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Total War: Rome II

Al Bundy

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@ Sting: mislim da je cela fora u tom sjb-u oko izlaska igre, o tolikom broju bagova bila o prokletom preranom datumu, koji je objavljen tamo negde pre skoro pola godine josh.. bolje bi mozda bilo da su samo rekli kraj treceg, pochetak chetvrtog kvartala, a onda kada zavrshe sa sredjivanjem igre, da su objavili mesec dana pred izdavanja, ovako su se precenili i sjb. malo stvar.. ali dobro, nije strashno, sredjuje se to polako..


@ stex: chek, to je ona pochetna bitka sa Amerima u prologu? totalno sam zaboravio kakav je to pochetak bio :) i prokleta tehnologoija sa "minornim" detaljem da na pochetku ne moze da ti puca red po red vojnika, vec samo prvi red xD u trecoj bitci sam tek to primetio :) inache, meni je lichno bila velika mana u ETW-u to shto su generali bili relativno skupi za regrutovanje (ne govorim o deffault brigadirima), a mogli su da imaju po 70+ godina u trenutku regrutacije :) to mi se desilo sa Prusima, prvi chovek koga sam regrutovao kao generala je imao 76 godina, odmah sam se smorio..

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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da, igra je cool (kao i svaki TW, makar meni) - nego, ne shvati me pogreshno - vanila verzija mi je bila solidno igriva, a posle nekih pechovanja, odnosno ispravljanja silnih nekih manjih bagova postala mi je epski odlichna :) na stranu shto je to bio prvi TW sa brodicima :D taj osecaj kada se moja grdosija od broda sa x topova, okrene bokom i opushteno razvali protivnichki brodic mi je bio totalno mega win :D

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ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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sada ide onaj deo kada vas opet obradujem nechim veselim (kao ono kliknuo sam prvi like na vest od CA-a :D), elem:




prateci tekst:


We’re keeping the great news rolling. To thank our loyal fans for their continued support, we’re releasing the Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack for FREE if you download it before the 29th Oct (normal price £5.99/$7.99/€7.49). Check out the awesome trailer in the link below (link to the Steam Store is in the video’s description if you want to pick it up for yourself) and check out the Official Wiki link too for more info on this awesome set of factions.


http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Massagetae_Faction - Massagetae

http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Roxolani_Faction - Roxolani

http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Scythia_Faction - Scythia


p.s. linkovi sa tw wikija trenutno (makar meni) ne rade, ali nagadjam da ce biti osposobljeni do kraja dana, zato ih linkujem ovako :)

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Popravljaju igru polako, bogami sam juce odvalio partiju od 5 sati i bas sam uzivao =)


AI me je lepo flankovao u jednoj bitci kad je imao vise trupa od mene, aktivno koristi agente, brani gradove i bolje jedinice pravi.

Svideo im se Kickstarter model, lepo im platimo im igru odmah a igramo posteno tek posle 6 meseci!

Andjeo smrti spusti buktinju i s' njom ugasi se jadno bice moje.

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  • 2 weeks later...

creative assembly izbacuje u javnost novu seriju spotlight videa (fokusiranu na jedinice), ovo je prva epizoda:



ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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to za civ V se i meni deshava :D


chudan trip.. realno :)


btw jel probao neko B&G dlc?

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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nisam siguran, obzirom da je moja igra na steamu, odnosno da ovaj put nije narodna verzija.




u novoj epizodi nam najavljuju izmedju ostalog novi free DLC:


stize Bactria ! :)


edit: zaboravio sam da udarim c/p na patch info :D


Here are the patch notes for Total War: ROME II - Patch 7 (as of 21/11/2013): 

Known Issues

  • Dog handlers will try to melee attack whenever their dogs enter melee, resulting in the handlers running towards the enemy unit that the dog is attacking, and often being killed.


  • Performance – Unit rendering performance on high spec gpu’s has been optimised, resulting in higher frame rates on EXTREME settings in most scenarios.
  • Extensive Frontend-UI tweaks and optimisations.
  • Fixed a crash in the terrain system which occurred on crossfire machines.
  • Players are no longer restricted from selecting graphics options, based on the games evaluation of their system. This means that players can now set any graphics options they want.

