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Mass Effect 3


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Zavrsih konacno igru, stvarno nemam reci na sta ono lici. Da nisam posle video onaj indoctrination video, ne bi spavo celu noc od besa. Tuga sta uradise od prve igre.

Na kraju nisam oprco nista, izgleda da imas samo jedan izbor koji nosis od prethodnog dela, pa ako tu osobu odbijes ostajes sam. Sto u sustini i nije tako lose, nisam morao da trpim (pederska)nabacivanja ko u DA serijalu. Jos da su uspeli da ne ponove iste price o osecanjima bar 10 puta, bila bi igra sasvim kratka. A simpaticni su sto imaju trikove da produze gejmplej tako sto ubace milion istih borbi pa onda apgrejduju tezinu tako sto ti mrdaju kameru.

Ova igra ce biti zapamcena kao vrhunac svega loseg u igrackoj industriji, peak uspeha sila zla.

Sreca pa sam jos uvek sposoban da uzmem iz igre samo stvari sto su dobre, pa dodam sta fali uz pomoc maste, indoctrination video vrstan primer.

Mozda je i bolje sto nisu probali da daju closure za clanove ekipe, usrali bi i to garant. Ovako bar mogu u glavi da smislim kako je ko zavrsio.

ovaj video, sve je reko lik isto sto sam pomislio kad sam zavrsio igru, bas me je oraspolozio filmic.

Edited by bionic.man

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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What blew my goddamn mind…

The point of the ending of Mass Effect 3 isn’t to show that Shepard has been indoctrinated, at least, that’s no longer how I see it. And it isn’t some quasai-intellectual, pseudo-philosophical moment where we are prompted to contemplate the future of the galaxy, and make up our own ending. Bioware does not do that. We were literally meant to sit back, stare at the screen, and go ‘why would Bioware do this?’ Not ‘Bioware a fucking assholes who deserve to burn’, but ‘why would a company so renowned for loving its fans, and who make such wonderful stories, do this to us?’ We’re meant to wonder the reason why we were deliberately handed this ending.

You see, what we forget as we play through is that the only perspective we have is Commander Shepard’s. Some of us may not think of it that way, but that is the case. We only see what he or she sees, and we only perceive as he or she perceives. And Shepard would only know something was wrong with his or her own mind if we saw it.

What is the point of having an indoctrinated character if the person directing them knows they are indoctrinated? Shepard isn’t the only person that has been indoctrinated. We have. We didn’t see the subtle hints. Shepard didn’t notice the signs, and so we didn’t notice them. We were too caught up in saving Earth, just like Shepard. If Shepard had said, “Something’s wrong”, we would have noticed. We might have guessed. We would have gone straight for the ‘right’ option, regardless of what Bioware may have intended for the end. But because we were left with the idea that the control and synthesis options were the best options, we blindly moved towards them. Directed Shepard toward them.

And the Reapers win.

We, the players, were indoctrinated right alongside Shepard. And by sitting here and demanding that we have a different ending, we acknowledging that something is wrong. Something is broken. Something is not right. But instead of thinking that Bioware has done this deliberately to us, we swung immediately into rage and hate and slammed them for the decision.

We are raging that Bioware betrayed our trust.

But we didn’t trust them.

I, myself, am guilty of this. And now that I sit back and think about it, about the games, about Bioware, all I can say is if that this is right, if this is what Bioware intended… If the true ending is yet to come…

…. Bra. Fucking. Vo. Take my goddamn money.

Just make sure the real end game is free. Kay?

Lepo sročeno.

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Iz vedra neba je najavljeno da će se dodatni DLC za Mass Effect 3 koji bi trebalo da proširi kraj igre u nešto vrednije pojaviti već 26-juna za PC, XBox 360 i PS3 i to naravno besplatno. Jedno dvadeset puta je ponovljeno u EA najavi da DLC neće menjati kraj, već ga proširiti u nešto značajnije, a igrači koji odluče da iskuse ponovljeni završetak igre, neće morati da igraju naravno celu igru već će moći da se vrate putem sejvgejma u napad na Cerberusovu bazu i od tog trenutka igraju dalje.

Ko ce otvarati novi tab sa malecni tekst i brdo flesheva okolo sto treperi.

Ontopic, kontam da cu pogledati na jutubu prvo jel vredi skidati.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Vicite ako vidite narodnu verziju DLC-a, za sad nisam nasao nista.

Video sam na zvanicnom forumu da je valjda potrebno 3100 EMS poena da bi se videli svi krajevi, tj da sad vise nisu potrebni multiplayer pojeni za najbolji kraj.

Andjeo smrti spusti buktinju i s' njom ugasi se jadno bice moje.

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