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Heroes of Might and Magic VII


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Da naprave rimejk trojke, svi bi povraćali što je to rimejk trojke.

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Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Inace rade likovi koji su radili zadnji Might and Magic X, tako da nije u losim rukama igra i imace editor od starta :)


- The next faction vote will be : Dungeon vs. Inferno
- There will be 6 factions at launch and the 2 factions that will lose the votes won't come as DLC
- There will be 7 creatures in a player's army. The player will have to choose between the 2 champions of his faction
- Townscreens will be 2D. Every building will be seen on them
- No more city conversions
- No more global recruitment. Caravans will be back
- Ballista, Healing Tent and Catapult are back (no mention of the Ammo Cart though)
- Skillwheel is back !
- There will be 7 campaigns of 4-6 maps each: one per faction and a final one. You can do the "final" campaign anytime you finished one campaign, but the less campaigns you've completed, the harder to complete it will be
- There will be 7 ressources : no sulfur, mercury or gems though
- The current UI is a prototype
- There will be more interaction with map objects
- The game uses the Unreal Engine 3
- A map-editor will be shipped with the game
- The marketplace is back
- Objects on the adventure map which you can interact with, can be highlighted with a button press
- Some of the creatures from the 2 factions we elect will also be voted for by the community.
- 6 schools of magic
- A lot more obstacles on the battle maps
- The two faction which lose the elections won't come as DLC at the games release. (Nothing is said about a later date)
- We will be able to destroy and repair some map objects like bridges
(Possibly campaign only, isn't stated clearly )
- Flanking attacks are mentioned, though it is very unclear what the author of the article meant with it. (Probably mechanic from heroes online or wrong wording from the author?)
- you have to register your game in Uplay once, after that you can play it offline
- the sector control system with its forts as in H6 will return although there will be some changes to the system
- permanent changes to the adventure map will be possible (they mention an avalanche from a mountain that can block a path and they mention destroying a statue in the underworld to drain a sea in the world above which then results in a new explorable area where the sea was before)
- there will be a new flanking system for the battle system, attacks from the side and from behind will do more damage to a creature
- spells are no longer permanently learned as skills as in H6, you have to buy them in a town or find them on the adventure map (it's not worded that clear in the article but to my understanding they simply return to the old spellsystem)

Edited by Grotar2


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Priča je inače između šestice i petice, pošto je petica po loreu posle šestice :)


Nije loš toliko gameplay, dodatak tih kao prepreka na "tabli" je simpatična stvar. Vratili su i izučavanje stvari u grad više se ne uče tako što heroj leveluje. 

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  • 8 months later...

Closed beta počinje, preorderi krenuli preko mrtvog ustorea, nestvarno ciganstvo - Solmyr je ekskluzivni heroj za Digital deluxe.


Standard košta 50€, deluxe (+HD HoMM3) 60€. Uz oba stiže closed beta key.


Sajt je kriminal.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Мени игра сама изгледа коректно. Не бих платио 50 - 60 долара, наравно, али бих одиграо.

Занемарујем све остале капиталистичке ефекте.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Da li se zna što se odustalo od hexova?


Komplikovano za balans, retard friendly momenta ili podložnost Dragon Utopia momentima?

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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hexovi su napusteni tokom prelaska sa 3 na 4 zbog velicine jedinica, tj zbog zelje da bude izrazenija razlika u velicini jedinica, a zatim da bi one takve nove mogle da budu lepo prikazane kada su orijentisane u osam osnovnih pravaca...

to nije bio problem pre kada je bojno polje bilo 2d ali sa 3d prelaskom su morali da ispostuju vise pravila kako bi pozicioniranje imalo smisla

tako su nastali homm4 small squares

u h5 su francuzi odustali od postovanja proporcija medju jedinicama, ali umesto da velike jedinice stave u hex grid, presli su na velike kvadove, verovatno da bi bilo jednostavnije vecem broju ljudi


ako je neko probao homm online (tj m&mho) imao je priliku da vidi bojno polje koje je ponovo podeljeno u velike heksove, ali sada nema multihex jedinica nego je sve na po 1 heksu, od pesadije do najveceg zmaja (freemium browser based igra, nije losa za nekoliko nedelja, onda progres postane prespor i krene da smara)


steta sto 7 prati 6 po izvedbi bitaka a ne mmho

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  • 2 months later...

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