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Mardž Simpson promovisaće Dove Styling liniju proizvoda za kosu zajedno sa Vilmom Flinston (Flinstonsi), Džejn Džetson (Džetsons) i Velmom Dinkley (Scooby-Doo). Naredne nedelje kreću reklame u novinama i na TVu. Interesantan marketinski potez ... mišljenja?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...ssPageName=WDVW Pacific Fighters Poster Signed by Oleg Maddox Trenutna cena 105 dolara, sve pare idu u fond za zrtve Cunamija.
... da upotrebi ovu sliku za avatar/signaturu ili opis neke druge osobe koja postuje na ovom forumu? :> Evo ja posvecujem sliku svima koji se pronalaze u istoj ... ;)
LONDON - British comedian Sasha Baron Cohen escaped a near-riot at an American rodeo while filming his satirical “Da Ali G Show.” advertisement According to a report in the Roanoke (Virginia) Times, a man who was introduced as Boraq Sagdiyev from Kazakhstan — in reality a Cohen character named Borat — appeared at the rodeo over the weekend after organizers agreed to have him sing the national anthem. After telling the crowd he supported America’s war on terrorism, he said, “I hope you kill every man, woman and child in Iraq, down to the lizards ... And may George W. Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq.” He then sang a garbled version of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The Roanoke Times reported that the crowd turned “downright nasty.” One observer said “If he had been out there a minute longer, I think somebody would have shot him.” Cohen and his film crew were escorted out of the Salem Civic Center and told to leave the premises. “Had we not gotten them out of there, there would have been a riot,” rodeo producer Bobby Rowe told the paper. “They loaded up the van and they screeched out of there.” It is not the first time Cohen has wooed controversy with his show, which airs on HBO. In one episode last year, Borat sang an anti-Semitic song called “Throw the Jew Down the Well” at a country music bar, prompting protests from the Anti-Defamation League. Producers of the Ali G show, Talkback Thames, were unavailable for comment. Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
Ne morate vishe da se tripujete sa starim obojenim neonkama, napravite pravi Light Saber :) http://www.wilcoxusa.net/saber/default.asp I naravno javite kako je uspeo :)
A na eBayu je i - My Personal Opinion ... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5550499711&rd=1 Imate jos jedan dan - Trenutna cena, 2.75 dolara.
Evo jos malo zanimljivih eBay aukcija : Radioactive Uranium Uranyl Acetate Atomic Nuclear Nuke Detalji su na - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...593759&tc=photo I sto je najbolje od svega, kupovina je legalna ... i licitiranje je zavrsheno. Ispod 20 dolara je prodajna cena.
http://www.seattlesatellite.com/tom/video/tarping.html Definitivno se treba setiti ovako necega :))
CHICAGO, Jan 11 (Reuters) - Two private U.S. companies have designs on building the first luxury recreational vehicle that could withstand nuclear radiation. Parliament Coach Corp., a privately held company in Clearwater, Florida, which converts Prevost buses into high-end RVs, has partnered with Homeland Defense Vehicles to offer consumers a luxury motor coach that can protect occupants against nuclear radiation from dirty bombs as well as biological and chemical attacks. The idea is to offer the option on the pricey vehicles to consumers worried about terror attacks, officials for both companies said Tuesday. "Many people enjoy the RV lifestyle, but we also live in an era when people have some level of fear about terrorism," Parliament Chief Executive Harvey Mitchell said in a statement. "These concerns about terrorism are linked to states where people with RVs like to travel." The vehicles, costing from $1.2 million to $2 million, will be introduced Wednesday at the Tampa Super RV Show in Florida. Parliament takes the Prevost buses, which are like transit buses without seats, and adds a luxury interior that sleeps from two to four people, while also providing such amenities as a satellite navigation system and plasma televisions. The RVs run from $1.1 million to $1.9 million, including a trailer, Parliament said. The filtration system, which uses positive air pressure, will be an option costing about $100,000, added Parliament, which builds 12 high-end RVs a year. Occupants could live for several days in the custom-built motor coach, said Daniel Ayres, president and CEO of Homeland Defense, a privately held company based in Newton, Texas, which makes mobile medical and command center vehicles for universities, county and state governments, and the U.S. Department of Defense. Last week, Homeland Defense introduced a similar filtration system for the luxury version of the Medium Tactical Vehicle used by the U.S. Army and built by Stewart & Stevenson Services Inc. <SVC.N> The vehicle, dubbed "Bad Boy Heavy Muscle Truck," weighs more than 13,000 pounds, is 10 feet high and 21 feet long, and has a ground clearance of almost 2 feet. Homeland Defense hopes to sell 50 of the Bad Boy HMTs this year at prices as high as $750,000.