Battle AI improvements 

  • Attacking siege AI now uses battering rams more frequently.
  • Attacking siege AI can now use all units to burn gates, and should not become inactive if it has only non-infantry units remaining.
  • Attacking AI is now more conservative with the use of its general when assaulting walls and gates, but can still use the general unit as a last resort.
  • Added safeguards against some rare issues which could cause the attacking settlement AI to become idle.
  • Fixed an issue in settlement AI which could result in units losing their attack orders, causing units to sometimes run past enemy units they were trying to attack, as well as causing defending missile units on walls to halt their firing orders.
  • Improved AI’s use of Use The Whip and Rapid Advance.
  • AI now targets war-dogs rather than their handlers after dogs have been released.
  • Eliminated unnecessary reforms in AI’s defence-line tactics.
  • Improved AI scouting behaviour.

Unit rebalancing

  • Increased damage for club weapons.
  • Increased melee defence for pike units.
  • Rebalance of all small-arm projectile damage:
  • Javelins have received a boost to their armour penetration damage.
  • All horse archers (incl. Royal Horse Archers) now have Heavy Shot.
  • Some elite foot archers now also have access to Heavy Shot.
  • Different types of bows now have different ranges.
  • All bows now have some armour penetration.
  • Rebalanced the following units:

Naked warriors
Painted ones
Naked swords

  • Some missile infantry shields have had their missile block chance increased.
  • Tower projectile incendiary damage has been reduced.
  • Burning oil incendiary damage has been reduced.
  • Improved arrow tower damage has been reduced, and is now mostly normal damage instead of armour penetration. 
  • Scorpion tower projectiles now have a smaller cone of effect.
  • Reduced incendiary hit points on all siege vehicles apart from burning rams which have both incendiary and normal hit points increased.
  • Removed shield wall ability from Falxmen, Thracian Warriors and Thracian Nobles.

General battle improvements

  • Increased battle-side hit points of all generals and officers.
  • Fixed issue in battle combat rules which failed to give the commanding general additional saving throws, making generals unusually vulnerable in harder difficulty modes. These saving throws have also been extended to non-commanding generals, making all general characters harder to kill in battles.
  • Fixed issue which caused artillery units to sometimes move forwards instead of firing when targeting a ground position.
  • Formed Attack button added for key disciplined units (eg Legionaries, Hoplites, Pikemen). Disciplined units are now better at keeping formation when fighting.
  • Improved existing unit formations.
  • Reduced “blobbing”, where units converge into a disorganised brawl
    *Adjusted spacing of some infantry units to prevent units being too cramped.
  • Added blood effects on animals, for players who own the Blood & Gore DLC.
  • Fixed an issue where pikemen would ignore orders.
  • Fixed rank & file shortcuts which were not working correctly; and only ever resulted in wider units.
  • Telestration (drawing on the map) now works for spectators in MP battles.
  • Fixed issue where throwing torches at gates failed due to projectile simulation causing torches to bounce off the roof of the gatehouse instead of hitting the gate itself.
  • New guard mode mechanic: units will be in guard mode behaviour by default and hold their line unless they have a direct attack order.
  • Several improvements to how formed attackers adjust to one or more targets, encompassing different target widths.
  • New hiding mechanic: running will no longer reveal hidden units.
  • Behaviour improvements for disengaging units: Units pulling out of melee will now try harder to avoid combat and run to the ordered location.
  • New mechanic for knocked-down soldiers: Heavier units will take longer to get up after being knocked down.
  • Fixes and improvements to bracing:

- Formation depth and defensive formations now have the correct impact on bracing bonus.
- No bracing bonus when using loose spacing.

