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Krema za lice

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elem neke bubuljice mi se pojavile ne licu od nedavno pa da pitam jel zna neko dobru kremu da mu je pomogla s tim sranjima..?

molim retardsku populaciju da se uzdrzi od glupih komentara

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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najbolje je da odes kod dermatologa ili kozmeticara po preporuci. problemi sa kozom su relativno individualni, krema koja nekome pomaze ne mora da pomaze drugom.


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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e da jel ima neko te slike :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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pa idi kod dermatologa..to ti je barem najsigurnije .. mojoj ortakinji je propalo lice od sminkanja i morala je da ide na one tretmane azotom...tako da ..sto pre to bolje ;P

meni u poslednje vreme sve manje .. mada znaju da se pojave tu i tamo .. koristim neki losion (plantoderm) iz apoteke.. to koristi i moja sestra ..

step in my transporter , so I can teleport ya,all around my heavenly body..

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koristi sapun...

Nije dobro koristiti sapun jer nije predvidjen za umivanje lica, isushuje ga, i tome slicne stvari. Za umivanje lica ujutru i uvece mnogo je bolje koristiti one gelove za umivanje, tipa recimo Nivea za muskarce, ili za zene jelda :) A nisu cak losi ni oni losioni koji se nakapaju na vatu pa time polagacko cistis.

A baba moja preporucuje kremu ili ulje od nevena, pa ti sad vidi sta ces :)

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elem neke bubuljice mi se pojavile ne licu od nedavno pa da pitam jel zna neko dobru kremu da mu je pomogla s tim sranjima..?

molim retardsku populaciju da se uzdrzi od glupih komentara

Zaebi kreme i gluposti najbolje umivaj lice SAFE GUARD sapunom.

On je antibakteriolo

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