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Prvi link je Team Profile.

Ali posto nema smisla jer je pala sam u njemu linkovao sam Match History,

gde mogu da se vide war dk pala i protivnicki igraci sa kojima su igrali.

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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Ortak pre neki dan provalio na altu, kad nauci novi rank nekog abilitija u jednom specu,

da mu se ne zameni isti ability za bolji rank u drugom specu na action baru.

DLovao neki addon da upozori i njega i druge u blizini kada koriste slabiji rank abilitija od onoga kog mogu ili imaju u spellbooku.

Usao juce u av, i kaze addon mu je ispamovao chat window sa /wisperima za manje od minut,

i sto je najaca fora vecina njih umesto da jednostavno stave najveci rank u action baru, stavili su ga na ignore.

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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Ortak pre neki dan provalio na altu, kad nauci novi rank nekog abilitija u jednom specu,

da mu se ne zameni isti ability za bolji rank u drugom specu na action baru.

DLovao neki addon da upozori i njega i druge u blizini kada koriste slabiji rank abilitija od onoga kog mogu ili imaju u spellbooku.

Usao juce u av, i kaze addon mu je ispamovao chat window sa /wisperima za manje od minut,

i sto je najaca fora vecina njih umesto da jednostavno stave najveci rank u action baru, stavili su ga na ignore.

Došao si na RuR forum da napišeš šta je tvoj ortak doživeo sa Rankwatchom, adonom koji je uobičajen svuda i praktično ne možeš da udješ u bilo kakav party da ga neko nema. Bravo, bravo.

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^ Mozda je lik novajlja i prvi put je usao u battleground (bar se nadam da je tako).

Ja i jos jedan lik smo u vanili (prvi likovi, sve ti je jos nepoznato) levelovali kao horda i usli smo u grupu za gnomeregan.

E sada posto smo bili nubovi na kub mi nismo znali da postoji teleport za hordu u BB koji vodi u gnomeregan, i naravno probali smo da odemo pesaka od BB do gnomeregana na pvp serveru... Nikada nismo uspeli da izadjemo iz STV :D

Krenuo da levelujem elf priesta samo kroz bg, opremio full heirloom, izbacio sve dmg spelove sa bara i samo lecim, pravo uzivanje :)

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Nije da je malo, mnogo je ali je lepo probati. Iskreno voleo bi da ucestujem samo kad bi nasao jos 2 lika skojima bi igrao 3v3. Rado bi igrao AT 2010.

Platis meni i kiliju ufur i imaces sa kim digras igricu. Pritiskaj dugmice za heal i mi cemo da udaramo ljude mozda cak i pobedimo neku partiju

Interrupts better than Kanye

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Strasno :) Dobijem mail od hosting servera za Ventrilo, Real Life Druidi cyclonuju date canter i sad kad treba da platim usluge za sledeci mesec ja ne mogu :( Mogu da zamislim kad bi blizzard pisao nesto ovako:

The outage to the web environment that started late last night was weather related. Extremely severe storms blew through the area, with multiple tornadoes touching down (one was over a mile wide).

The Data Center itself did not lose power, but part of the building above the Data Center did, which unfortunately caused power issues into the Data Center. The Data Center will be investigating why such an issue occurred and will work to address that issue. Also, the company providing the network connections into the Data Center experienced issues related to the weather, further increasing the outage time.

We did speak with the Data Center on the phone during the early part of the outage and as they were explaining the situation we could clearly hear the Emergency Sirens going off (warning everyone to take cover from the severe storms and tornadoes).

All voice servers are up and running. This is only effectong out web site, billing, support and our voice control panel.

Thete is no ETA from the area as to when service will be fully restored. Should the outage go into tomight, we will bring up the full environment at a different locatipn (we brought up enough to send out this email).

We truly appreciate everyone's patience and understanding during this weather related event.

Thanks for being part of the Hurricane Host Family.

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