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Shogun 2 Total War


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3rd June, 2010

Total War returns to Samurai warfare

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (June 2nd, 2010) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. proudly announce Shogun 2: Total War™, the sixth instalment of The Creative Assembly’s multi award-winning Total War™ strategy franchise on PC. Shogun 2: Total War returns to Feudal Japan 10 years after the release of the original Shogun: Total War™, and sees Creative Assembly using a wealth of new ideas and development experience to make Shogun 2 the revolutionary strategy game that their first title has proven to be.

It is the middle of the 16th Century in Feudal Japan. The country, once ruled by a unified government, is now split into many warring clans. Players take on the role of one Daimyo, the clan leader, and will use military engagements, economics and diplomacy to achieve the ultimate goal, re-unite Japan under his supreme command and become the new Shogun – the undisputed ruler of a pacified nation.

Shogun 2: Total War will feature enhanced full 3D battles via land and sea, which made a name for the series, as well as the tactical campaign map that many refer to as the heart and soul of Total War. Featuring a brand new AI system inspired by the scriptures that influenced Japanese warfare, the millennia old Chinese “Art of War”, the Creative Assembly brings the wisdom of Master Sun Tsu to Shogun 2: Total War. Analysing this ancient text enabled the Creative Assembly to implement easy to understand yet deep strategical gameplay.

“Developing Shogun 2: Total War gives us the opportunity to use recent technology to portray one of history’s most exciting civil wars.” commented Mike Simpson, Creative Director at The Creative Assembly and father of the Total War franchise. “Ever since we developed Shogun: Total War 10 years ago, the team at The Creative Assembly has always dreamt of using our accumulated experience to revisit Total War in Feudal Japan.”

Shogun 2: Total War will be released exclusively for PC in 2011. For more information please visit www.totalwar.com

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dobro, ovo je bilo ocekivano, ali opet, meni ostaje blagi zal za nekom omnizajebanom total war igrom, tipa da pici kroz vise godina, sa sve gotivnim unapredjenjima, pa da stignemo od rtw do etw hronoloski kroz kampanju, a sve sa celom mapom sveta gde mozemo da biramo i istocnjake ko u stw:)

ovo ce da bude kul VEROVATNO, zavisi koliko se budu udubili u debagovanje i mehaniku i AI, a koliko budu sminkali igru i izbacili poluproizvod za decu. pretpostavljam da ce da bude nesto izmedju, sa naginjanjem na poluproizvod, nadam se da se varam.

sogun je nekada bio revolucionarna igra zbog same koncepcije i izvodjenja, medjutim, pitam se kako ce sada da nabudze razlicitost frakcija i jedinica, sto, naravno, u mtw i rtw nije bio nikakav problem, a u etw se ta neminovna uniformisanost vec videla and it has taken it's severe toll:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Meni ta uniformisanost uopšte ne smeta, svi su ionako manje-više imali iste trupe na raspolaganju, samo se akcenat razlikovao. Mene plaši druga krajnost - Shogun: Mongol Invasion je doneo gomilu paljevina za debile, poput battlefield nindži i tipova koji solo ubiju 120 samuraja (Kensai VS 3 stacka Yari samuraja).

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ali ja i to podvodim pod neuniformisanost:

mislim, jao vidi, sve nam isto, nemamo longbovmene i likove koji jasu kamile, ajde da pravimo mijamota musasija i nindze, pa da bude sareno!11

ako te sam izbor epohe ili podneblja ogranicava u tom pravcu (a danas je u industriji nedopustivo da holivudnost pati zbog autenticnosti), prirodno je da posegnes za izdrkarijama tog tipa, tako da mislim da ce toga biti mnogo vise u dvojci nego u MI.

ja zato vec nekoliko godina strepim ponajvise od soguna dvojke:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Voleo bih da kažem da nisi u pravu, ali koliko se sećam u tom smeru se razvio Medieval 2.

A sada neki info koji je isplivao o igri:

Hero Units: - These are not one man armies that destroy everything that opposes them. These are highly ranked elite units, available at the top of the tech tree who exemplify a mastery of a given martial technique (E.g. sword fighting). They are able to take on other heroes, and are naturally very powerful against groups of enemies but are not invincible game-changers. These figures are also based on true historical accounts of great fighters who founded schools of combat, not myths that take on whole armies and win.

Characters can be given upgrades as they develop. This makes it easier to get attached to certain characters. According to PC GAMER you can upgrade some character skills as you please as opposed to traits you gain automatically.

Morale boosting buildings, capturing temples on the battlefield offers reward: battlefields will feature structures that will influence the men as they fight. Protect or capture shrines or temples, or indeed burn those of your enemy, to dictate the morale of troops on the battlefield.

Reintroduction of night battles.

Pre- battle speeches: The speeches would have an effect on the armies they're leading. The speeches would be very situational with over a 100.000 different speeches.

New battlefield terrain system: PC POWERPLAY mentions a new battlefield terrain system that would make each battle feel unique. The four seasons are fully represented in the battles.

