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Ja sam ti dao minus jer nisam procitao skoro nista gluplje ovde realno, sto samo po sebi je i neki uspeh, lupamo dosta mi kolektivno ali ovo je bas nebuloza.

pazi, nisam pročitao ništa sem Silmariliona i Hobita od Tolkina, a i njih se slabo sećam, ali ono, kapiram da je ovo čisto građenje teorije koja bi dala odgovor na pitanje zašto nisu prosto ukrcali gomilu likova na orlove i izbegli hajking simulator  koji smo gledali ~12 sati :D

a gik fajt se proširio na kanalu :D


Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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When children let their imagination run wild, even their food can become a plaything (much to their parents’ dismay). Tanaka Tatsuya, an artist in Japan, never lost that wild imagination – he has created a playful tiny diorama every day for the past 4 years out of food and other everyday items and put them into an online calendar.

“Everyone must have had similar thoughts at least once,” writes Tatsuya of his “Miniature Calendar” project. “Broccoli and parsley might sometimes look like a forest, or the tree leaves floating on the surface of the water might sometimes look like little boats.“




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i'm not fat, i'm just easy to see..

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