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+1 za uchenje gramatike

Patch 4.0.3a

What is not in:

* Creating worgen/goblin characters

* Worgen/Goblin start zones

* Archeology

* Professions past 450 (Illustrious Grand Master)

* Guild leveling

* Guild achievements

* Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor flight

* New Zones (80+)

What is in:

* Portals in Dalaran Removed

* Class trainers in Dalaran where portals once were

* New race-class combinations (excluding worgen/goblin)

* Race Changing to new class combinations

* New Gnome/Troll starting areas

* Changes to existing zones

* New cata load screens

* New cata intro cinematic

* New cata login screen

* New music

* City Quartermasters, with rep tabards

* Bug fixes

* Class balancing

* Druids, paladins, priests, and shaman will have their talent trees reset

* Experience required to gain levels 71 through 80 is being reduced by 20%

* New tamable hunter pets (Monkey, fox, dog, and beetle, as well as new skins for exsisting pet classes.

* A steam powered auctioneer, similar to the engineering only one in the Like Clockwork store, has been added next to the justice point vendors in Dalaran. They are now usable by all non-engineers.

* Some mounts, mini-pets, and other items are being removed

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* Bane of Agony damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Bane of Doom damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Corruption damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Death Coil damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Drain Life damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Drain Soul damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Immolate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Incinerate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Rain of Fire damage has been increased to be more comparable to other area-of-effect abilities.

* Searing Pain damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Seed of Corruption damage has been reduced to be more comparable to other area-of-effect abilities.

* Shadowbolt damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

* Soul Fire damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.


o Hand of Gul'dan damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.


o Chaos Bolt damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

o Conflagrate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

o Shadowburn damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

Bug Fixes

o Drain Life: The Soulburn version of this was charging 17% of base mana instead of 12% like the normal version. This has been corrected.

Kakav bizaran patch notes za locka. Ako još negde vidim "12%", pucaću.

Uopšteno, nerfuju se sve klase i ispravljaju bagovi.

Samo me zanima da li će nestati bag sa dcovanjem ako se zonuje dok si alttabovan. I iz radoznalosti ću da proverim da li postoji i dalje bag sa northrend spices.

Edited by Lurdusami
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