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Chrome označava bučne tabove


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Morao sam da otvorim topic za ovo zbog sreće za sve nas koji imamo otvorenih 20 tabova :)




Google bestowed a simple and incredibly genius gift upon its Chrome users on Tuesday: when a tab contains an element that is making noise, the browser will pop up an indicator showing where that noise is coming from.

It’s not giving the Internet too much credit to say that it’s normally a pretty user-friendly place. But the grand exception is any Internet nugget that makes sound, especially when you aren’t expecting it, in the middle of a public place. Your blood pressure spikes, your face turns red, and your fingers become clumsy as you scramble to find and kill the tab that betrayed you.

It’s stunning that it took someone so long to come up with a good solution—unexpected noises are only slightly less unpleasant than not being able to figure out where they are coming from. Previously, my less-than-optimal solution was nixing a setting that allows video content to auto-play in Chrome.


Sad postoji ikonica koja označava da li tab pušta video, pušta zvuk, koristi web kameru i slično.



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