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Tribes: Ascend


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Dobro vidim podigli su demidz rejt za par oruzja u dve-tri klase. A da, danas se malo malo zale na raidera da je op.

Moje misljenje: Ljudi znaju da igraju. :) Nisam imao vecih problema nego pre updatea.

Edited by ウエーター
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lol ljudi znaju da igraju, kako si ga lupio sad, gun dominira u vazduhu i totalno mu je ne moguce pobeci, hitbox je takav da lika u vazduhu mozes napuniti sa 4 metka bez problema, smesno...

arena trenutno pobedjuje tim koji ima vise raidera a da ne pominjem da imaju duplove vise killova od svih ostalih klasa, nekad i vishe nego svi non raideri zajedno...............

Edited by salejemaster
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govorim sad za arenu. Cela pucačka mehanika igre je zasnovana na sledećim postulatima: ako si na zemlji you are easy to hit and vulnerable, ako si u vazduhu sigurniji si mnogo nego na zemlji, ako ides brzo sigurniji si nego da ides sporo. Ovaj novi gun se totalno popišava po tim postulatima u tom smislu da sad kad sam u vazduhu njemu je jos lakse da me napuni nego kad sam na zemlji :S

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Arena mi se ne svidja bas zato sto je malena i moze da se padne sa ivice (u nekoliko mapa).

Drugim recima ako si dole-letis sa mape, ako si gore sa'ranice te bilo koja klasa sa rafalom, eskivaza je zanemarljiva u tako malenom prostoru.

Svaki vepon koji radi oko 500 dmga ili rafal oko 100 (a 80% oruzja je takvo) je prilicno zajebat u areni, ne vidim zasto je plazma ili nj5 TOLIKO razlicit. Mozda si uvideo vise smrti od raidera prosto zato sto ljudi gledaju kakav je post update? Mozda ih jednostavno ima na sve strane dok se ne slegne hajp.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Patch notes:

A new CTF map has been added, Tartarus.

A new Arena map has been added, Hinterlands.

Users may now configure up to four pre-established loadouts (or profiles) per class. These can be used to more quickly switch between favored configurations for each class. Loadout slots are purchasable using XP or Gold.

Users may now QUICK SWITCH between classes and loadouts while in a match using the “NUMPAD ENTER” key (default). This is an alternate way to change classes/loadouts versus using the Class Select menu ("I" Screen) that does not require you to open the game menu and is much faster.

Users will now be presented with a customized “DEAL OF THE DAY.” This is a deal tailored to the individual and presents special pricing on an item that the user does not already own. The timer for the deal of the day resets at the same time as the timer for the First Win of the Day.

The gold packages have been changed. The $30 and $50 packages now give significantly more bonus gold than previous, but do not include an XP booster. Users continue to earn permanent VIP status (which increases XP gain by 50% after their first real-money purchase).

IMPORTANT USABILITY NOTE: With this release, you always close the console window using the ESCAPE key. You can no longer close the console window using the same key that launches the console (default “tilde”). This is necessary to solve issues when people rebind that key, as well as on some countries’ keyboard layouts.

Weapon/Balance Items

Shrike price reduced on public servers to 4000.

Beowulf price reduced on public servers to 2500.

Gravcycle price reduced on public servers to 500.

Reduced the amount of knockback the flag receives from explosions in air (reducing punting).

New Accolades have been added:

Investor: Earned every 2 minutes that a Base Radar or Generator that you upgraded remains online.

Turret Support: Earned if a Base Turret you upgraded gets a kill.

Hot Air: Earned for getting a mid-air kill with the Plasma Gun. (Replaces Air-Mail).

An exit speed cap of 200kph has been added to the Shrike.

Fixed an issue in which the Pathfinder’s Thrust Pack could sometimes not correctly thrust the player.

Fixed an issue in which the Pathfinder’s Light Assault Rifle was not always firing three rounds.

Ostatak na sledecem linku.

Edited by ウエーター
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  • 4 weeks later...

Peč nouts sa kratkim videom

Highlights: The system for upgrading weapons has been modified. Players will now automatically receive weapon upgrades as they play a particular weapon, without having to spend XP on the upgrade (allowing you to save your XP for other items). A progress bar on the weapon’s menu page will provide information as to when the next automatic upgrade occurs. If you are impatient and have excess XP, an option is still provided to immediately master an item using XP. Note that previously purchased upgrades are still owned.

27 new weapons have been added to the game, 3 for each class (details below).

Two new Capture & Hold maps have been added (Tartarus and Sulfer).

Inace po njima sentinel je OP (pazi kurca) i dobio je povecan fall off demidz na falconu i penal od jos 2 sekunde na smrt (inace kad te rokne neko ceka se 3 sec, kad te rokne neko dok si sentinel ceka se 5 sec sada)

Snajperisti, namazite kolutice, bice bolno.

Edited by Fenodrim
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Nije lose resenje sa veponima. Svaka klasa je dobila "drugu ediciju" primarnih default oruzja. Nisu skupa uopste kao prvo. Kao druga stvar nije los balans. Biras izmedju sentinelovog primarnog snajpa koji ima brzi load up pri zumu a manji dmg, i sad ovog novog, koji ima znatno sporiji load pri zumu, primetno vec clip, i sto si duze u zumu to ti vise raste dmg.

Doombringerov chain gun umesto 100 radi 120 dmga po zrnu, ali je zato manji fire rate, itd.

Pathfinder je dobio nov spinfjuzor.

Raider nov arx buster.

Infiltrator nov rhino gun.

Za techa, bruta i juggera ne znam. (primarna oruzja su doduse)

Ceo upgrade oruzja nije skup, recimo sentinelov snajp+full upgrade je 33k (18 za pusku+15 za apgrejde). Up-ovi nisu obavezni da se kupe, postoji progress bar tog vepona iz loadouta koji raste kako zavrsavate runde sa njim, opcionalno-ispazari sve za XP. Prijatna promena

Edited by Fenodrim
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  • 2 weeks later...

Poslednji patch je sprcao friend listu.


Valjda ce da srede ubrzo to


superheavy perk za pobedu :)

Nova ctf mapa, za sad samo na privatnim serverima za testiranje, uskoro se ubacuje u lonac!

Edited by Fenodrim
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Auh koji carski klipovi! Na dobrog defendera uvek mozes da bacis orbital, ovakvog chasera mozes samo da mrzis. :)

Na konto Saletovog PMa: chat zabode ponekad, meni se desavaju 2 stvari: da zaista digne ruke od mene gde tekst prosto ne prolazi (server side), i da slucajno ispritiskam ALT+SHIFT te tastatura odbija da poslusa komande jelte. Proveri sta je kod tebe kad se to desi.

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