you've got all the components, and most of the components are junk objects you'll find in the world.

So, one weapon might require the brake assembly from an old motorcycle, and that's where you'll find it, near a destroyed motorcycle. Or maybe you need some surgical tubing, located in an abandoned hospital. Once you have the schematics and all the components, you can create the weapon, and your Repair skill dictates its condition.

1UP: The "Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System" allows for very methodical combat. But you've mentioned that you don't need to use VATS at all. How viable an option is run-n-gun?

EP: You can play the entire game in first- or third-person without ever going into VATS. We never actually force you into VATS for combat. So if you just want to point your weapon and pull the trigger, go for it.

That said, the game is very much an RPG and not a straight FPS, so your effectiveness with any weapon is dictated by your skills, as well as the condition of the weapon. If you find a crappy laser pistol and you've completely ignored the Energy Weapons skill, don't expect to pull a Han Solo anytime soon, in or out of VATS.

Personally, I use the run-n-gun method to take care of the weaker opponents, like Radroaches, and VATS for just about everything else; mostly because I've become addicted to the gory cinematic playback stuff.

1UP: You've mentioned that the game will have multiple endings, perhaps as many as a dozen. Without giving away any spoilers, can you explain the sorts of things that will affect which ending the player reaches? For example, will conversations affect the outcome of the game, or is it primarily larger-scale, world-shaking actions?

EP: We went back and forth with the impact of dialogue on the character, and ultimately decided we didn't want to penalize or reward the player for carrying on a conversation. What you say and how you say it will certainly affect how NPCs react to you, and whether or not they'll give you quests, but not the ending of the game. [That] really depends on some of the big decisions you make during the course of the game, as well as your karma. And your karma changes based on your actions. So [if] you destroy Megaton [a city built around a supposedly inert atomic bomb], your karma plummets, so that will certainly affect the ending. But there are other moments too, key moments during the game, that greatly determine which ending you get.

1UP: The Fallout community is very -- very -- vocal and defensive of the franchise. Why do you think the previous games have generated such a tenacious fanbase, especially in light of the disappointments of Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel?

EP: Yeah, I mean, it's no secret that there's a hardcore Fallout fanbase that can be very vocal, very defensive, and very wary of any changes to the original game. But why is that the case? Who are these people, and what is it about Fallout that awakens such passion?

In my experience, a lot of these ardent fans are old-school PC gamers who don't like many -- or any -- console games. So an amazing game like Fallout will sit on a hard drive for a long, long time. A fan will play it, then play it again, and then keep on playing it until their PC dies. That fosters a really unique, almost intimate relationship with a game.

So it's no surprise they react they way they do when a company like Bethesda obtains the license, and then makes some significant changes. They're like "GINO" -- Galactica In Name Only -- those hardcore Battlestar Galactica fans who idolize the old show and despise the new one because it's so different. Some people get really attached to something and reject change. I understand their feelings and sympathize...but I'm not one of those people.

1UP: The idea of an Enclave-run radio station seems to have raised a few hackles among fans of the original game. Can you explain how this fits in with the Fallout canon?

EP: I can...but I won't. That's one of the things we're just really not ready to talk about yet. Sorry!

1UP: You're paying homage to the original games, but making a game all your own. How do you balance these conflicting goals?

EP: There came a point where I simply had to forget about paying homage to the original games and focus my attention on making our game. We've always got Fallout and Fallout 2 in the back of our minds. At this point, those games are just part of our collective consciousness.

But right now, we have a vision, and we're sticking to it, and all of our attention is focused on making the best game we know how. We've accepted that we're making a Fallout sequel, and we're just moving ahead with making it.

1UP: You've said that there are essentially no downsides to reusing the Oblivion engine. Is there any way in which the success of Oblivion makes working on Fallout more challenging?

EP: Well, not really! You know, it's great to have made a really popular, really successful game: It lets you make the next really popular, really successful game. At least, that's always the hope, isn't it?

It's also the reality of working in this business. So for me, anyway, success is never a burden. It means you've got an established fanbase who can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Expectation is high, so there's some pressure there, but it's the right kind of pressure. It drives you to succeed.

1UP: You're presumably working on the next Elder Scrolls alongside Fallout 3. Which is more of a challenge? That is to say, which is tougher: creating a sequel in someone else's universe, or developing a new game in your own franchise that's exciting and new?

EP: Ha! Nothing could be further from my mind right now than another Elder Scrolls game. I am firmly entrenched in a world of robots, rust and laser guns. But the same question is still pretty applicable to working on Oblivion versus Fallout 3. For me personally, though, they're one in the same -- I'm injecting my own creative input into a series created by someone else. Same goes for the time I spent on the Thief series. I've had the incredible good fortune to be able to influence some of the best game franchises ever.

