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Ne radi mi posrani repack/"proper", tako mi i treba kad se ciganim za 200 mb, obaska sto su mu slova u onom installeru glagoljica nego failuje da napravi neke registry keyeve jer je bistrica koja je pravila repack pokusava da ih napravi u HKU/<id koji ne postoji>/...

na sve to kad pokrenem par puta promeni res, i zavrsim sa kursorom na crnoj pozadini, po mojoj nekoj proceni u 640x480 :p

Sta da radim sta?

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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nek jede govna onda, posto ja na basket ne idem zbog ramena i on to dobro zna bobo. al dobro, uzelece se on piva. seljak, a ja danas s njim ubacicao u kos i boli me ruka sad. seljak.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Pa dobro bice piva pobogu, mislim da je riki tripovao da ces ti hteti na basketa sutra also, mis'im ni pivo nije neizvodljivo u nekim razumnim kolicinama/trajanjima valjda mora da uci covek reko da ga cimamo ako se nesto dogovnorimo al sam ja zakunto najstrasnije popodne [:D]

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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al smo offovali koji smo seljaci:)

imas PM, da ne smaramo.

da se vratimo na topic:

stvarno me smara onaj kretenski ruzni teren, razmisljam se da krenem od pocetka sa elfovima ili ljudima, ne znam, nadam se da cu pre toga saznati zasto mi je 90% terena taj budjavi...

panto, kakvi su tebi tereni bili, ako su drugaciji, onda znaci da nije vezano za lokaciju.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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evo me i meni cesto pada taj crveni da kazemo svake 2 partija je taj

i onako iz dosade krenuo sa goblini posle prve pobede dobio troll lvl i rolovao sam 12 :D tako da planiram da nastavim sa njima nije losa igra sa goblinima

samo sam malo razocaran sto kada ubijes nekog sa testerom ne dobijes exp :(

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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hmm da

ali najvise ide onaj sa kockama to i mene nervira ali posle 100 partija navikne se covek

hmm i evo sta sam sada video mali patch :D PATCH (SEPTEMBER 29TH) COMING


- Blitz!: Stuns caused during Blitz! are not discounted anymore.

- Campaign: Playing teams are now more randomly selected.

- Dice Modifiers: Some modifiers were not properly applied.

- Fan Factor: Fan Factor variation is now properly computed.

- Go For It: A Go For It was rolled for the second block of Frenzy when

this move was the last movement available.

- Go For It: Was not properly rolled when doing a Hand-off.

- Interception: An interceptor must be closer to the thrower than the

thrower is to the target player/square of the pass, and closer to the

target player/square of the pass than the thrower is to the target

player/square of the pass.

- MVP: Players not available to play will not be eligible for MVP anymore.

- Placement: It is now impossible to swap a character in reserve with an


- Save: Saved games at turn 16 will not add an extra turn anymore when


- Simulation: Players with No Hands should not earn

Pass/TD/Interceptions SPP anymore.

- Touchback: Can now give the ball to a team-mate in the opponent side

after a Quick Snap event.

- Touchback: AI will not give the ball to a player with No Hands anymore.


- Lobby Chat: Blacklisted players' messages will not appear anymore.

- Lobby Chat: Will not return to foot of page anymore when receiving

messages from other players.

- Petty Cash: Team values of both team are now displayed.

- Placement: Fixed a loss of input when placement timeout occured.

- Post Match: Fan Factor rolls are now displayed.

- SPP: Are now displayed on the player sheet.

- Turn Marker: Each team now has its own turn marker.


- Armours: Beastmen armours' prices have been updated.

- Armours: Buff probability of all armours are now properly used.

- Default teams: Now have correct team value.

- Goblin Fanatic: Now moves one square at a time, but is forced to spend

his whole movement.

- Goblin Fanatic: Doesn't earn SPP anymore when knocking down players of

his team or when injuring already down characters.

- Goblin Fanatic: Now Turnover happens when knocking down a team-mate.

- Goblin Looney: Will not get up anymore when failing a Dodge.

- Goblin Pogoer: Now has MA 7.

- Star Player Slibli: Now has AGI 1.

- Star Players: A Star Player will not play anymore if induced by both team.


- Chainsaw: A player dodging next to a character with Chainsaw is not

hurt anymore by the chainsaw.

- Diving Tackle: fixed a bug where ball carrier was knocked down with

the ball.

- Diving Tackle: A dodge roll could be re-rolled twice.

- Dump-Off: Timer fixed. Hail Mary Pass can not be used anymore during

Dump-Off. Player that failed Really Stupid Roll are notre prompted

anymore to use Dump-Off.

- Hail Mary Pass: Can now be used to launch the ball at a greater

distance than Bomb.

- Horns: It now works correctly, even combined with Frenzy.

- Mighty Blow: It is now used to break armour only when needed, and is

counted when re-rolling with Piling On.

- Pass Block: A player using Pass Block does not have to roll for a

negative skill before to move (Really Stupid, Bone Head, Wild Animal and

Take Root).

- Pro: can be used during the opponent turn to re-roll Tentacles and

Shadowing. When you fail pro, dice is not re-rolled anymore.

- Really Stupid: A player with the Skill Really Stupid does not give a

bonus anymore to a player rolling for Really Stupid.

- Right Stuff: The player with this skill may now take its turn if he is

thrown before he has moved and fails to land but is uninjured

- Shadowing: Player should now be able to throw a Block next turn.

- Throw Team-Mate: Passing skills are now used.

- Stand Firm: Doesn't work anymore when the player is Prone.

- Very Long Legs: It now prevents the use of Safe Throw.

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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hehe to nisam ni procitao :D

samo sam skilove citao

par stvarcica da dodam sto sam sada saznao :D

moze da se da ime igracu kada se kupuje klikne se dva puta na igraca koj se kupuje i gore desno upisete ime i automatski je kupljen sa tim imenom

i velika tortura je bila sto alt+tab nije radilo samo se iskljuci full screen i radi

i svaka utakmica se cuva ima save folder :D samo jos nisam provalio kako da gledam

Edited by pantasd

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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  • 11 months later...

Encouraged by these tremendous results and by some players' regrets concerning the races we chose to include, it made sense for us to offer the version that we wanted it to be from the start including more resources, more stadiums, 20 playable races, more Star Players and wild cheerleaders. In short, a version that would pack all of Blood Bowl in a single game… A Legendary Edition !

In order to thank as best as we can a large part of the community for the enthusiasm and support we received, we decided to put in place a special offer that, as far as we know, has never been done for a video game. We will let each owner of a Blood Bowl game (Standard or Dark Elves Edition) benefit from an exceptional 30% discount on the downloadable version of Blood Bowl Legendary Edition. All you have to do is to get your Blood Bowl player key (Standard or Dark Elves Edition) and enter it in the special store section that we'll put online during the month of October. The Legendary Edition will be available around October 28!

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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