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*Play through the Main Campaign in single player or invite a friend online to play competitively or cooperatively in Campaign Multiplayer mode.* ovo bi trebalo da bude zanimljivo,steta sto nisu uveli u neki raniji deo igre..

Ako bude to sa Hero units ubice dosta igru, zasto nisu jednostavno mogli da ostave samo generale nego sad imaju i nabudzene jedinice =/

Edited by Thunderstorm

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

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sam koncept nije po defaultu poguban, medjutim, bitna je implementacija. zajebani likovi su postojali i zaista su mlatili ko nezdravi, medjutim, zajebani car moze da pobije desetak ljudi i da crkne od umora, u najboljem slucaju dvaes i kusur retarda, takodje, ubice ga strela isto ko nekog seljana, ako ga swarmuje pedesetoro dece od po devet godina, izmlatice ga ko picku itd. e sad, ako budu napravili neke dnd baje 20lvl, to onda nema veze s mozgom zaista.

opet mislim da ce biti nesto izmedju realnosti i ultimativne nabudzenosti, kontam da ce sogun2 da bude vristeci produkt sa gomilom preterivanja tipa 'jao nindze, ajde da ih ubacimo i da imaju smokecurtain vestinu' ili 'bas je mocno ubaciti zajebanog manga lika sa imenom i prezimenom koji moze da pobije trijes samuraja'. ipak, mislim da nece otici u kurac u smislu da imamo letece likove, nindze koje bacaju magije nestajanja na otvorenom, dragonblooded ronine koji biju sedam likova jednim udarcem i tome slicno.

ono sto sam 90% siguran je da ce s2 biti do sada najfantasy nastavak u fransizi i to iz dva razloga. jedan sam vec pomenuo, a to je ta uniformisanost i monotonost koja iziskuje izdrkavanje ne bi li se privukli klinci (a i ja moram da priznam da mi je smor kad sa mojim plavim likovima pucam na crvene likove, a przana mi je kad sa templarima vijam neke tamo saracene u jaserkama), a drugi razlog

je naravno, idenje u korak sa vremenom i izbacivanje omgz0rd graph0kz proizvoda:)

Voleo bih da kažem da nisi u pravu, ali koliko se sećam u tom smeru se razvio Medieval 2.

pa ono, i nije toliko. tamo je ta sarolikost sama po sebi odradjena samim frakcijama koje ucestvuju, tako da u startu imamo dosta razlicitih zajebancija. ono sto jeste tacno je da je m2 prilicno nabudzena i da se vise racuna vodilo o prezentaciji nego o samoj mehanici.

naravno, i u rtw i u m2 je bilo prokenjavanja tipa headhurlersi i screeching women, ali vrlo umereno i nije uopste smetalo, medjutim, japan u popularnoj kulturi prosto vapi za proseravanjima tog tipa, legendarnim macevaocima, zatoicijima, berserk anime tripovima i tako tim stvarima:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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*Play through the Main Campaign in single player or invite a friend online to play competitively or cooperatively in Campaign Multiplayer mode.* ovo bi trebalo da bude zanimljivo,steta sto nisu uveli u neki raniji deo igre..

Koliko znam ETW ima ovu funkciju.

sam koncept nije po defaultu poguban, medjutim, bitna je implementacija. zajebani likovi su postojali i zaista su mlatili ko nezdravi, medjutim, zajebani car moze da pobije desetak ljudi i da crkne od umora, u najboljem slucaju dvaes i kusur retarda, takodje, ubice ga strela isto ko nekog seljana, ako ga swarmuje pedesetoro dece od po devet godina, izmlatice ga ko picku itd. e sad, ako budu napravili neke dnd baje 20lvl, to onda nema veze s mozgom zaista.

Ja kapiram da će ovo biti u rangu plemića sa telohraniteljima, samo sa dodatom opcijom biranja skillova za upgrade

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znas sta bi bilo kul da urade.Da mozes sam da sklapas jedinice pa recimo da jedinice imaju formate od 120 ljudi i onda da ti sam stavljas kolko ce archera,kopljanika,macevalaca ili konjice biti u datoj jedinici.Stim sto bi svaki tip vojnika nosio odredjen broj poena pa recimo ne bi mogao bas da imas 120 konjanika u jedinici nego recimo 60 i naravno mogao bi da kombinujes recimo 30 konjanika i 60 kopljanika u jednoj jedinici.Znam da bi to bilo zeznuto napraviti ali to bi tako super izgledalo.E da i da recimo svakoj jedinici dodeljujes jednog komandira.Tako bi vojska koju sklepas bila upecatljivija i vise bi je cuvao i ne bi bilo stanca jedinica kao pre.

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sta fali kombinovanju jedinica ?? [:)]

to sto ne mozes da das lakoj konjici naredbu da bude ranged na primer(da, sada ces ti da kazes, 'ali pucace strelci iz jedinice') a sta ce onda da radi konjica? U tome je i poenta jedinica, da budu kompaktne i da mozes precizno da im dajes naredjenja....a ti biraj koje ces sastav VOJSKE da imas po jedinicama, a ne sastave same jedinice.


