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onaj jedan je jos gori, kad je njih nekoliko, traze nesto po nekom gradicu ako se dobro secam, neki krimosi su valjda...

boiler room nisam gledao.


Boiler Room je filmčina, Glengeri Glen Ros ove generacije:


"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Odgledah i ja film sinoć, šta da kažem, meni se dopao. Ne koliko kao, najbolji film na planeti, ali mislim da nikada nijedan film nisam otišao da gledam sa manje očekivanja nego ovaj. I mislio sam da ću videti tu akciju osamdesetih i početka devedesetih, kao oni filmovi što ih nekad puštaju na pinku uveče, i to je definitivno to. Bez smisla, sa pričom koju su ubacili naknadno kad su imali "prazan hod" i akcijom na sve strane. I skapirao sam da me film neviđeno podseća na tipa Kadilak i Dinosaurus ili Final Fight ili tako neke igre, jer imaš tako likove podeljene kao heavy weapons guy, ovaj što baca noževe, onaj što je karate kid itd :)

Na početku sam se bio smorio kad sam video da ovaj iz Dextera glumi el presidentea, rek'o kako će mu to leći, ali se onda ispostavilo da je idealan za tu ulogu :)

Najbolji mi je Jet Li, nekako sam se valjao od smeha na njegove dijaloge, a opet mi se nije dopalo to što mu nisu dali baš puno vremena da se šiba u filmu, a on tu može biti najatraktivniji realno.

Sa druge strane, nisu mi se dopale jedino te akcione scene pred kraj kad ništa živo ne vidiš, ni ko koga bije ni zbog čega. Rupe u priči naravno ni ne gledam niti komentarišem, uopšte nisu bitne za ovakav film.

Onaj bajko sa sjebanim uvetom nemam pojma ni ko je, prvi put ga vidim na filmu.

Sve u svemu, ja sam zadovoljan i nisam se smorio, nije bilo negodovanja u sali gde sam ja gledao, tako da je kao akcija iz osamdesetih, film pravi hit :)

Evo par nekih trivijica:

Wesley Snipes was offered the role of Hale Ceasar but couldn't accept because, due to his tax problems, he wasn't allowed to leave the United States without the court's approval. The role was taken by Forest Whitaker and rewritten for Whitaker, but he was forced to leave the film due to a scheduling conflict. When it was announced that rapper 50 Cent was replacing Whitaker, many fans were disappointed and, after a few days, Stallone decided to cast former NFL player Terry Crews in the part.

Director and star Sylvester Stallone sustained 14 injuries making this movie including breaking a tooth, rupturing his ankle and getting a hairline fracture in his neck that required the surgical insertion of a metal plate. He also had bronchitis and shingles during the shoot.

West Coast Customs Street Customs have built 3 customized 1955 Ford F100s for the film. One was built for a crash scene, the second for green-screen, and the third for Stallone to keep.
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