  • Elephant and chariot collisions are now less lethal.
  • Boiling oil no longer triggers when enemies are on top of a gatehouse.
  • Entities no longer warp in combat when two infantry units charge each other.
  • Avoidance-jittering eliminated when multiple units in formed attack overlap.
  • Prevented ships and drowning men from floating above the waterline in very rough seas.
  • Improved the framerate when multiple units pass under boiling oil.
  • Added option to disable left-click dragging move-orders.
  • Locked formation unit groups now correctly track moving targets when given attack orders.
  • Locked formation unit groups should now move at the correct speed in all circumstances.
  • Units now interweave less when moving a locked formation backwards.
  • Artillery units no longer move forwards to attack a building when their target is already in range.
  • Firing whilst moving now always fires at the target unit.
  • Reduced instances of ranged-unit stop/start movements when chasing a moving target.
  • Units no longer automatically attack their previous melee target after routing then rallying.
  • When gate capture points are neutralised, gates are now locked to all alliances and boiling oil stops pouring.
  • Units firing from walls can now be consistently halted.
  • Units firing from walls now fire with all ranks.
  • Rebalancing of entity/projectile/effect audio volumes.
  • Added new preset city and port maps to the custom battle/multiplayer map lists.
  • Removed situations where defenders could partially deploy units outside the city walls in siege battles.
  • Siege maps now have towers or gates linked to the correct capture points.
  • Changed capture point timer from 20 seconds to 30 seconds. Gates and towers now take 1 minute rather than 40 seconds to change from one alliance to another.
  • Added new minor settlements: 1x Persian port and city, 2x Egyptian cities, 1x Greek city.
  • Improved docking and landing points in several maps.
  • Added spectator icon for battle to make it clearer when people are spectating.
  • Cinematic camera now works correctly for units on buildings.
  • General technical/usability fixes across many battle maps (docking points, deployment zones, scenery placement, tower bridging-points etc).
  • Extensive battle-UI tweaks and optimisations.
  • Fixed several rare crash instances.
  • Aide de camp advisor has been enabled for multiplayer now. 
  • Modified right click drag-outs, so when moving the mouse to the minimum drag threshold, and then back under the minimum drag threshold, the drag-out visualisation will no longer be hidden.
  • Men on walls above gates no longer die when gate is destroyed in battles.



  • Fixed a crash when loading into a Roman Port battle map from the Campaign.
  • Multiplayer campaign legendary mode saves now work correctly.
  • Campaign AI is now more focused on recruiting better units and constructing buildings that allow the recruitment of better units.
  • Increased number of Imperium thresholds from 4 to 7, rebalancing progression of military, agent and edict cap increases to match.
  • Campaign diplomacy: It’s now harder to sign trade & alliance treaties with AI factions, gifts now give a bigger boost to relations.
  • Added warning when the player is about to break treaty in Diplomacy which will result in player being treacherous.
  • Enemy/ally armies/agents are now shown on the Campaign Tactical map and not just players.
  • Fixed user interface animation issues in campaign, where in Multiplayer Campaign mode, animations would sometimes be in slow motion.
  • Added resource icons to the city info bar.
  • Added a small delay to update of the Settlement info panel, when moving the mouse off building icons to make easier to compare two buildings, without info panel flickering to province info in between.
  • Fixed setting for whether Unit info panel is shown in battle, which was being set incorrectly in campaign modes, leading to unit info panel being hidden in battle, without player ever minimising it.
  • Fixed campaign cycle buttons (which cycle between settlements) going in opposite direction, and fixed both buttons going in the same direction.
  • Fixed issue where if a unit was gifted in a group, the player could still control that unit via group they were previously in.
  • Fixed issue where current army emblem wasn't shown in list of emblems meaning once changed couldn't set it back.
  • When the player is defending in ambush, the attackers units are hidden because if they were ambushed they wouldn't know the details of the force they were up against.
  • Telestration (drawing) now works on the campaign tactical map for Multiplayer Campaign mode.
  • Added a vote-timer to the autoresolve panel buttons in Multiplayer Campaign mode pre-battle, so players know how much time is left to make a decision once the panel is opened.
  • Join Confederation option now appears as a diplomatic option when countering an AI’s diplomatic offer.
  • Added experience indicators on queued recruitment unit cards.
  • Multiple units can now be upgraded with better equipment, or retrained into better units, simultaneously.
  • When retraining units, UI now shows the unit a current unit will be retrained into, along with the cost for doing so.
  • Finance panel tax-slider now snaps to values, to make it easier to use, and to clarify that there are a finite number of levels.
  • Added notifications for when the other player saves in multiplayer campaign, so you know why the game is pausing.
  • Added filter-specific info to tooltips in the campaign tactical map (such as regional wealth values when on the region wealth filter).
  • Unit info UI now takes into account bonus HP for unit health stat, to fix incorrect values being shown
  • Unit info now shows the breakdown for melee defence and shield armour values on the tooltip.
  • Added vote timer to the pre-battle screen in Multiplayer Campaign mode, so players know how much time left to make decision once open this panel.
  • Unit info missile-damage display now working correctly (damage modifier was being applied to armour penetration damage, and breakdown wasn't taking into account the missile damage modifier).
  • Campaign radar map now follows the camera to improve navigation.
  • Client states and satrapies are now shown as allied on settlement panel. Also added an icon to show relationship of the factions owning the regions.
  • Fixed several rare crash instances.
  • Fixed a crash which happened when merging units together several times, with the [CTRL] + [M] key shortcut in the same army in Campaign modes.
  • Garrisons are no longer displayed with dignitary icons on the Campaign Tactical Map.
Edited by tzarinho

