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Nostalrius Begins


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Mene zanima sto Nostalrius Begins nije objavio pismo koje je dobio od Blizzarda. Smrdi mi da se radi samo o serveru. Mora da ima tu necega, mada oni govore da nisu uzimali pare sem za server hosting. Navodno su nekad morali iz svog dzepa da vade pare, i da placaju hosting. Sad opet kao svaki normalan covek mora da jede i da placa racune, nerealna mi je prica da se njih 5-6 cimaju oko toga i da to rade sve da bi zadovoljilo 800000 igraca, i da su sve to radili kao hobi (Treba vremena da bi ti sve ono napravio i da radi, nije to jednostavno). Server im je bio kolko znam kod Ovh hostinga iz francuske gde se isto hostuje Firestorm, a oni nemaju tih problema (mozda ce ih imati) ? Ja bi potpisao peticiju samo ako objave to pismo gde ja mogu da procitam razlog lepo offiicial, a ne da verujem ono sto su oni napisali.

E sad citam sta napisa ovaj Mark Kern https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/721009051962703872 i razmisljam dal je normalan.
Kad bi Blizzard prihvatio originalan source code od Nostralusa, koji inace koristi Mangos source code, onda bi private serveri bili legalni :)
Treci predlog cloud based support? I menjanje private servera preko bneta ? :D

Dzabe je on ovo napisao i dzaba on koristi 200000 potpisa. Prica o tome da Blizzard nema source code of vanilla servera? Strasno.


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Pazi,na Nosti nije bilo donacija kao na Feenixu,tj. bilo ih je ali su bile ciste altruisticke donacije,sa njima nisi dobijao Reputation poene pomocu kojih si kupovao opremu.Zbog toga i jeste Nosta bio toliko popularan.Sasvim je realno da su se od toga izdrzavali,meni su ljudi pricali da su na Feenixu pojedini low ranking gm-ovi bili dobri i po hiljadu-dve evra mesecno,a dobijali su kikiriki.

Jedino resenje za vanilu je server u Rusiji ili gde god Blizzova ruka ne stize.Blizzard nece nikada otvoriti vanila servere,mislim da je to jasno svima.

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Pitam se da li vrbujete vanillu jer nemate život pa potajno želite da budete zarobljenici sopstvenog uma ili niste dorasli svesti da se sve menja, raste i napreduje samo što treba biti ograničen i ne videti to. 

Nije istina da je WoD loš a još manje da je to razlog zašto "ljudi" batale. Odrasli smo, više ni mi nismo klinci kojima je srednja škola život gde nas (većinom) čeka ručak i gde ne razmišljamo da li nam je veš prljav i da li ima tople vode i grejanja pa da sedimo za računarom ceo dan i gubimo vreme. Štaviše, sad čak možeš i da zarađuješ igrajući isti taj WoD samo kad bi malo "upalio" vijuge. Većinu možeš sam i ne moraš nikoga da čekaš da ti naredi niti da budeš deo ekipe, što znači da možeš i da kombinuješ sa šljakom ili školom a ne kao nekad da umreš od nespavanja. Imate torrente, imate twitch. Ludi ste ako želite vanillu, to je kao kad biste želeli devojku sa kojom ste izgubili nevinost i istu koja vas je ostavila jer ste bili nezreli klinci koji bi samo da moče. Imate non stop nešto da radite ako vam je dosadno, od levelovanja, PvE-a do PvPa i sve to lepo da spakujete u achievement dnevnik

E sad, to što vas verovatno mrzi da se vi cimate oko nečega, to je izgovor kao kada dođe hibrid klasa i kaže da nije hiler a ti umro.

Klip je iz 2008. (klik na link) [roflmao]
Cepanje miša sikiricom iz afekta.


Edited by venomche
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vanila/tbc > all :)
i iskreno sam propustio ceo taj progress u vanili i open world pvp i sve te stvari koje su epic po meni i zelim to da odigram sa nekim ljudima koje znam i to je to. wod sam igrao i iskreno mi nije to igra koju bi igrao (po meni nema veze sa pocetnim wowom)

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Source http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20743584206#1



We wanted to let you know that we’ve been closely following the Nostalrius discussion and we appreciate your constructive thoughts and suggestions.

Our silence on this subject definitely doesn’t reflect our level of engagement and passion around this topic. We hear you. Many of us across Blizzard and the WoW Dev team have been passionate players ever since classic WoW. In fact, I personally work at Blizzard because of my love for classic WoW.

We have been discussing classic servers for years - it’s a topic every BlizzCon - and especially over the past few weeks. From active internal team discussions to after-hours meetings with leadership, this subject has been highly debated. Some of our current thoughts:

Why not just let Nostalrius continue the way it was? The honest answer is, failure to protect against intellectual property infringement would damage Blizzard’s rights. This applies to anything that uses WoW’s IP, including unofficial servers. And while we’ve looked into the possibility – there is not a clear legal path to protect Blizzard’s IP and grant an operating license to a pirate server.

We explored options for developing classic servers and none could be executed without great difficulty. If we could push a button and all of this would be created, we would. However, there are tremendous operational challenges to integrating classic servers, not to mention the ongoing support of multiple live versions for every aspect of WoW.

So what can we do to capture that nostalgia of when WoW first launched? Over the years we have talked about a “pristine realm”. In essence that would turn off all leveling acceleration including character transfers, heirloom gear, character boosts, Recruit-A-Friend bonuses, WoW Token, and access to cross realm zones, as well as group finder. We aren’t sure whether this version of a clean slate is something that would appeal to the community and it’s still an open topic of discussion.

One other note - we’ve recently been in contact with some of the folks who operated Nostalrius. They obviously care deeply about the game, and we look forward to more conversations with them in the coming weeks.

You, the Blizzard community, are the most dedicated, passionate players out there. We thank you for your constructive thoughts and suggestions. We are listening.

J. Allen Brack

Edited by Silencer
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