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Vin Diesel

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Vin Diesel signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 as a joke to punish the Germans because during the mid-1800's Otto von Bismarck told him he was out of shape. Hitler later called him a giant douche, so he shot him in the face.

When in second grade, Vin Diesel was asked to draw a picture of nature. Just as he finished, Van Gogh ran in, swiped it off his desk, and named it Starry Night Over the Rhone.

Vin Diesel has pulled off a ten-hit combo in Tekken.

Cela pricha o njegovom zhivotu... Ne da smara nego bruka ;))

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Vin Diesel has no umbilical cord as he's never had to rely on anybody but himself.

Vin Diesel inspired the TV series "MacGyver" when he managed to construct a cell phone out of only the blood of his enemies' children, his pure hatred for the weak, and a cell phone.

All your base are belong to Vin Diesel.

good stuff [:D]

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Vin Diesel once intentionally broke his collarbone into 5000 pieces. He made a new one using magic and used the broken pieces to create the Roman colloseum. When it was destroyed, Vin was furious and killed Caesar.

Vin Diesel does not need a TV remote, for he can control any television in a 50 mile radius with his right eye.
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lupam f5 vec sat vremena =)

Blah, kako mozhesh, ja sam se posle 10 minuta smorio ;)))

btw. subo, Mislim da je meni negde pisalo da je drugachije dobio ime... E a sta znace one cifre dole... Da nije to mozda broj informacije koju dobijemo ;)))

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The seventh and last Harry Potter book will be called Vin Diesel and Harry Potter. JK Rowlings at first tried to convince him not to break the continuity and call it Harry Potter and Vin Diesel, or perhaps Harry Potter and the Vin Diesel, but Vin said he "didnt want none of that shit". Hermione dies at the hands of Vin at the beginning of the book, and much of the rest is spent celebrating at Hogwarts with him.


neka osoba glupak hehe

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Vin Diesel's voice does not echo. Not ever.

Vin Diesel doesn't care what you think of him.

Vin Diesel can predict the shuffle on his iPod.


Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Vin Diesel once ate an entire train after he derailed it...with his penis.

Vin Diesel's legs go all the way up.

Despite rumors, Vin Diesel is not gay, but his presence often causes lesser men to spontaneously transform into sexy women who forget everything about their former lives, which he then has sex with.

Vin Diesel created YOU on the 8th day.

In Soviet Russia, Vin Diesel is you.

Vin Diesel once painted the exterior of a house using only babies.

Vin Diesel is responsible for the clanging drums in St. Anger. He called Lars Ulrich a pussy and made him cry.

It has been proposed by some people that Vin Diesel may not actually exist, and is simply a myth told to children to keep them in line. The reason these allegations are not well known is due to the fact that everyone who makes such allegations is found nude in a field with their skin removed and replaced by "Keep on Trucking!" bumper stickers.

Vin Diesel's penis is a fully functional light saber.

When US troops went to Iraq to look for weapons of mass destruction, all they found was Vin Diesel.

Vin Diesel knows how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.

Vin Diesel invented the game of chess in the year 400 B.C. as a way of training his army of attack monkeys in the subtleties of war. Suffice to say, monkeys are stupid.

Vin Diesel once gave a woman an orgasm so intense she invented three new branches of mathemetics, discovered the first half of the true name of god and now only needs two and half hours of sleep a week. She can also now cook a damn good English Breakfast, and never breaks an eggs yolk.


odlicno ... bravo : )

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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The seventh and last Harry Potter book will be called Vin Diesel and Harry Potter. JK Rowlings at first tried to convince him not to break the continuity and call it Harry Potter and Vin Diesel, or perhaps Harry Potter and the Vin Diesel, but Vin said he "didnt want none of that shit". Hermione dies at the hands of Vin at the beginning of the book, and much of the rest is spent celebrating at Hogwarts with him.


ALI OVO JE VRH heheheheheheheheh :D

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ahahaha vin dizel car:)))

ali al jor bejs ar bilong tu vin dizel, razmisljam da to stavim u tpispo

i ono je odlicno sto zna da prediktuje safl ahahahahahahahah

Vin Diesel was behind Franz Ferdinand's assassination in June 1914, thus starting Wolrd War 1. He claims it on "having a shitty morning".

Vin Diesel's semen is sold as one of Britain's favourite ales. 'The Real Ale Guide' describes 'Vin's Diesel' as, "lovingly crafted and perfectly balanced. It makes a wonderful accompaniment to traditional pub food, especially rump steak, burgers, and sausages."

All of the characters in the movie "Big Trouble In Little China" were loosely based upon Vin Diesel. <----ROFL

Vin Diesel designs and crafts every individual piece of Ikea furniture himself in a non-descript shack located somewhere in Izmir, Turkey.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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