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Google Wallet/Google Play - više ne primaju srpske kartice?


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Google Wallet i Google Play više ne primaju nove payment optionse za srpske accounte.


Kupovina sa starih deluje kao da radi, ali više ne može add new payment options ni kroz Play app, ni preko web pristupa.


Vidim na support bordovima ovaj problem prijavljuju samo ljudi na "ić", tako da se čini da je DRALE OPET ZAVRNUO SLAVINU!

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Odrastite i na njivu, sprcali ste po 30 u dupe, a igrate tu neke igrice!


Hteo sam da pazarim neki high productivity app!!!!


Hteo sam da kupim milion packova za HS :(

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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