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kratki stripovi


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haha, pa da slazem se da je strip glup, uostalom valjda su na to i ciljali sto su stavili eagle mesto hawk

a hawk je mnogo generalniji naziv za bilo koju pticu grabljivicu, izmedju ostalog i sokola

falcon je valjda najtacniji naziv za ono sto mi zovemo soko, posto recimo hawk moze biti i jastreb (nije da ja pravim razliku izmedju tih ptica:))

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Verovatno je bilo mali milion puta ali vredi repostovati xD




Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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