Ako je neko ispratio ono povećanje cena u Australiji za 10% ista ta vest podrazumeva i poskupljenja u drugim zemalja, gde se totalno random našla i naša:
March 2017:
Switzerland 8%
South Korea 10%
Japan 8%
New Zealand 15%
Iceland 24%
South Africa 14%
India 15%
April 2017: Serbia 20%
May 2017:
Taiwan 5%
July 2017:
Australia 10%
Kao usaglašavanje sa porezima EU i tako neke gluposti ali stoji da je to usled odluka tih zemalja:
The email states that tax amounts will be included in the advertised price of games on Steam, to align with how VAT is treated in the EU. "This means the customer will pay the price displayed on the storefront, and the tax will be separated out afterwards," it reads.
Based on what we understand of Steam's back-end partner tools, this will result in the storefront prices of games from the above regions to be increased by the percentages listed. We have contacted Valve for clarification.
Pa mene zanima ako može neko potkovan, khm @Debeli da nam razotkrije šta se to desilo kod nas (ili će se desiti do aprila) pa će ovo stupiti na snagu. Koji akt, koje šta?