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Hashisharev princip 2 :)


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Pricha je interesantna u svakom sluchaju. To shto je repetativna je zato shto ljudi samo idu na to da je shto pre prodju - ja sam je igrao dugo zato shto sam istrazivao sva ona sela, ubijao po ceo kamp turaka i onih piskljavih hospitalera. Sama ideja tako lepo napravljenog open worlda i mogucnost ubiti svakog (pa chak i one nevine ljude ako ih ne ubijash odjednom sve) su po meni dovoljni razlozi da se odigra Assassin's creed. A pred kraj je bilo nekoliko bitaka gde je bilo zaista frka (naprimer ona gde te napada odjednom gomila templara).

А в чем сила, брат?

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jedina mana keca je repetitivnost - jer praktichno nikakav novi gameplay element ne vidish posle prvog grada. nadam se da ce nekako reshiti ovu manu u dvojci

I meni je ovo bio problem u prvom delu.

No :) ovo sam nasao na http://www.faceoffgames.com/section/1319

The semi-linear mission structure of the first game is being redefined, giving more control to the player. There are no more mission patterns or gathering intel before assassinations, rather a more sandbox approach, with characters giving assignments to Ezio. The story works around these instances giving greater mission variety and depth. It provides a stronger aspect of freedom that wasn’t always apparent in the first game.

Watching Ezio dart through open environments is mesmerising; the extent to what is available and possible for players comes as an extraordinary surprise. Ubisoft are definitely making sure the scope is massive, focusing more on nonlinear gameplay.

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