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Homeworld Remastered Collection


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Да, добије се у колекцији обе оригиналне старе и обе ремастероване. Једина која је за сад изгубљена је Катаклизма, што је по мени огромна штета јер ми је била веома готивна и у синглу и мултију.

Е да, и добија се и бета мулти... бета у смислу да је још горе него "готове" ове ремастероване.

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Ima nekih problema kod remasterovane verzije, u smislu promena mehanike u odnosu na original HW1, pošto je sve prebačeno u HW2 engine.

Evo ga post sa foruma koji navodi detalje:




After playing HW1 classic and the remastered campaign I have some concerns about the state of the game. It looks great of course and I'm thankful that this is probably the best HD re-release of any game so far except..

There seem to be some fundamental changes that have been made to Homeworld 1's gameplay that make it seem to me as though I'm not really playing Homeworld at all, but a Homeworld 1 flavoured Homeworld 2, and they are quite different games so that presents a problem. If you have any others leave a comment to add to the list.

  1. Formations are useless - Ships go out of formation as soon as they enter combat. Remember setting a wing of interceptors to claw formation with aggressive tactics? You could rip through the enemy. Now they fly off in pairs and are ineffective.
  2. Not possible to set manuevers - This is not the same as the aggressive/passive options we have currently. Setting aggressive vs evasive made a huge difference in how they attacked their current targets and their chances to survive countering fire, not just whether they attacked enemies in range.
  3. Fuel - The fuel mechanic for fighters is completely absent from the game in HW1 remaster. What?? Now support frigates serve no purpose besides repairing and there are issues with that working properly from what I've read. This was a fundamental aspect of the gameplay and strike craft tactics.
  4. Research Costs - Why does it now cost to research in the HW1 campaign? I guess it's a side effect of balancing the combined multiplayer but it shouldn't be there.
  5. UI - I think I was too harsh on the UI. I prefer HW1's minimalist approach compared to the remaster - I just don't need to see half the things that are on the screen, but here's what I said originally: I appreciate an update to a modern UI but it seems too big/intrusive when actually compared to HW1. The original Homeworld had a very minimal UI when in game and it was amazing. You can hide UI elements in the remaster by clicking the arrow at the bottom but that renders it pretty much unusable.
    • There are also some usability issues/changes. In HW1 in the sensor view you could simply click on any of your green dots/ships and it would zoom in to that location, very useful and simple. Now you have to select the unit, focus on it, and exit sensors. Doesn't sound like much I guess but it's one of those small things that just adds up with everything else.
  6. Construction Queues - In Homeworld each unit type has its own construction queue. You can build interceptors and attack bombers and ion frigates and destroyers all at the same time provided you have enough resources. In the remaster you're limited to 2 queues at the same time per mothership/carrier no matter what class or kind of ship you're building. Why change this?
  7. Group Ordering - Support Frigates - As several in this thread have said:
In HW1 if you have a support frigate, you can hold down the Z key, drag a box around some units, and the support frigate will follow these units and heal them automatically. That is no longer possible. You can still band select to heal a group while holding down a key but it's a one time thing. They won't follow and you know, actually provide support. 

Some other issues:
Region Locked Multiplayer - Maybe not a concern for a lot of players but multiplay is region locked. I went to join a game and sat staring at an empty games list for half an hour. To see any games I have to change my download region in steam to US or Europe. Maybe not such a big deal but it shouldn't be a problem in the first place! This is splitting the online community for no good reason. Why shouldn't someone from the US be able to join the same game as someone from Europe, RTS games like this don't depend so much on ping anyway.
  Can't Play Campaign as Taiidan

Originally posted by Pupazz:

You can't play as Taiidan and their fleet command now sounds like a UT announcer for some reason.

Scouts/Interceptors now go 'pew pew' - They seem to shoot lasers now. The fire effects now don't sound or look as good as the hail of minigun fire in the original.
  • Turanic Raider missile corvettes seem to have a similar issue - they don't actually fire physical independent missiles anymore, just an orange plasma looking thing that can change direction. Missile destroyer projectiles seem to be fine though?
Screen resolutions - No support for modern screen resolutions like 1920x1080 in HW1 Classic. Come on guys! We can't even do a regedit to change it now.
  HW1 Classic Multiplay - Multiplay (even over LAN) has been completely removed from HW1 Classic. Why not bring this into SHiFT as well?? I suppose they don't want to fracture the online community but the HW1 deathmatch mode in remastered... well it's just not Homeworld, because of reasons above.
I'm sure theres other stuff I can't remember right now as well.

I'm not naive enough to think that any of this will actually be changed. They've made it how they wanted to make it, and while most people seem to be happy with it, this has just made me get out my cd and reinstall the original. Looks and sounds great, but too many other changes.

