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Sword of the Stars


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Jbg, nisam bio tu očigledno...

Kad sam rekao "unapred", kapirao sam nešto tipa dan ranije :P

Naravno, ako sam slobodan uleteću uvek i u partiju "za pola sata" ;)

Nego, vi igrate preko manual connect i unosite IP? To radi bez problema?

Dandy [RUR]

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Sad razmišljam... možda je bolje da mi šibneš na mail, pa onda odmah i napiši IP adresu servera. Onda čak i ako zakasnim mogu da se uključim kasnije u partiju.

Osim ako ima još zainteresovanih ovde, pa da objavljujemo IP adrese servera i vreme kada se započinje partija da ljudi mogu da ulaze kako budu u mogućnosti.

Moj mail:


Dandy [RUR]

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Opet nisam bio tu kad ste počinjali...

Locusts uvek kreću kao jedna "lopta". Verovatno su pojeli nekog drugog pre tebe, pa su se namnožili.

Inače njih obavezno treba napadati dok putuju, jer onda ne mogu da se poprave. Ako pojedu planetu posle borbe iznad nje, onda će biti potpuno popravljeni za sledeću bitku.

Dandy [RUR]

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ma fora je bilo pojavili se u mid gamu i polako jelo planete nista ne mzoe da zaustavi

unistilo 2 planete koje su imale onaj steriod monitor ili vec kako se zove

i polako putovalo tamo ovamo mene jednom napalo pa drugara pa se vratilo na mene i polako me unistilo stvorila se 3 komada

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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Jel se instalira po ovom redu i koji patch treba za sve ovo:

Sword Of The Stars

Sword Of The Stars-Born of Blood exp

Sword Of The Stars-Murder of Crows exp

Sword Of The Stars-Argos Naval Yard exp

To je to.

Onda još instaliraš 1.7.2 patch.

Jbt stvarno pojeftini :P

Doduše Argos Naval Yard je još uvek 9$, što mu kad se sabere opet dođe skoro duplo jeftinije nego što sam ja platio.

Nema veze, nije mi žao :)

Možda sutra uveče budem imao vremena za neku partijicu...

Dandy [RUR]

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Pušten je u prodaju Sword of the Stars Complete Edition sas svi expansioni & bells and whistles :P

Dolazi sa verzijom igre 1.8.0, a trebalo bi sutra da se pojavi i patch za regularni Argos Naval Yard.

SotS Update 1.8.0


1 -Alliance downgrade option reporting the incorrect player name.

2 -All known turret, ship section, weapon and weapon layout data issues.

3 -Docking assault shuttles may freeze the application for a noticeable period.

4 -Bug where enemy AI was not decloaking when revealed by deep scan.

5 -Cosmetic issue where miniship could be displayed upside-down

7 -Issue where CNC ships could not be pulled to the back line.

8 -Issues with Stealth armor.

9 -Station build queue overrunning the bottom of the station build window.

10 -Bug where combat players could be shifted slightly from intended start point

11 -Raid encounters no longer show raider's name on both sides of the load screen.

12 -Known cases where ETAs were being reported incorrectly for enemy fleets

13 -All known population manager UI and reporting issues.

14 -An issue that was preventing AI from certain ship types.

15 -Bug with max freighters for a sector not taking into account the trade stations.

16 -Long processing time for Hiver AI with large commercial empires.

17 -All known installer dependency issues that could crop up for some users (including vcredist and DirectX).

18 -A few minor memory leaks.

19 -Rare crash can occur just after a SK is destroyed in combat.

20 -Cosmetic issue where players were being reported as defeated when they still had imperial population left on their system.


1 -Reviewed auto-resolve behaviour for each encounter type with an eye to making results more accurately match player controlled battles.

2 -Reduce duration for trade raiding combat.

3 -Players may now demand surrender of NAP and Alliance members.

4 -Flagship destruction now lowers empire morale.

5 -AI players are now insulted by being asked to surrender repeatedly.

6 -Abandoning any colony affects empire morale. (Not just the home world.)

7 -Improved AI trade sector management including freighters, raiders and escorts

8 -Improved AI weapon research and loadouts

9 -Tighter collision/manouver spheres for Liir and Tarka dreadnought shapes 10 -Primary PD weapons now picking boarding pods off of allies in combat.

11 -Reduced Progression Wars stage length.

12 -Players with non-aggression pacts nolonger share sensor data in combat.


1 -Antiquarians scenario.

2 -Fleet manager band-boxing.

3 -New random encounter.

4 -New avatars and badges.

5 -Optional axis line rendering overlay for star map.

Dandy [RUR]

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Tek tokom sledeće godine.

Što se infoa o rasama tiče, poznato je da ovi Kerberos ludaci više vole da se stvari ne znaju, pa da se iznenadiš ;)

Biće naravno inicijalno u drugom delu dodata Suul'ka rasa, a već su planirali bar dva expansion-a u kojima će ubacivati još po jednu novu rasu.

Dandy [RUR]

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