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OMG Team Fortress 2 Free to play!

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Ja sam danas sebio napravio Gas Jockey set \o/

Sad skacem pajrom ko lud xD

Mada ako igra i 'poznanik' koji igra pajra, onda ja igram medika, bas sam danas snimio prvi film kao test, pa cu da okacim na yt.

Edited by WuDu

People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing.

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Ispostavilo se da smo snimili isti film, Stick (taj 'ortak' s kojim igram) i ja.

Stick-ov film


i moja malo duza verzija


enjoy the amputator pwnage \o/

People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing.

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Poceo sam da pravim i kratke filmice

TF2 Medic: Doctor assisted homicide s1e01


TF2 Medic: Doctor assisted homicide s1e02


People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing.

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A sta ocekujes da se desi, snajpov'o sam spy'a sa xbow'om u prvom, u drugom 2v1 u kome sam lako mogao da popijem noz u ledja ali sam ih ipak obojcu ubio.

Sta treba da poletim, napravim salto, namignem u medjuvremenu u kameru i uradim hi5 taunt dok ih bijem?

People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing.

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Ja sam skinuo i mnogo mi se dopala igrica , mislio sam pre da je glupost pa je nisam kupovao nego sam ostao na CS 1.6... Samo mi objasnite nesto :

1. Kakvu moc ima oruzije broj 2 kod Spijuna (Spy)?

2. Koji tip je najbolji tamo za igru tj sta je najvise nalik ClanWar mecu ili sta se igra na turnirima , koji mod? :D

E-Sports Savez Crne Gore


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Pyromania: Day One

June 25, 2012 - TF2 Team

You read that right (presumably): the long-awaited final Meet the Team short, Meet the Pyro, is dropping in less than three days, and we decided to assemble a massive update to celebrate it.

That only left the issue of what to call the update. Luckily, at the very moment we were thinking about it, someone turned on the radio. Guess what song was on? That's right: 'Safety Dance'.

"That's a pretty catchy song," we said. "Who sings that?" Well, we don't want to upset you, so we won't type it here, but suffice it to say the band that wrote 'Safety Dance' has the most unthinkably offensive name we've ever heard.

Then 'Rock of Ages' came on, off Def Leppard's album Pyromania, so we turned off the radio because it wasn't helping. Suddenly, no thanks at all to music, we came up with the name on our own: The Pyromania Update.

Day One of Pyromania reveals Doomsday, a new map with a brand new game mode that lets you relive one of the darkest days in TF history. It's all pretty heartwrenching, until you discover you'll get achievements, which are also detailed in today's update.

Keep your eyes open, folks. We'll be announcing a bunch of new stuff this week, right up until the premiere of Meet the Pyro this Wednesday.

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