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Ovaj ghostcrawler je jedan retard od coveka, koji nema pojma o klasama i mehanici igre

pre nego što sam kupio dual spec imao sam slučaj da uđem kao Arms da DPSujem, tenk nas ispali, ja pristanem da tenkam i zahvaljujući http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=46860 sam samo spamovao revenge svake 2 sekunde (kako je GCD 1.5sec, to je bilo pravo spamovanje sa pola sekunde praznog hoda) i thunderclap svakih 6. Naravno, nije bilo vajpova, itd...

otišao tetki da odnese lek...

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Proveri mail dal' treba da uradis confirmation....znam jos jednoga koji se zajebo tako i cekao i pizdeo :p

Ovo mi je pisalo u mejlu.

Hello xxxx,

The Paid Character Transfer for the character xxxxx on the xxxxxxx realm has been completed successfully. This is for the World of Warcraft account xxxxxxx.

- The transfer has moved this character to the xxxxxx realm. The character should be available for play on the destination realm the next time you log in to World of Warcraft.

Onda sam uradio isto što i Kreator, na transferu kliknuo complete transfer...i isti kurac. :S

Moraću da ih smaram, jebi ga.

edit: inače, ovo je najgori post patch lag koji pamtim. U Dalaran ne mogu da udjem, moram alt+f4...

Edited by Lurdusami
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Gledam sad AH i vidim da je ekonomija u kurcu :) Epix gemovi pala cena za 20-30%. Frost lotus je pao na 20 golda oko 50%, al zato lichbloom kosta 80g a bio je 20 golda :) I flaskovi su 30g a bili su 25g. I sta je svirao onaj kurcu da ce da pada cena kad meni na kraju flaskovi poskupeli zajedno sa matsovima =( A profesiju sa kojom zaradjujem kao neke pare.... Sad jos gore.

AV vidim da niko vise ne igra, kad uradim queue samo za njega kaze lepo unavailable, isto i za wsg. Kapiram da se svelo da svi klikcu na Random pa sta ima padne... Uzas, ja mislim da je najbolje bilo kad nije postojao battleground. Najbolji po meni stari sistem koji je postojao u Vanilla WoW, dok ga nisu zasrali pred izlaskom TBC-a. Cinjenica jedina je da se brze dobija honor, ako pobedjujes. Al je premade umro po mom misljenju. Sad mi samo ostaje da kliknem random i da se nerviram kad mi upadnu 14 igraca prosek 12-14 godina.

Elem sad naso blue post oko ovog sranja (Source http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=12947097091&postId=129458824982&sid=1#20);

Q u o t e:

Well all I know is that when the previous patch came (bgs don't start without full queues) there was a bug on some battlegroups (mine included) so you basically couldn't get into a single bg. Like a day later blizzard stated that this was an issue and then it got fixed.

All I'm saying is that long queues are (probably, I'm guessing) not due to a flaw in the new system, but only a bug, and once it gets fixed you'll have what I said above. *shrug*

Actually, you're not too far off with guessing it is a bug.

We have in fact identified a bug with the random battleground queuing system and queues for specific battlegrounds. The bug results in specific BG queues taking longer than normally expected due to some issues when the system is picking eligible players from both the random BG queue and the specific BG queue . We are currently working on a hotfix for this issue, and will hopefully be pushing said fix live within a day or two.

Inace Random i dobijes AV - pobeda = 3.8k honora (naravno ovo je random bez nagrade 25 arena poena, verovatno je 5k sa nagradama)

Edited by Silencer
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Zapravo 3.8k mi se čini malo, upravo sam odigrala SotA da isprobam novi sistem i dobila 6300 honora <screen> (pod pretpostavkom da se nagrada od random bg-a nije automatski dodala u tabelu), a lik iz guilda kaže da je uspeo da dobije 11k honora danas iz 1 bg-a.

Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk.

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Pretplatio sam se na Skill Capped, posto je Kamil (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Magtheridon&cn=Kamil)sa US Magderidona tamo kao ret gladiator =) citam njegove forum postove i gledam video zapise. Lik igra ret 0 / 19 /52

Evo tipa jedan samo wall of txt.

When I was dueling the warrior I had the Seal of Righteousness glyph. I've switched to Exorcism since then. I am now mostly using Seal of Command, and switching it up to Righteousness whenever I need more Judgements to hit harder. Seal of Command is underrated. Seal of Command hits 3 targets which is nice, but it is NOT the reason I'm using it. I will help you understand my reasoning for using it by explaining how the Arena works and what really matters.

I am running a Ret/Warrior/Priest comp in 3s. The way it works is there are different "periods" during most matches. There is a "pressure period" where you pick a target and keep DPSing while watching what happens. There is a "line of sight" period where you LoS heal and recover. And there is a "burst period", the most critical one, where you pop CD's and try to get a kill. Because most of the time a kill doesn't just happen by getting on a target and randomly killing it with damage. You need a proper set-up with Repent/Fear and HoJs. You get a kill and you win the match unless someone on your team dies as well. It's that simple.

