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Ja sam obisao 10tak trafika nigde nisu imali...smorio sam se!!! Ajd ako neko nadje gde ima oko kruznog toka, ili tako negde jer sam ja na Bezanijskoj Kosi nek mi javi =P

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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napusteno industrijsko postrojenje + airsoft + fallout fanovi = zabava :)

"Wasteland" is a post-apocalyptic airsoft scenario series, based on the Fallout universe. Unlike normal deathmatch style airsoft scenarios, Wasteland uses a non-linear mission system, just like the computer game.








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napusteno industrijsko postrojenje + airsoft + fallout fanovi = zabava :)

"Wasteland" is a post-apocalyptic airsoft scenario series, based on the Fallout universe. Unlike normal deathmatch style airsoft scenarios, Wasteland uses a non-linear mission system, just like the computer game.




auu brate, odoh da ga izdrkam. ustvari, ne mogu da se strpiahaisdfHvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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Izashao DC Broken steel, koji ne radi uopste na PCu a na xboxu ne rade achivmentsi

spisak perkova (ne zna se koji je vishe retardiran)

Almost Perfect - All main SPECIAL stats are raised to 9.

Deep Sleep - You get the Well Rested benefit of +10% XP for eight hours no matter what bed you sleep in.

Devil's Highway - Karma not equal to Very Evil 1 Karma is instantly set to Very Evil.

Escalator to Heaven - Karma not equal to Very Good 1 Karma is instantly set to Very Good.

Karmic Rebalance - Karma not equal to neutral 1 Karma is instantly set to Neutral.

Nerves of Steel - Action Points regenerate faster.

No Weaknesses - All SPECIAL stats lower than 5 become 5.

Nuclear Anomaly - Whenever your health is reduced to 20 or less, you will erupt into a devastating nuclear explosion. Note that any allies in the vicinity will also suffer the effects of the blast!

Party Boy/Party Girl - You no longer suffer the withdrawl effect from alcohol addiction.

Puppies! - If Dogmeat dies, you'll be able to get a new canine companion from his litter of puppies. Just wait a bit, and you'll find your new furry friend waiting outside Vault 101.

Rad Absorption - Radiation level slowly decreases automatically over time.

Rad Tolerance - No effects from minor radiation poisoning.

Quantum Chemist - Every 10 Nuka-Colas you acquire are automatically converted into a Nuka-Cola Quantum

Warmonger - All custom weapon types become available to you without the schematics.






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  • 2 weeks later...

novi dlc Fallout Aliens

pretvaraju obichan easter egg zapravo fallout kanon



koliki retardi majko mila

p.s. slika je iz moda

in the next DLC Godzilla is awakened beneth the Pentagon by BOS excavations and then you will be forced to team up with the ghouls and a rebuilt Liberty Prime and fight him and the Enclave and a Super Duper Mutant Colossus with a big dick to save your supposedly dead mother which will sacrifice her life for her Projekt "Exscrement Purity" or something.

Big explosions, nukes will fly, lots of guts and blood.






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  • 1 month later...

ima dokonih ljudi koji nemaju nista pametnije u svom zivotu da rade od ovog


konachno se vidi koliko je bethesdin dizajn FAIL, pa IRL deluje vishe nego smeshno, ali u svakom sluchaju pohvale za choveka koji je odradio ovo jer deluje zaista kvalitetno, steta sto nema ukusa taj majstor





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Da li je ono Bridgekeeper's robe ili sektashki? :-)

@G's pre-previous post

Stvarno je loš dizajn armora, prosto nije logično: mislim, ako su napravili Pow Armor da izgleda kao nešto što je Ciga vario na đubrištu, nadam se da su to tako i objasnili u igri, onda je donekle i u redu... Inace, Pow Arm je vrhunac pre-war tehnologiej, i kao takav mora da izgleda mngo zajebanije i naprednije, i svemirskije...


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Da li je ono Bridgekeeper's robe ili sektashki? :-)

ne, brotherhood scribe. nije 100% autentichan jer su black isle malo ujebali stvar - i bridgekeeper's robe (ali ne i sam bridgekeeper, on je uradjen sa prosjachkom odorom), i deca katedrale, i scribeovi imaju isti model . jedino su BOS elderi uradjeni u plavoj nijansi

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ovaj, igraju larp sa airosftom? :D

video sam da hrvati planiraju stalker larp dogadjaj - ulogu vatrenog oruzhja ce imati airsoft replike.

btw nisam znao gde da stavim ovaj chlanak, pa sam reshio da je ovo najbolji topik :)

Secate li se Salute of the Jugger sa Rudger Hauerom i Dzoan Chen? U nekim zemljama poznatiji kao Blood of the Heroes?


jebote ova igra se igra na tri kontinenta, mada koliko sam skapirao samo nemci imaju razvijenu ligu.



Mapa timova

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i josh postapoc spama :)



S.T.A.L.K.E.R. dogadjaj koji se navodno odigrao u okolini cernobila - likovi su nabavili chak i BMP :)






P.S. mozhda bi mogao da se napravi neki split topika, da bacamo u njega sve shto je postapoc a da nije FO?

Edited by cali
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