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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pa u principu zavisi shta ste sve ochekivali od igre.. meni je sada vec ok igra (mozda zato shto sam fan serijala dugi niz godina, pa nisam bash preterano objektivan, nisam siguran), mislim da su patchevi za sada reshili dobar deo problema, ali da ce trebati josh malo rada na njoj :)


uzgred, novi deo Unit Spotlight serijala :



ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Caesar in Gaul Expansion Campaign Pack for Total War: ROME II

Hi guys, 

We've announced a brand new expansion campaign pack for ROME II called Caesar and Gaul. Full details below. 



Total War™ ROME II: Caesar in Gaul

Campaign Pack


Caesar in Gaul is a standalone campaign pack for Total War: ROME II covering Julius Caesar’s war of expansion against the Gaulish tribes. Players can choose from four playable factions in this conflict: the Gallic Arverni, the Germanic Suebi, the Belgic Nervii and Rome, in a campaign inspired by Caesar’s Commentarii de bello Gallico (Commentaries on the Gallic war).

Offering a tighter scope in terms of time and geography than Rome II (58-51BC), the Caesar in Gaul Campaign Map is an expanded, more detailed vision of Gaul and the south coast of Britannia. 

Compared with ROME II’s map of Gaul, Caesar in Gaul contains more regions and provinces, more factions (both playable and non-playable), and a series of famous generals and statesmen from history which the player will employ or fight against depending on their chosen faction. 

A war of great profit and glory for Caesar, this conflict made him extremely popular with the people of Rome… though less so with the senators, who saw him gathering power to himself in a series of events that ultimately lead to his ascension to Dictator.

Caesar in Gaul differs from the core ROME II experience in a number of important ways:

New Campaign Map:

The Caesar in Gaul campaign map is an enhanced, more detailed representation of Gaul, with players able to expand across 18 provinces dotted with resources, new settlements and new provincial capitals.

Greater focus on characters:

Many factions employ great generals and statesmen from history (for example, Rome fields Gaius Julius Caesar himself, Mark Anthony and others). Each of the four playable factions also has a faction leader who acts as the player’s avatar during the campaign. 

24 turns per year:

As Caesar in Gaul deals with a considerably shorter time-span (58-51BC) than the grand sweep of the ROME II campaign, each turn represents two weeks rather than a year. This means seasons make a return. The gameplay effects of these aren’t always predictable however, and may vary from province to province. A late autumn may bring a good harvest for example, but a long, dry summer may damage your food production.

Compact, focussed multiplayer campaign:

For those generals looking for a more rapid MP campaign game, Caesar in Gaul presents a series of interesting options. Due to the geographic scope and the opposing 48 factions, co-op or competitive 2-player campaigns are tighter, more focussed, and less time-consuming than a full Campaign. 

New mid-game challenge mechanics:

For those players making it through to the mid-game, there will be new challenges to face as a more suitable replacement for the Civil Wars of ROME II. As a Gallic tribe, you’ll feel the mailed fist of Rome respond with heavy intervention forces, and as Rome, you’ll see the Gallic tribes rebelling and forming alliances against you.