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znas sta bi bilo kul da urade.Da mozes sam da sklapas jedinice pa recimo da jedinice imaju formate od 120 ljudi i onda da ti sam stavljas kolko ce archera,kopljanika,macevalaca ili konjice biti u datoj jedinici.Stim sto bi svaki tip vojnika nosio odredjen broj poena pa recimo ne bi mogao bas da imas 120 konjanika u jedinici nego recimo 60 i naravno mogao bi da kombinujes recimo 30 konjanika i 60 kopljanika u jednoj jedinici.Znam da bi to bilo zeznuto napraviti ali to bi tako super izgledalo.E da i da recimo svakoj jedinici dodeljujes jednog komandira.Tako bi vojska koju sklepas bila upecatljivija i vise bi je cuvao i ne bi bilo stanca jedinica kao pre.

Ovo već ima implementirano. Zove se auto-resolve.

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Стигли први екрани


Shogun 2 will only have about 30 different types of military units, which is a far cry from games like Empire: Total War (which had considerably more). The idea was to focus on a much more tactical experience to create a game in which each unit's strengths and weaknesses are more clearly defined in a rock-paper-scissors scheme (rather than having dozens of units with different names but comparable abilities). However, Shogun 2 will carry over the naval battles of Napoleon to the Far East and will also incorporate terrain as a consideration. Coral reefs, rocky cliffs, and shoals may act as bottlenecks at which landed enemies can station shock troopers to board your ships as they pass through. It's not clear whether the developer will be able to implement hybrid land-and-sea battles that let you command both infantry and navy in the same battle (the studio is working on this feature feverishly and it may not make it into the game). In addition, siege battles are being revamped to be in line with more common tactics in feudal Japan. Rather than taking place in and around stony castles that must be breached, Shogun 2's sieges will take place at one of three different types of fortress (coastal, flatland, or mountain) upgraded to up to five different fortification levels. Rather than hide behind their walls, Japanese warlords often opened the gates to their attackers and established choke points and ambushes for the invaders--as a castle owner, you'll be able to do all these things in Shogun 2.

We watched an early, pre-alpha gameplay demonstration of a real-time infantry battle that showed a smaller force of samurai warriors take on an entrenched army that outnumbered us greatly and even had several companies of archers equipped with the dreaded fire arrows (a researchable military upgrade that severely decreases the morale of enemy soldiers and is more effective at killing them too). Before the battle began, the game played a cinematic cutscene of the general giving an inspiring speech. That's right, generals' speeches return to Shogun 2 and are dynamically generated depending on which faction you're playing, which faction you're fighting, and under what conditions (totaling some 200,000 in all).

The battle broke out first between two companies of samurai infantry, who charged at each other and engaged by pairing off in one-on-one combat. The game will have hundreds of motion-captured animations for these battles captured with the help of the British Kendo Association. Because our troops were outnumbered, our first company's morale flagged and eventually broke, and our soldiers ran for the hills, while the enemy withdrew back to its own front line. We then decided to kick our attack into second gear by mobilizing our cavalry (and fortunately for us, even though we were outnumbered on foot, our foes had no horses of their own). On the right flank, we sent in a sizeable brigade of mounted samurai to rush the enemy front line--only to have nearly half of our forces killed by volleys of fire arrows from across the battlefield. Though our first cavalry company was decimated, its survivors still managed to break through the front, and we followed up our attack by sneaking another company of cavalry along the enemy's hilly left flank (where the fire arrow archers were hidden). Then, we dramatically rushed the archers from behind, crushing them and allowing our remaining forces to mop up.


We ended our session with a brief look at naval gameplay, which included a close-up look at a few of Shogun 2's warships. In feudal Japan, most ships were oar powered (which means poor acceleration, but ships will be able to cease forward movement quickly); very few of the game's ships will be wind powered. Again, while we were shown a battle that had both ships and infantry on the playfield, it's still not clear whether the game will support mixed forces in a single battle. However, it is clear that Creative Assembly is committed to improving the artificial intelligence of the game's computer-controlled opponents--a sore spot for the series for some time. The studio is well aware that feel previous Total War games had computer-controlled allies that were simply too passive and didn't put up enough of a fight. In an exhaustive series of tests, the developer determined in some cases that some opponents favored construction too heavily in the early turns. In other cases, it found that some opponents would decide that economic expansion was cheaper and more cost effective than raising and supporting a standing army. Again, this led to scenarios where computer factions would quietly sit there and wait for you to take them over. Creative Assembly is actively seeking to eliminate these scenarios while also working on the real-time battle AI to encourage different companies to more readily recognize ideal tactics to use in clear-cut situations and to figure out better alternatives on their own when the answers aren't as clear. Shogun 2 looks absolutely remarkable. Its smaller unit mix and increased emphasis on tactical battles, as well as smarter AI, will hopefully make the game much more attractive both for beginners and veterans. The game will launch next year.


Ипак има наде.

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