In Oblivion, for example, the fiction of the Dark Brotherhood is pretty different from what had been presented before. I wanted to look at the guild from a different angle. In Fallout, my mindset is pretty much the same. How can I make this interesting? How can I make this fun? So really, the process for me is the same -- take what someone else has done, put my own spin on it, make it fun, and try really hard not to screw up.

1UP: Tell us a bit about your experience at E3. Did the reception surprise you?

EP: I hadn't been to E3 since the Atlanta days, and had never really been a fan of the circus-like atmosphere anyway. So this year's show in Santa Monica -- completely relaxed and, for us, all centralized in one location -- it was just awesome. The reaction to the game was just...it was amazing. You know, it's the type of thing where you're standing outside the demonstration theater, listening for the crowd's reaction. You're hoping they laugh at the right parts, cheer at the right parts. And they did, and it was the best feeling in the world. For us, E3 was a validation that we've made the right choices, and taken the game in the right direction.

1UP: You're developing a game, set in Washington, D.C., that includes guns and graphic violence, and it's releasing in an election year. Any concerns Fallout 3 will become the focus of political scrutiny?

EP: Not unless our intrepid politicos are afraid of China or a sentient supercomputer nuking the world, or our nation's capital becoming overrun by hideous Super Mutants. Honestly, I think Fallout 3 falls so squarely in the realm of imaginative science fiction that you'd have to be an idiot to scrutinize the game's content as anything more than pure escapist, adult fantasy.

I think it's different when a game's themes hit close to home -- when it's gangstas killing cops, or kids picking on each other at school, or soldiers at war in a political hotbed. Personally, I love all of that stuff in my games -- but those themes make it easy to identify certain games as being "realistic," and therefore easy to pick on.

It's all about context. Everything in Fallout 3, from the ultra-violence to the use of buildings like the Washington Monument, is so far from ordinary that I can't see them as being issues. Then again, the D.C. brain trust isn't exactly known for getting videogames as an art form....

jbga, sto se mene tice ovo je jos jedna potvrda da ce ovo biti rpg na nivou obliviona, pogotovo smara chinjenica da ce dijalozi biti u zapecku jer nece biti u prvom planu sa zajedno sa mnogo toga sto je krasilo prva dva dela. verujem da ce se vremenom pokazati da ce ovakav fo3 biti ostvarenje svih najgorih nocnih mora svakog fallout fana, real time, fps, sa tupavim dijalozima... dzizs, kad se to sve stavi jedno pored drugog zaista se smorim... bljak...





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Citah to uz screenove ali ne mogu da poverujem, mislim koji kurac, ako oteras npc-a u picku materinu i on ti ne da quest koji utice na zavrsetak sta tu ima oni da "ne kaznjavaju" igraca... ono na sta sumnjam je da se zavrsetak racuna na osnovu karme i da je smrdljive ogavne posrane trolove koji zasluzuju da rade na unosu podataka u racunovodstvu do kraja zivota mrzelo da "komplikuju" pisuci skripte... ponavljajte zamnom gov-no kon-zo-laš-ko

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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Ma ne mogu da se iskuliram, ma koliko da se trudim!!! Alo, BREEEEEEEEE!!!! "Very much RPG" - pa pička ti materina, da ti pička materina pohlepna, neuka, mutava, balava!!!

Jao, kako sam se iznervirao, a mislio sam da neću. Idem da radim sklekove, ovo nema smisla više!

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In short, it will likely be an interesting game for the average gamer who has little to no knowledge of the Fallout games, but for the run-of-the-mill Fallout fan I doubt the experience will be anywhere close to the originals or even worthwhile at all for some. What is certain, is that -while this game might be fun for a short while, as it looks now- it will not create the cult-like following that has set apart Fallout for so long.

sve je receno u dve recenice... inace citajuci opis stekao sam utisak da se radi o obicnoj pucacini gde imas da popricas sa nekim sa vremena na vreme...

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Iz Q&A dela:

NMA: Will you be able to finish the game without killing anyone?

Pete Hines: We don't know yet. We're trying to make it so that you have options to use stealth or dialogue. The lead designer of Fallout 3 is Emil Pagiarulo, who worked on the Dark Brotherhood questline in Oblivion and on the Thief games. He has a lot of experience with using stealth to solve problems. But obviously, when you're talking about supermutants, dialogue really isn't a viable option. So I can't really say whether or not you can finish the game without killing anyone, but implementing alternative paths is very important for us.

I move away from the mic to breathe in...

Vazno da su oni fanovi prva dva Fallout-a...