New historical battle:

Caesar in Gaul adds the Battle of Alesia as a playable historical battle. Alesia marked the turning point of Caesar’s Gallic War, and resulted in the capture of Vercingetorix, who was later taken to Rome and executed at Caesar’s Triumph. 

Set from Caesar’s perspective, Alesia tasks the player with maintaining the siege of Vercingetorix's Gallic stronghold. The battle begins with the Roman forces deployed within their own investment fortifications outside the hill-fort. The player must guide the Romans as they weather attacks from both a huge relief army and within the fort itself.

New Total War: ROME II full campaign playable factions:

Alongside the factions playable within the new Campaign, Caesar in Gaul also adds three new playable factions to the main game; they are:

• Nervii (barbarian, Belgic)

The most fierce and powerful of the Belgic tribes, the Nervii are a melting pot of Celtic and Germanic heritage. Their unit roster reflects this mix of cultures, opening up the possibility of creating new, unique army compositions.

• Boii (barbarian, Gallic)

One of the largest of the Gallic tribes, the Boii occupied Cisalpine-Gaul, Pannonia, Bohemia and Transalpine Gaul. Their numbers make them a force to be reckoned with but they are somewhat disconnected from other the Gallic tribes geographically and are directly exposed to the ferocious Germanic clans and the Dacians.

• Galatians (barbarian, Anatolia)

The Gauls of the East, the Galatians migrated to Asia Minor following the Celtic invasion of the Balkans. They arrived through Thracia at around 270 BC, led by generals Lotarios & Leonnorios. As Celts deep within Hellenic territory and factions hostile towards them, the Galatians offer interesting and challenging new gameplay.

New units:

Alongside their usual unit rosters, the playable factions of Caesar in Gaul (and playable factions in the main ROME II campaign provided by Caesar in Gaul ownership) also gain the following new units: 

Boii (ROME II)

• Sword Followers (sword infantry)

Where a lord commands, the sword is thrust.

• Veteran Spears (spear infantry)

Battle hardens the sinews and the heart, and deafens the ear to the cries of cowards.

Galatians (ROME II)

• Galatian Legionaries (sword infantry)

The Celts have taught the Romans more than they're prepared to admit, but this is a two-way street.

• Galatian Raiders (javelin and sword cavalry)

Broken enemies know it is better to flee than face riders who will not spare their lives.

Gallic tribes (ROME II and Caesar in Gaul)

• Chosen Swordsmen (sword infantry)

These men fight with proven bravery and well-honed skill-at-arms.

• Chosen Spearmen (spear infantry)

Chainmail does not chill a warrior's heart, or still his lust for battle.

• Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The skills of the hunt, hiding and a sudden strike, are the skills of a warrior.

Nervii (ROME II and Caesar in Gaul)

• Fierce Swords (sword infantry)

Once he has earned it, a Celt will only be parted from his longsword by death itself.

• Guerilla Swordsmen (stealth sword infantry)

These swordsmen strike wherever and whenever their enemies least expect.

• Mighty Horse (spear cavalry)

A strong mount and a savage swing make these warriors a fearsome prospect.

• Naked Spears (spear infantry)

Who needs clothes when you have more than your share of courage?

• Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The skills of the hunt, hiding and a sudden strike, are the skills of a warrior.


• Auxiliary Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The skills of a hunter should be used in the service of Rome.

• Auxiliary Noble Horse(spear cavalry) 

A mounted, armoured fist is always useful in a Roman army.

• Auxiliary Naked Swords (sword infantry)

The savage gods of war should be used to Rome's advantage.

• Auxiliary Short Swords (sword infantry)

Bravery in battle, rather than skill, sometimes gives worth to a man.


• Mercenary Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The hunting of other men often has the greatest of rewards.

• Mercenary Noble Horse (spear cavalry) 

Even a nobleman has his price, and will fight for gold.

• Mercenary Naked Swords (sword infantry)

The gods of war will bless mercenaries as long as they fight bravely.

• Mercenary Short Swords (sword infantry)

It is often enough to sell bravery and a taste for glory.


ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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slika promene godishnjih dobar u novoj kampanji, zvanichna by CA :



ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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  • 1 month later...

Total War: Rome 2's giant Patch 9 improves AI, performance, and balance

Technical and performance improvements:

  • Performance and memory optimisations in Campaign modes.
  • Further work to reduce the CPU costs during battles.
  • Improved framerates when units clash in battles.
  • Siege battle performance optimisations.
  • Eliminated several rare crashes found in battle scenarios.
  • Fix for rare crash related to naval boarding/disembarking
  • Multiplayer battle-replay desync addressed.
  • Issues with trees in battle-maps addressed.
  • Additional cost-balancing to Chariots and Elephants.
  • Units no longer mistake bastions for wall breaches in settlement battles.
  • Further battle map technical and performance improvements.

Support for AMD switchable graphics:

  • Game now correctly detects and reports the discrete GPU on an AMD switchable graphics configuration (primarily laptops with an Intel integrated GPU and a discrete AMD mobility GPU).
  • This fix ensures that the ‘unlimited video memory’ graphics option is enabled correctly on AMD switchable configs.
  • Note that the Catalyst Control Centre Switchable Graphics UI must be used to select between the discrete and integrated GPUs for each application that the player wants to run.

Support for ‘Virtu MVP’ Desktop Switchable Graphics:

  • Virtu MVP is a common OEM-installed application for selecting GPUs in a multi-GPU desktop configuration e.g. a desktop with an Intel integrated GPU and a discrete desktop GPU – both typically routed to the same motherboard display output connector.
  • We now correctly detect and report the correct GPU used in this scenario.
  • Note that the Virtu MVP Control Panel application must be used to select between the discrete and integrated GPUs for each application that the player wants to run.
  • New option in the Advanced Graphics Settings menu, for selecting between graphics cards / GPUs when more than 1 is available.

Support for multi-GPUs with multi-monitor configurations:

  • Game now detects multiple GPUs and allows the player to pick which GPU is used to render the game.
  • In this configuration multiple GPUs are shown in a combo-box in the Advanced Graphics Options UI.
  • Improved video-memory detection to prevent the game from sometimes detecting the video memory limit from the wrong/lower graphics card in a multi-GPU configuration.

Battle AI and behavioural improvements:

  • Improved pathfinding of siege vehicles near walls.
  • Improved multiple siege ladder functionality parameters.
  • Improved siege vehicle docking placement.
  • Units now consistently disembark from ships with raised bows.
  • Improved AI infantry awareness of cavalry, making infantry brace when threatened by a charge.
  • AI controlled units are now more likely to use flaming arrows against elephants where available.
  • Improved logic of multiple battle maps, to allow the AI to interact with these maps better and cause fewer behavioural issues.
  • Improved AI General's use of special abilities.
  • Rebalanced AI's battle-plan analyser/attack-or-defend decision making, to take into account that the enemy alliance may have weaker but longer-range missile units, to prevent static behaviour under missile fire.
  • In ambush battles, the defender’s units which are under missile fire that outranges their own are now more likely to respond by moving to intercept the missile unit attacking them.
  • Altered some of the AI's usage of various ammo types.
  • Pike Phalanx now reform properly once engaged in melee.
  • Idle units attacked when set to Formed Attack attempt to keep their current facing.
  • Formed attack charges will now penetrate less than free attack barbarian charges.
  • Attacks from units in formation are now more powerful than attacks from unformed units.
  • Reduced the chance of units walking while routing from the battlefield.
  • Routing units no longer turn around/play matched combat animations as they are being killed.
  • Units now no longer head through breach in a wall rather than using the siege engine they are attached to.
  • Artillery with special ammo now show the correct model while loading the weapon: e.g. animal carcasses.
  • Reduced instances of unit collision which caused jittering on the battlefield.
  • Eliminated a battle replay desync caused by presence of war dogs units.
  • Units now correctly stop firing at a building if they take ownership of it.
  • During multiplayer siege battles, the defender can now see the attacker's units during deployment.
  • Rebalanced hit-point bonuses for officers and standard bearers.
  • During battles, units can now burn down open gates with torches.
  • Men positioned on a gatehouse will no longer die when the gate is destroyed.
  • Artillery ships can now consistently disembark.
  • Added more effective collision detection to barbarian watch towers in encampment battles.
  • Charging at Pikemen now consistently selects the correct matched combat animation, keeping pikemen in line more effectively.
  • When dog handlers unleash their dogs, the handlers will no longer attack as well.
  • Added blood to chariot horses and drivers, and to attackers and defenders during knockdowns. (Only active if the player owns the Blood and Gore DLC.)
  • Artillery on ships can no longer be picked up (previously resulted in loss of unit control).
  • Improved unit reforming on the battlefield.
  • Projectiles no longer remain in mid-air when the siege weapon that fired them is destroyed.
  • Improvements to naval disembarking functionality.
  • Technical improvements across a range of battle maps (including pathfinding, deployment, general unit interaction, walls, gates, battle tooltips etc).
  • Multiple minor unit behavioural improvements.