Ma namerno su ga pustili, koj' ti kurac. Pa dotu rade tri coveka otpr. tako da nema tu neke spike "procurelo nam je". Nego im je dosta da ih ljudi pljuju kako su loshe verzije dote, jos posebno da su pustili ovu betu da bude final ubili bi ih ...sad kao "jao ljuti smo" a ovamo prate desavanja na nekim alternativnim forumima i ispravljaju greske. Aha ... kul, sad je jasno, nisam znao da pricas o poslednjem delu partije kada te "sabiju" ... dobro, dobro, kapiram. To moze da ima smisla kod recimo Tinker - raketice fazona ...
Ma verovatno su sve te firme sponzori MnA2 zapravo sigurno su, a ovo je samo dodatni marketinski potez da se obe stvari reklamiraju odjednom ... win win situacija.
Godine ... godine ... Pokusavam da u glavi smislim kako bi ova diskusija isla negde 2000. godine i izuzetno zanimljive stvari mi padaju napamet :) I ne razlikuju se puno od "headshot u glavu !!11one!!oneone"
Dobro ovo kod nas nije palo, verovatno bi put bio zatvoren do Svetog Nikole, a struju ne bismo imali do sledece Srpske nove :)
Bice zanimljivo videti ovaj "vatromet", naravno, ako nam iko to omoguci :
Iapetus u 3Du, sastavljen od nekoliko fotografija :
http://www.StupidVideos.com/?VideoID=909 Deluje kao da nije namestaljka, mada ko ce ga znati. Ako nije, svaka cast baji koji se kasnije i samom sebi prilicno obradovao :)
Stoga se bolje doterajte ako putujete u Pjongjang :) Ostatak je ovde.
Meni je NashaMrezha iznenadjujuce dobro radila s obzirom da je 042 broj u pitanju. Ovo nije reklama :) Generalno gotivim Sezam jer mi se centrala nekako ok slazhe sa njihovim 3020 brojem, iako sam vishe voleo onaj 271, ali su ga ukinuli. Beotel i YUBC mi rade kako tako, mada i moja centrala nije bas reprezentativna za odredjivanje kvaliteta _provajdera_ ... slaganja sa provajderom vec ok.
Ja sam poceo da se brinem jer meni je animal upaljen 80% vremena - stalno su neke zivotinje i raznorazni predeli na tvu pa mi je to kul, ali sam poceo da izvaljujem da veliki broj keva gleda isto animal ... pa se brinem za sebe ;))
Danas mi je pukla Opera usred surfa sa 10 otvorenih prozora ... tebe smatram odgovornim ivane ... :)
Ajd' sad kad smo krenuli sa tim fazonima - sendvic kod trpkovica od 90 dinara je odlican! Prvo je veliki, a drugo natrpan sastojcima bas kako treba. Preporuka.
Meni je bash kul ... mislim, ne znam sta vi ocekujete, ali treba respektovati i vreme utrosheno na pravljenje ovoga, i pronalazhenje tih faca koje odgovaraju komentarima ... itd itd.
:: trailers :: Elektra, Ring 2, Constantine,
Lucky replied to Lucky's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Bole da ne misli ono sto kazhe? Pa vi gospodine Kosovac ne poznajete dovoljno boleta onda :}