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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok evo prvi utisak: Igra je definitivno simulacija. Svaki sistem, svaki thruster, svaki senzor može da se hotkeyuje ili mapira na dugme na džojstiku.

Igrao sam se samo nekih pola sata i u suštini najviše vremena sam proveo nameštajući kontrole.

Pro tip: Ne isprobavati dugmiće na džojstiku dok stojite na 100m od stanice :P

U suštini odradio sam samo jednu kurirsku misiju. Trebalo mi je par minuta da izvalim kako radi onaj super cruise ali posle toga je bilo laganica. Sletanje i uzletanje je ekstra zanimljivo, sinhronizacija rotacije sa stanicom i baratanje thrusterima :)

Probaću večeras neku misiju sa borbom da vidim na ša liči.

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Megaserver ali mislim da je 32 igraca maks u jednoj ''zoni'' tako da ce i ovde postojati instancovanje ako sam dobro skapirao, To mi bas nesto i odbija od Elita izgleda super ogroman univerzum ali mi se cela igra nekako totalno praznom cini a malo i monotonom. Lokacije su kao da si copy paste uradio tezak. To je i logicno donekele s obzirom da idu na procedural generated svemir ali mogli bi malo vise raznovrsnosti da ubace.


Isto na twitchu kada gledam lete ljudi po sat vremena ne vide zivu dusu osim ako ne sretnu nekoga blizu stanice a i tada cesto bude samo npc.


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Nova beta pocinje 30. Septembra:




...Whilst we are on the subject of weapons, there is a new class of non-lethal missile-deployed weapon in Beta 2 called a ‘cargo hatch disruptor’.  If your target’s shields are down and you fire one of these, it will attach to the target and use targeted ECM to cause their cargo hatch to open.  Cargo will then spill out involuntarily. Think of it as a means to fill your piratical boots with a slightly clearer conscience – the disruptor doesn’t explode so your victim lives to fight another day, and you get a correspondingly smaller bounty on your head....


...Outposts, the exposed, isolated galactic equivalents of the run-down roadside café, the remote research base, the windswept motel that we described, are to be found in the more off-the-beaten-track places of Beta 2. ...



...Beta 2 also contains the Occelus starport types.  The Ocellus starport is stronger, better protected from radiation and more expensive than the Coriolis class stations and slightly smaller, and much smaller than the giant Orbis....




...There are also a host of general qualitative improvements in Beta 2 – some of the more obvious ones include the planetary rings that now have rock, ice and metal variants with matching dust motes and depth, and the response to lighting of distant views of ring systems has been improved....


Grotar2: kapiram da ce dosta stvari dodati jos pre izlaska. Mislim da idu na fazon da prvo sve fercera a onda da se dodaje raznovrsnost. Sto se tice instanciranja, nece biti nikakav loading, ali mislim da ce biti limita oko stanica recimo. Trenutno je limit 32 igraca, sto znaci da ce server pokusati da uvek ugura u istu instancu friend liste i ljude koje ste vec sreli (prijatelje/neprijatelje). Kako ce biti za launch - ne znam.

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Igrao sam se ovih dana bas dosta. Dosta combata, dosta baktanja sa mapom, frameshift putovanjem, akcionim zonama, itd.


Pro tip: uzimanje bilo cijeg loota je automatski flag za "wanted" status, ali samo ako vas neko uspesno skenira. Skeniranje traje 6 sekundi i morate biti blize od 1 km. Sto znaci da ako mozete da izbegnete sken onda je smuggler lyfe for u :)


Imao sam samo par smrti do sada - doduse samo jedan iz combata. Jednom me je strefila stanica nakon sto sam sa "wanted" statusom pokusao da se dockujem :). Sto se tice same borbe, definitivno ima dosta da se uci sto se tice kretanja, mada sa default brodom i oruzjem si u sustini meta za gadjanje, cak i sa NPC-evima. Nakon sto sam upgradeovao oruzje, potpuno druga prica. Za sada postoje 3 glavne zone za borbu - unidentified signal, high-intensity combat zone i federal distress signal. Prvi je kada nabasate na par NPCeva, mogu da budu dobrice/losi/transporti/stavec, drugi nisam siguran, treci je faction vs faction.. U beti mozete da birate koju cete stranu, mada kapiram kad izadje igra to ce se raditi na pocetku igre. 


Sto se tice misija, za sada je uglavnom bilo "ubij pirate", "prenesi poruku", "donesi nam <resurs>", "prenesi resurs", "ubij civile". Voleo bih malo vise varijacija da bude za launch sto i najavljuju, iako je sama igra full-on sandbox. Jedna stvar sto bih voleo da vidim je da postavis sam svoj "kurs" preko galaxy mape. Postoji opcija da se postavi neki sistem kao "destination" ali ne vidim kako da mi iscrta rutu. Mozda nesto propustam.. videcu na netu sta kazu. 

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А од "градње" и објеката и евентуално флоте, јел има шта, или се све своди на трговину и насумичне мисијице и борбе? Тј јел више вуче на оригинал од пре сто година или иде ка Х-у?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Napravih relativno kratak filmic sinoc :) Brod je Eagle koji sluzi vise kao brzi lovac. Oruzja su default lasers, non-gimbaled, znaci onako pocetnicki. Naravno pokusavao sam da se borim protiv brodova koji su oko mog ranga - na pocetku sam naleteo na Anacondu kojoj ne mogu ni da prismrdim pa sam morao da pobegnem. Ostatak su ili na mom nivou, ili jedna klasa nize/vise.


U svakom slucaju - evo filmic, i ne zamerajte mi na dzojstik skilu; jos uvek se uci :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Lep filmic Loopy!


Ja sam moj mercenary edition paznuo,sad cekam gamma fazu da se igram sa drugarima.

Nadam se samo da ce dotle srediti grouping i da ce biti mnooogo lakse upasti u istu instancu sa onima koji su u tvojoj grupi.


Po onome sto sam do sada  video,i po prici nekih ljudi koje znam a koji pikaju betu,igra je predobra.

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  • 1 month later...


This game is a mixed bag with a lot of future potential. In the initial release, it runs smoothly and is absolutely gorgeous. Watching a sunrise over a planet, seeing the stars in the background change position as you jump system to system and dropping out of hyperspace for the first time are all incredible. This game gets a 10/10 for visuals and sound alike. The game runs smoothly too and isn't nearly the resource hog star citizen is. But all that beauty is only skin deep. Content wise, very little is going on here at the moment.

Imagine eve online without any multiplayer or combat missions. You could mine, belt rat, trade and do courier missions, but that would get old fast. And yes, I said no multiplayer. This is the first "massively multiplayer online game" that is completely devoid of any practical multiplayer. Grouping with friends is glitchy and not at all user friendly. Most people wouldn't even consider it grouping, you have to be a talented lawyer twisting words around to make it mean that. Chat is equally weak, it's restricted to targeting another player with your weapons and hailing them. The end.

With all that said, the game is fun for many hours. It's a big galaxy and mastering combat does take a bit of skill. This is no dice roll game. You can reasonably kill the biggest ships in the game with a starter ship if you know your stuff. But you do have to know it, this isn't skyrim where everybody wins all the time.

So yeah, there is a solid foundation to build on. I'd rate this game as average (for a single player title) for now. But even if you decide to pass, keep an eye on it. With some proper multiplayer support and a bit more content, this game could be absolutely epic."

Edited by free!

Rider on the storm...

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