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Astronomija i sve o Svemiru


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A rare cosmic eruption is expected to occur in the Milky Way in the coming months — an outburst so bright that a “new” star will seemingly appear for a short time in the night sky.

The event, known as a nova, will be a once-in-a-lifetime skywatching opportunity for those in the Northern Hemisphere, according to NASA, because the types of star systems in which such explosions occur are not common in our galaxy.

At its peak, the eruption should be visible to the naked eye, Schaefer said: “It’s going to be bright in the sky, so it’ll be easily visible from your backyard.”

“It could maybe even happen tonight,” Schaefer said. “More probably it’ll be within the next couple of months, and very probably before the end of summer.”


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  • 2 months later...

Kakve su sve lude ideje imali 🙂 Raketa na tečni litijum 🙂 



što napisa neko u komentaru "When asbestos is one of the least alarming components of your setup, you've accomplished something truly amazing."

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3 hours ago, manson said:

što napisa neko u komentaru "When asbestos is one of the least alarming components of your setup, you've accomplished something truly amazing."

hahaha, istina 🙂

makar nisu kuće od njih pravili u kojima su ljudi živeli do pre deset godina 🙂

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Што је још занимљивије канал Гедиз Валис, где је Кјуриозити пронашао камен, препун је сличних стена попут оне коју је ровер смрвио што значи да су неки делови планете богати чистим сумпором.

„Проналажење камења од чистог сумпора је као да пронађете оазу у пустињи. Не би требало да је тамо, тако да морамо то да објаснимо. Откривање неочекиваних ствари је оно што чини планетарно истраживање занимљивим“, наводи научник Ешвин Васавада из Насине "Jet Propulsion Laboratory".

Сулфати су соли које се формирају када се сумпор меша са другим минералима уз присуство воде. Када вода испари, минерали се сједињују и остају сулфати.

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Jbt ovi mučenicu su još gore. Evo sada i SpaceX ima nekih problema.



Already more than a month late getting back, two NASA astronauts will remain at the International Space Station until engineers finish working on problems plaguing their Boeing capsule, officials said Thursday.


After the space shuttles retired, NASA hired private companies for astronaut rides to the space station, paying Boeing and SpaceX billions of dollars.

This was the Boeing's first test flight with a crew aboard. The initial demo in 2019, flying empty, never made it to the space station because of bad software, and Boeing repeated the test in 2022. More issues later cropped up.

SpaceX has been ferrying astronauts since 2020. SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets have been grounded for the past two weeks because of an upper-stage failure on a satellite-delivery mission. The longer the stand-down continues, the more likely upcoming crew flights will be delayed.

Neka zovu Putina više.

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