To get the most out of this critical pressure period you will want to do as much damage as possible. That is why STRENGTH is overrated and CRIT reigns superior. The real damage comes from crits. There is no amount of Resilience that can help against a crazy streak of crits. Recklessness/Bladestorm+Aveneging Wrath is our highest burst. What I do is gem as much smart. Every single socket bonus matters. I advise not to put 20 str gems everywhere and especially not in yellow sockets with a strength bonus!! You will want 10 str/10 crit gems in red and yellow sockets. I do not care about Attack Power. I don't look at it. It's always MORE than enough. Assuming you have the right gear (Wrathful/Relentless or 2 piece Lightsworn and a 2H with at least 1200 end damage) you will always put out a lot of damage no matter (assuming you're hitting something). Then are are buffs like Battle Shout and trinket/libram or enchant procs. Point is with there is enough Attack Power and not enough crit. Now you might be thinking we don't need crit because Fanaticism gives a +18% crit chance on Judgements. But this is Judgement ONLY, and even then it's FAR AWAY from critting every time! Yes, your Judgements need to crit to hurt.

Now onto Seal of Command. First of all, I am spec'd into Improved HoJ and Divine Guardian. It is very needed. I am missing Unyielding Faith from Holy, but I play with a Priest, and unless I am feared with UA up, I can get dispelled (Warrior's Intimidating Shout can't be dispelled but even with the talent it would still last 5.6 sec... something you would want to trinket anyway, that is depending on the situation of course... and what other CC's can be applied after by the opposing team). The reduced cooldown on HoJ really helps a lot. The 20% damage reduction from Divine Guardian is very nice and can be used to reduce the incoming damage on myself. Almost like another Hand of Salvation (glyphed) but I can use it with FREEDOM on myself. And the -6% damage reduction from Righteous Fury is nice, too.

Seeing how I am not spec'd into Seals of Pure nor do I use the Seal of Righteousness glyph my Seal of Command hits significantly higher than SoR. Notice how in place of SoR glyph I have Exorcism. That means just because I don't use SoR glyph, it's not like I don't use something else, of course. So I'm not missing out here... Yes, Exorcism is on a long cooldown but it hits pretty hard with the glyph. Significantly higher when it crits.

So, while I'm running with 2 piece of Lightsworn with SoC up and crit gems, every hit is a chance for a nice burst damage. SoR cannot crit. SoC can and does a lot. That alone, depending on RNG, can make the SoC+Exo combo actually a single target DPS increase from that of SoR+SoR glyph.

I know that SoR Judgement damage is higher than SoC, and when you Judge you get a SoR hit proc along with the Judgement damage. For that reason, I do sometimes, switch to SoR for the Judgement. Because Judgment is a ranged attack it's good for finishing off running targets.

I do realize that the with 2 piece I lose the 4 piece bonus and my Judgements have a 8 sec cooldown but since SoC Judgement is not amazing, it is just fine. I also realize while SoR is sustained damage, SoC can crit but it can also be dodged. That is why the Expertise on my legs and the Human racial bonus come in handy here.

Running with 2 piece Lightsworn with SoC means a ton of cleave damage. Every melee hit, Crusader Strike or Divine Storm there is a chance SoC crits. Every melee hit means there is a chance the cooldown on Divine Storm is refreshed. More cleave, more chance to crit, more damage! Do you see a pattern here?

Now, consider what I've said here before about how you get a kill in arena. When you are bursting someone and trying to get a kill you will want to do as much damage as possible meaning you want to CRIT as much as possible. The more crit you have the more likely you are to get a crit streak with any damaging ability that you do. Even Hammer of Wrath doesn't crit every time!

I do not worry about a small AP loss from not gemming 20 str in everything... That is not what matters and certainly that is not something you notice anyway! After all, gear is the most important here... not silly gems. Yes, your crits scale with AP but it's not significant enough! This is something like... oh I crit for 3970, if I gemmed full str I'd crit for 4000. What you will want as much crits as possible when bursting someone up. If you just generate one more crit that is already more damage than no crit but slightly bigger hits.

I am at 42.11% melee crit (+3% from Heart of the Crusader) and now 40.17% spell crit with Blessing of Kings. Let's not forget about heals. As a Ret Paladin you want to off heal whenever needed. This is where crit shines. All your healing spells are already reduced in Arena by 10%, add Mortal Strike and your Holy Lights might just not be strong enough... That is why you gotta crit! Ret Pally's heals are so much better when crit. Combined with Sheath of Light it can make a difference. I've had games when we were down to 2v2 and I was able to top off my Warrior on health with just 2 Holy Lights and we won. The AP loss from not gemming 20 str everywhere or because I use a crit BM trinket over the AP one will not affect your Spell Power to notice a thing. Instead you will crit much more. I use a modifier macro for Flash of Light that lets me use it on my teammates without having to target them. I can spam FoL whenever all my DPS moves are down or just whenever needed... As for mana issues, I do not go OOM. I make sure my mana salways tays up enough to Holy Light+Judgment. I watch damage absorb shields so my Judgements are not absorbed. In critical times, I can just pop Seal of Wisdom (very rare) and I have the glyph for it, so... mana's never an issue. A few hits with Seal of Wisdom until Judgement is up is enough to regen. No need to glyph SoC. The SoC glyph is pretty nice BTW but I have no need for it.