Campaign AI improvements:

  • AI no longer underestimates its strength when ending a move in Forced March stance within a settlement.
  • Campaign AI now considers maintaining sieges for longer, in order to build more siege equipment.
  • Campaign AI now less likely to sue for peace shortly after declaring a war.
  • AI factions now recruit more siege units.
  • Revised the Campaign AI settlement occupation decision system.
  • Adjustments to Campaign AI Financial Management.
  • AI factions are now much less likely to declare war on distant factions.
  • Adjustments to composition of recruited forces.
  • Improvement to Campaign AI food management.

General Battle Improvements:

  • Eliminated an exploit allowing players to bypass unit-caps in custom and multiplayer battles by modifying a saved army setup.
  • Units can no longer use loose formation when manning siege equipment.
  • Buhen (Egyptian battle map) is now playable in custom battle mode.
  • Caltrops are now placed in more uniform rows.
  • Tortoise formation is now unlocked in the Seleucid faction when the player owns the Greek States DLC.
  • Improved multiplayer responsiveness: movement paths and attack arrows are now shown instantly upon giving the order. (Previously the game waited for all clients to confirm the issued order, causing a small delay).
  • Multiple combat animation blending tweaks.
  • Orders issued on lower framerate machines now register more effectively.
  • Added a horse bonus upgrade icon to show different levels of horses on their unit cards.
  • Improvements to group collision sounds during battles.
  • Pre-battle voiceover no longer occasionally cuts out.
  • Tweaks to some Hellenic unit looks to make them more distinct.
  • Missing rock/tree textures on battlefields added.
  • Many more siege battle map improvements (e.g. improving docking point placement on walls, joining small gaps in walls to improve pathfinding, removed obstructions from docking points).

General Campaign Improvements:

  • Added a countdown timer to the Exchange Panel in Multiplayer Campaign mode.
  • Settlements on the campaign map will no longer continue to emit smoke from damage or construction when they are no longer damaged/under construction.
  • Right-clicking the mouse during the end-turn cycle in campaign while an agent/army is selected will no longer trigger audio responses from the selected agent/army.
  • Opening and closing the pause menu, while the Declare War On *Overlord/Make Peace With Satrapies panel is open in Campaign mode, will no longer close the panel and make peace with the satrapies.
  • Help I'm trapped in these patch notes.
  • An army in Forced March stance will now have their Recruit Units button reactivate immediately when they are put back into the Default stance.
  • Replacing an immortal general will no longer trigger a General Wounded message in Campaign modes.
  • The Zoom To Location button no longer pans the camera to the bottom-left corner of the Multiplayer Campaign map when pressed with an army selected.
  • The Nervii faction is now immune to snow attrition in the Grand Campaign.
  • If a general reaches level 25 in a statistic, all of the attribute increases and abilities granted by that statistic will consistently remain.
  • Addressed a rare issue during campaign ambush battles where, if the user conceded defeat, they might suffer no losses and could then retreat.
  • When recruiting a unit on the same turn as a researched technology that replaces that unit type is completed, the unit recruitment will no longer be cancelled.
  • Fix to allow Praetorians to be upgraded to Praetorian Guards once the appropriate technology has been researched.
  • Fix for Athenian and Egyptian naval recruitment experience bonus in campaign modes.