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Sto se nervirati ?! Ja sam se pomirio s'tim i ende ... sta da radimo , cekali smo kolko ?! 7-8god na f3 i sta na kraju ispade ?! Sta tu mozemo da radimo ako se nerviramo, nista , koga boli k. od ovih developera sto se mi nerviramo, i sto smo mi fanovi prva dva dela?!Generacije 91-95 ni ne znaju sta je f1&f2 , ali znaju sta je obljivion i znaju ko ga je pravio, pa tako s'nestrpljenjem cekaju f3 . jbg.

Njima ce biti igrica vrh !

Nama ,pretpostavljam ,jos jedna igrica gde ce biti add/remove posle pola sata igranja (daj boze i toliko ) .



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Na osnovu reprezentativnog uzorka iz komšiluka, mogu da ti potvrdim da klinci od 12 godina ne znaju šta je Oblivion, a one koji znaju to ne interesuje ;)

Doduše jedan mali što sam mu narezao Morrowind se oduševio što u igri ima sto kila teksta bez voiceovera. lol.

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da vam ja kazem sta ce biti kad igra izadje?

svako od nas ce je instalirati, svaki fan fallout sage ce je igrati i preci. a kad je predjemo? pa onda cemo add/remove, pa cemo lepo sa osmehom na licu instalirati fallout 1 i fallout 2 i prisetiti se sage naseg "original valt dwellera" u potrazi za water chip-om, i borbi protiv organizacije super mutanata i avantura njegovog potomka i potrazi za geckom koji ce spasti njegovo selo.

a sto se tice fallouta 3? pa jeste li primetili kako cd ima fiziku slicnu onoj koju vidimo kod frizbija kad ga bacimo? zamislite te sate zabave igranja frizbija sa falloutom 3 :)

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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da vam ja kazem sta ce biti kad igra izadje?

svako od nas ce je instalirati, svaki fan fallout sage ce je igrati i preci. a kad je predjemo? pa onda cemo add/remove, pa cemo lepo sa osmehom na licu instalirati fallout 1 i fallout 2 i prisetiti se sage naseg "original valt dwellera" u potrazi za water chip-om, i borbi protiv organizacije super mutanata i avantura njegovog potomka i potrazi za geckom koji ce spasti njegovo selo.

a sto se tice fallouta 3? pa jeste li primetili kako cd ima fiziku slicnu onoj koju vidimo kod frizbija kad ga bacimo? zamislite te sate zabave igranja frizbija sa falloutom 3 :)

Kakvi sati zabave, kad ga budem bacio neće biti nikoga da ga uhvati, samo će da odleti u žbunje (Oblivion na latinskom :))

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Da, a kvestovi će se sami rešavati. Zapravo igrač tu neće ni biti potreban, jedino da prođe koji put ispred monitora da vidi da li sve ide kako treba, kao da je u pitanju 3dmark.

Mislim, razumem nezadovoljstvo, ali nemoj da serete.

Kad smo kod kultnih igara, nabrojte mi nekoliko njih da su izašle posle, recimo, 2002. a da su vremenom stekle takav status.

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Da, a kvestovi će se sami rešavati. Zapravo igrač tu neće ni biti potreban, jedino da prođe koji put ispred monitora da vidi da li sve ide kako treba, kao da je u pitanju 3dmark.

pa u oblivionu su tim putem i krenuli, sa quest compassom, tretiranjem igraca kao retarda, i lvl scaleingom svega zivog :)

ne bi me cudilo da posao zavrse u falloutu ^^

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pa da ova bethesdina igra nece moci da se zavrsi za 5 minuta vec za 8 !!! :) jer dijalozi i onako nisu bitni ;)

zaista fer pregreld demoa, najobiminiji na netu, sa poprilichno neutralnim stavom, sve je sagledano maximalno, jasno je svima da ce biti malo govance od rpg-a ala nwn :)

a ono sto je bitno, za sada obistinila su se najgora predvidjanja fallout fanova chim su saznali ko radi sledecu igru... kapiram da ce te promene mnogima da se svide, ali cisto da ne kakite vise vi koji ste sumnjali u moc predvidjanja fo fanova, kada neko uzme da usere fallout franshizu aka "ne vidite shumu od drveca" :P :)))





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Ma jasno je i meni kakva će igra biti, i ne mogu da kažem da li je to loše ili ne pošto mogu da iznađem ozbiljne mane i hard-core izvedbi i hack&slash izvedbi, a FO3 upada u onu kategoriju između koja redovno najgore prođe kod igrača, jer je ne vole ni HC ni Diablo fanovi. Ali manimo se tih etiketiranja "to će igrati oni s kašom u glavi", jer to tek nigde ne vodi.

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