Dandy [RUR]

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Jeste to problematika sto je postovano gore za mehaniku keca, dvojka sa svojom mehanikom je dosta pojednostavljena bila u odnosu na kec i kataklizmu, zasto izbaciti neke sjajne featurse iz keca ostaje da se objasni

Bez obzira na sve podilaze me zmarci dok igram kampanju prvog dela

Jedino smara skupljanje resursa koje traje kao vecnost a nema opcije ubrzanja vremena kao u kataklizmi ili kao u hw2 da se na kraju misije sve automatski skupi. Nemam bas vremena da sat vremena samo skupljam resurse kako bih krenuo dalje

Pew pew iz interceptora je jadno :(





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posle odigrane 3-4 misije, prejadno je zapravo sto su uz hw2 mehaniku nalepili hw1


homeworld 2 ima najlosiju mehaniku od sva tri dela, toliko pojednostalvjenu da sumnjam da bi igra bila to sto jeste da je kec takav bio kada se premijerno pojavio



ne mozes dobiti u danasnje vreme od igre  ono sto treba da dobijes i sto ti obecaju da ces dobiti, moraju da te izjebu pa makar im poslednje bilo





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Ne znam... meni sada bode oči kada znam da neke stvari ne rade kako treba. Da mi niko nije rekao, verovatno se ne bih ni nervirao :P


Sačekaću malo da vidim da li će da poprave nešto ili ne. U međuvremenu sam se zaludeo sa Darkest Dungeon. Mnogo luda igra :)

Dandy [RUR]

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ma popravice sigurno, ne znam samo cemu zurba da se zibaci igra bez npr jedne kljucne stvari kao sto su formacije


i da prelepo izgleda, i muzika je predobra, i kampanja je top3 ikada :)


multi nikada nisam ni pikao





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Jedino smara skupljanje resursa koje traje kao vecnost a nema opcije ubrzanja vremena kao u kataklizmi ili kao u hw2 da se na kraju misije sve automatski skupi. Nemam bas vremena da sat vremena samo skupljam resurse kako bih krenuo dalje

Resursi bivaju automatski sakupljeni, bez obavestenja doduse...


Do sada sam primetio da se resource collector-i bug-uju kad treba da sakupljaju rasute mrvice RUs-a.

Imao sam i crash-fest na Sea of Lost Souls, pa sam morao cesto da cuvam.

Edited by Dark Voice
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Ја нисам сигуран да је ово тачно. Колико сам могао да видим, једино што се "аутоматски" добије су ресурси који су тренутно унутар колектора... дакле у врх главе пар хиљада, ако су баш пуни. Све остало на мапи остаје изгубљено.


Иначе, АИ бродова је, опет према мом утиску, умоболан, толико да ми је баш било тешко да сварим ону мисију са астеоридима и да гледам ретардирану флоту која се збија ко муве на говно директ испред астероида, гинући без икаквог разлога.

Такође, нисам имао живаца да гледам шта се тачно догађа, али: код Баште Кадеша дођу они јебени мали ловци заједно са мултибим корветама и 5 минута се зајевају са мојим корветама и остатком флоте. А онда приђу скоро па саме те исте али нове 2-3 корвете (знам њихову јачину, али је цела ситуација изгледала чудно) и за мање од минут ми униште целу флоту осим дестројера.


Графичких багова има, поготово ако се алттабује, те све скупа, као што сам написао у почетном посту - немојте се залетати. Требаће овде још времена и рада, па да буде макар мало као оригинали.

Edited by brue
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Nisam obratio paznju u potpunosti. Preleteo sam igru za 10ak-sati i ni na jednoj misiji nisam cekao da se sakupi bilo sta, a nije mi falilo kesa. Neki RUs se uvek dobiju, u nekim misijama i do 10k. Jedino kada nisam dobio ni dinara je kada stvarno na mapi ni nije ostalo nista.


Znam samo da sam u Garden of Kadesh imao vec 5 destroyer-a, da sam oduvao sve Needleship-e i odmah su pobegli. Kad sam igrao stari HW1, na toj misiji sam jedva ustedeo za 2. destroyer-a i morao sam da se jurim okolo sa Needleship-ovima da me ne bi ram-ovali, a sve sam harverst-ovao pre toga.


I da, HW1 pathfinding se bug-uje kad se guzvaju.

Edited by Dark Voice
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Nisam obratio paznju u potpunosti. Preleteo sam igru za 10ak-sati i ni na jednoj misiji nisam cekao da se sakupi bilo sta, a nije mi falilo kesa. Neki RUs se uvek dobiju, u nekim misijama i do 10k. Jedino kada nisam dobio ni dinara je kada stvarno na mapi ni nije ostalo nista.


Znam samo da sam u Garden of Kadesh imao vec 5 destroyer-a, da sam oduvao sve Needleship-e i odmah su pobegli. Kad sam igrao stari HW1, na toj misiji sam jedva ustedeo za 2. destroyer-a i morao sam da se jurim okolo sa Needleship-ovima da me ne bi ram-ovali, a sve sam harverst-ovao pre toga.


I da, HW1 pathfinding se bug-uje kad se guzvaju.

možda je zato sto sto se sada broj brodova kod neprijatelja prilagodjava prema jacini tvoje flote (krajnje umobolno resenje)





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Da li je moguce?

Doduse ja sam stalno bio na max-u:

10x Assault Frigate

10x Ion Cannon Frigate

5x Destroyer ili 4x Destroyer + 1x Missile Destroyer

2x Heavy Cruiser


Za HW2 sam siguran da nije tako. 2-ka je 1 na 1 cist remaster. Jedino sto su Keeper-i iz nekog razloga bleda senka onoga sto je trebalo da budu. Ni u jednoj od 2 misije se nisam osecao ni pod kakvim pritiskom da prezivim. Secam se da su u originalu imali daleko preko 1M armora, dok sada nisu ni blizu toj cifri.

Edited by Dark Voice
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