Battle rebalancing:

  • Improved behaviour and benefits of Formed Attack ability.
  • Slightly reduced the spacing of melee units.
  • Widened the pike cone-of-engagement, so they can hold off units more effectively.
  • Reduced pike damage.
  • Reduced the mass (and therefore impact) of chariots and elephants.
  • Major adjustments to unit costs, to better reflect the combat value of units; there is a much greater spread of values now. For example Oathsworn now cost 1340, Celtic Warriors 350.
  • Adjustments to unit speeds, stats, and more to help diversify the unit rosters, and give more distinct roles on the battlefield.
  • Improved AI army compositions in campaign mode, when a faction doesn’t have access to early land or navy units.
  • Campaign AI is now more focused on acquiring early military technologies.
  • Certain total casualty morale penalties have been set to 0 so there is less stacking of morale effects.
  • Reduced minimum hit chance, base hit chance and maximum hit chance for melee combat.
  • Further balancing changes based on Patch 9 Public BETA feedback:

-Reduction in melee attack for Roman melee infantry units.
-Adjusted costs of missile infantry.
-Adjustments to melee cavalry weapon types.
-Tweaks to shock cavalry costs.
-Added passive “Scare” ability to Night Hunters.
-Increased Wodanaz Spears melee attack.
-Reduced cost of elite Germanic and Briton units.

Auto-resolver balancing:

  • Smaller defensive bonus in minor settlement battles
  • A small global penalty for the player in autoresolved battles
  • Unit threshold has been increased, so severely damaged units are less likely to survive an auto-resolved battle.



Za narodnu posle patcha 7 treba vam

Total.War.ROME.II.Caesar.in.Gaul-RELOADED  10.57GB

Total.War.ROME.II.Update.8.1.Incl.DLC-RELOADED 17.92 MB

Nzm da li je patch 9 u ovom zadnjem,predpostavljam da jeste ako ne...izacice [:D]

Total War ROME II Update 9 Incl DLC-RELOADED
Edited by SteXmaN
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igra je neverovatno retardirana i nije vredna igranja. ja sam prvi bolji komp uzeo samo zbog rome, i igrao sam ga do pre 2-3 godine, svake godine jednu kampanju minimum. mozete da zamislite sa kojim uzbudjenjem sam cekao rome 2. na zalost morao sam da ga obrisem nakon prve opsade grada jer je ai bio uzasan. i sad sam skinuo opet sa ovim novim velikim dlcom i patcevima i u pocetku je osecaj bio do jaja. sa jednim gradom sam poceo i nisam mogo da osvojim drugi dok ne koordiniram napad sa saveznikom. svidelo mi se sto mogu da posaljem savezniku gde da napadne i sto je to mnogo bolje uradjeno nego u prvom rome gde su savezi bili nista. na zalost kako igra odmice postaje sve laksa i laksa i nakon par provincija pocinje steamroll mod i igra uopste nije interesantna. koordinirani napadi sa saveznicima(nije da su potrebni) na malkice udaljenijim teritorijama nisu moguci jer ce ai da dodje relativno blizu mesta gde treba pa da se vraca nazad i tako u krug. napala fakcija sa kojom imam trade agrement mog saveznika i ja upadnem u rat na strani saveznika. reputacija mi ode od steedfasta na unthrustworthy. vratim save i probam drugu opciju, da raskinem savez i ne mesam se, reputacija mi padne samo za jedan segment(skoro da ista ostane). wtf

ai u borbama je bolji nego u rome. pogotovo su dobre borbe u pocetku dok sam imao slabiju vojsku, bas je bilo zajebano dobiti bilo koju bitku. sada sa elitnim vojskama je uglavnom steamrolovanje ali tako je bilo i u kecu. sve u svemu jedina dobra stvar kod ove igre su borbe. ostalo je toliko lako i ne predstavlja nikakav izazov. europe universalis je keva, tetka, baba i deda za ovu igru u svakom pogledu, sem sto nema bitke. 

ako se bilo ko dvoumi ili razmislja dal da pocne ovo da igra, nemoj da pocinje. nek proba EU 4.

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