I hope that helped you understand my take on Retribution about Seals. I might be missing something but it's like 5 am here so... yeah.

Evo o 3v3 Druid / Ret / War:

I see you're running a Ret/Warrior/Druid in 3s. It's a strong comp and I've ran it prior to Ret/Warrior/Disc. What I've found is that when you are forced to dispel a lot of times it means you're going downhill and should probably do some line of sighting, recover, and go back and DPS. Running with a Disc Priest means I have to dispel all the sheeps off him. We have to be extremely careful with Hexes as well. We don't have a decurse so we can't dispel it and are usually forced to go LoS behind a pillar, tank the damage, and wait it off.

Running with your comp if you play against Frost Mage comps you will have to dispel a lot. Remember that getting on the Frost Mage is not always good. Freedom can be dispelled or stolen easily and you will not keep up with cleanses and are not contributing damage. All the while whenever you get a chance to get on the Mage, he will be proccing Novas, and Fingers of Frost just because you're hitting him.

Your druid should be watchful for fears, and traps and things like that. If he's getting trapped or feared, start dispelling him before it lands. Silences are important as well. Druids are the only healing class without a silence duration reducing talent. A Strangulate or shadow priest's Silence will always last 5 sec and Imp. CS 4 sec. Try to anticipate some of them. When your team is getting bursted something will be used, so just be ready to dispel, run away and LoS if needed, recover, go back and DPS.

If you haven't already, make two simple Cleanse macros, one for your warrior and other for druid.

You can't afford to manually target your teammates for a dispel every time it's needed. I have mine bound to F2 and F3. It's the only macro I use without a modifier since there is always a lot of dispelling to do it's gotta be the quickest possible. It's really fast and comfortable.

Make sure you and your druid never gets feared at the same time via an AoE Fear. For example, if there is a priest running towards your druid it's good for your druid to just take the fear while you're ready to dispel it immediately. Communicate this.

Be watchful for things like Unstable Affliction and Vampiric Touch as dispelling them will do more harm then good. Make a use out of Purify against DK/Aff Lock/healer or Rogue/Aff Lock/healer teams. Purify removes one Disease and Poison but can't remove magic so you don't risk dispelling UA. Be ready to Freedom out for Kidney Shots from rogues and Deep Freezes from mages. By the way, in higher bracket rogues don't kidney until Freedom is used.

Coordinate your bursts with your warrior. Make sure when you pop wings your PvP trinket is up. If it isn't, consider using Divine Sacrifice along with it to avoid a potential CC breakable on damage. Make sure your HoJ or Repentance are up too. Communicate what you're doing or who you're CCing with your teammates. A good burst with a chained CC of Cyclones, Repent/HoJ, warrior Fear, will always almost guarantee a kill.

Edited by Silencer
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Ovaj ghostcrawler je jedan retard od coveka, koji nema pojma o klasama i mehanici igre

Revenge and Unrelenting Assault

We like Revenge on UA and we certainly like the new damage Protection can do with Revenge.

If we make any change at all, it would probably be in the duration of the buff. Currently Revenge operates by giving the warrior 5 seconds in which to Revenge. This works fine when Revenge has a 5 sec cooldown, but UA removes that. Having no cooldown on Revenge is also probably fine if Revenge hits softly for Arms warriors, but it doesn't anymore. That allows a warrior who gets Revenge to light up to hit the button three or possibly four times in the window and do massive damage with each one. If we change Revenge to basically be one charge then the warrior can still pop the rogue or pet or whatever that triggers the block, dodge or parry, but they'd only get one hit instead of multiples. Such a change should not affect Protection at all.

I can't believe all this QQ is getting a response from you. Popping shield block and revenge spaming as arms is not new at all.

Nope. And it wasn't a big deal when Revenge didn't hit as hard as it does now. An alternative is to lower the damage Arms can do with Revenge, but we think in this case it's actually a better design that you can do one big Revenge per block / dodge / parry instead of a string of little ones.

I could understand if you think warriors need some balancing but craving into fotm QQ disgusts me. Why are you soo quick to base nerfs off of the community's feedback but soo reluctant to buff them using their suggestions?

Players often complain that we don't implement their suggested buffs or nerfs. This is nothing new. I suspect the volume of nerf posts exceed the buff posts because of the simple math that there are usually multiple classes asking for a nerf and one asking for a buff. We use player feedback to make informed decisions and we place more emphasis on intelligent or insightful points from players rather than a high-volume of low-quality QQ. "Warrior hit me hard" rage with perhaps an attached screenshot of dubious authenticity (tenacity vs. no resilience isn't uncommon) doesn't qualify as an intelligent or insightful point.

Source @ http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=24038823780&pageNo=1&sid=1#9

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